Tag: kindle unlimited
Dividend Investing 102: Picking the Right Dividend Stocks
Now that you know some basic terms of dividend investing, it’s time to jump into picking the right stocks for your risk tolerance and investment philosophy. Welcome back to the Dividend Investing 101 series (101), where we get you into the passive income game. The three types of dividend securities. I categorize dividend investing into…
Dividend Investing 101: What Are Dividends?
Have you ever wondered how rich people always seem to make money, even when not at work? This magical existence is what we call “passive income.” One of the major types of passive income is dividends, along with rents, royalties, and automated business. But what are dividends, and why should you care about them? You’ll…
Saving & Investing 103: What is Your Investment Philosophy?
Once you get past all the mindset quirks of saving and investing, you will need to formulate an investing philosophy. Your philosophy will lead to your strategy, which will be your rock during tough times. Everyone’s philosophy is different, so understanding yours is paramount. Welcome back to the Saving & Investing 101 series (101, 102),…
Saving & Investing 102: What is Your Relationship with Money?
The most essential ingredient to building your wealth is your relationship with money. I hear you thinking, “But money isn’t alive.” Money isn’t what you think it is—it reflects value. The more value you give, the more money you will receive. Welcome back to the Saving & Investing 101 series (101), where we start the…
Saving & Investing 101: What is Your Risk Tolerance?
I talk to many people who cannot even fathom moving a portion of their money into a high-yield savings account. They fear the thought of not walking into a brick-and-mortar bank to handle their transactions. Other people I know put everything they had into cryptocurrencies back in 2021. They lost nearly all of their money…
Rents Go Up: Which Side of the Equation Are You On?
Rent prices across the United States and the world will continue to rise. There is little we can do as the average consumer. Once institutional investors, foreign interests, and the Airbnb crowd entered the real estate game, it changed the landscape forever. So how do we become homeowners in today’s environment? Even better, how do…
Personal Loans vs. Credit Cards: Which is the Best Lifeline?
I hate credit cards with a passion, although I’ll admit they are a necessary evil. There are just too many random events that can occur, especially when you have a family. Personal loans are a much better option than credit cards, but they require you to keep a tight handle on your spending. Most of…
Create Money, Spend Money, Grow Money: How to Break Your Scarcity Mindset
Growing up, I always associated money with fear. There was a fear of using money and becoming rich. When poor people hate the rich, they limit themselves from becoming rich. How can you become something you loathe? I was taught to dream small. For example, paying your bills each month was a significant accomplishment. Start…
Inflation Ate My Paycheck 112: Inflation for Longer
Now is a great time to be alive, although it may not seem this way. America and most countries are experiencing high inflationary pressures from all sources. However, you have all the tools at your disposal to combat inflation and continue to grow your net worth. Welcome back to the Inflation Ate My Paycheck Series…
Every Day You Create is Great
Our brains crave creation—so why do we avoid it at all costs? Somewhere along the lines, our tagline went from “be want you want” to “make as much money as possible.” This shift in dynamic is understandable because we have become a country of individuals. When we worked as a team, having an artist, painter,…
Leaving the Workforce in 10 Years: For Families
How can you possibly exit the workforce with an entire family in tow? Well, it’s more than possible if you put your mind to it and commit as a family. I should know because my family is leaving the workforce this year. My wife (39) has already stopped working, and I will retire (42) in…
Leaving the Workforce in 10 Years: For Singles
The great part about being single is that you single-handedly control your destiny. The bad part is that you are all alone. However, you can easily free yourself from the workforce when you are single. All you have to do is start from the end. Dreaming up your retirement. Most people dream of retiring in…
Life is a Math Game: Learn It or Struggle Forever
How did you do in high school math? You’ll need to revisit your old math books if you didn’t do so well. Life is a math game with emotions running on top. If you can solve your unique math puzzle, you have a much better chance of having successful relationships. Math comes into many aspects…
I’m High on Life with Royalties
I love my royalties. I go back and forth between what feels better: receiving dividends or earning royalties. You know when your dividends will arrive, but royalties are entirely random. I have over 900 books on Amazon, and every day something different happens with them. My latest book may sell, or my first book from…
Scarcity vs. Abundance: The Difference Between Rich and Poor
Do you think there is enough money in the world for everyone to be happy and content? Do you have grace for every dollar you receive? To become wealthy and ensure the well-being of your bloodline, you’ll need to have a great relationship with money. Unfortunately, most of us start with a terrible relationship with…
I’m Living My Dream Life With Dividends
Life is good. No, I mean truly amazing. I never believed I could live a life with such passion and freedom. But it’s not because of money. Living a good life is about time, specifically, the freedom of your time. If you can choose how to spend your time, you have a much higher chance…
Become Debt-Free and Stress-Free
We all live with varying levels of stress. Most of it comes from financial hardship or being in debt. Being in debt is not fun at all. You constantly worry about an emergency that can shatter the life you worked hard to build. But, it is possible to get out of debt. I did it,…
Getting Started with High-Yield Savings Accounts: Overcoming Your Banking Fears
To investors, a high-yield savings account (HYSA) is the minimum location where they will store their money. However, the average person needs to be made aware of HYSAs. My goal today is to get middle-class citizens the knowledge and confidence to transfer their first $100 into an HYSA. HYSAs are your first step into collecting…
Balanced Books: Living By a Harcore Budget is Empowering
When you level up your budgeting game, you will instantly see the results in your confidence and bank accounts. Most people do not live on a budget at all. They simply funnel their money into their direct deposit account and try to have one dollar left at the end of the month. If you take…
Struggle-Mania 2: Is Your Mindset Keeping You Down?
I’ve met thousands of hardworking people in the military over my last 24 years. However, a select few will ever truly get ahead in life. To clarify, “getting ahead” means they will not worry about money. Our ability to handle cashflow keeps a constant stress on most of us. Yes, we will always need to…