Tag: kindle unlimited

  • Every Day You Create is Great

    Every Day You Create is Great

    Our brains crave creation—so why do we avoid it at all costs? Somewhere along the lines, our tagline went from “be want you want” to “make as much money as possible.” This shift in dynamic is understandable because we have become a country of individuals. When we worked as a team, having an artist, painter,…

  • Leaving the Workforce in 10 Years: For Families

    Leaving the Workforce in 10 Years: For Families

    How can you possibly exit the workforce with an entire family in tow? Well, it’s more than possible if you put your mind to it and commit as a family. I should know because my family is leaving the workforce this year. My wife (39) has already stopped working, and I will retire (42) in…

  • Leaving the Workforce in 10 Years: For Singles

    Leaving the Workforce in 10 Years: For Singles

    The great part about being single is that you single-handedly control your destiny. The bad part is that you are all alone. However, you can easily free yourself from the workforce when you are single. All you have to do is start from the end. Dreaming up your retirement. Most people dream of retiring in…

  • Life is a Math Game: Learn It or Struggle Forever

    Life is a Math Game: Learn It or Struggle Forever

    How did you do in high school math? You’ll need to revisit your old math books if you didn’t do so well. Life is a math game with emotions running on top. If you can solve your unique math puzzle, you have a much better chance of having successful relationships. Math comes into many aspects…

  • I’m High on Life with Royalties

    I’m High on Life with Royalties

    I love my royalties. I go back and forth between what feels better: receiving dividends or earning royalties. You know when your dividends will arrive, but royalties are entirely random. I have over 900 books on Amazon, and every day something different happens with them. My latest book may sell, or my first book from…

  • Scarcity vs. Abundance: The Difference Between Rich and Poor

    Scarcity vs. Abundance: The Difference Between Rich and Poor

    Do you think there is enough money in the world for everyone to be happy and content? Do you have grace for every dollar you receive? To become wealthy and ensure the well-being of your bloodline, you’ll need to have a great relationship with money. Unfortunately, most of us start with a terrible relationship with…

  • I’m Living My Dream Life With Dividends

    I’m Living My Dream Life With Dividends

    Life is good. No, I mean truly amazing. I never believed I could live a life with such passion and freedom. But it’s not because of money. Living a good life is about time, specifically, the freedom of your time. If you can choose how to spend your time, you have a much higher chance…

  • Become Debt-Free and Stress-Free

    Become Debt-Free and Stress-Free

    We all live with varying levels of stress. Most of it comes from financial hardship or being in debt. Being in debt is not fun at all. You constantly worry about an emergency that can shatter the life you worked hard to build. But, it is possible to get out of debt. I did it,…

  • Getting Started with High-Yield Savings Accounts: Overcoming Your Banking Fears

    Getting Started with High-Yield Savings Accounts: Overcoming Your Banking Fears

    To investors, a high-yield savings account (HYSA) is the minimum location where they will store their money. However, the average person needs to be made aware of HYSAs. My goal today is to get middle-class citizens the knowledge and confidence to transfer their first $100 into an HYSA. HYSAs are your first step into collecting…

  • Balanced Books: Living By a Harcore Budget is Empowering

    Balanced Books: Living By a Harcore Budget is Empowering

    When you level up your budgeting game, you will instantly see the results in your confidence and bank accounts. Most people do not live on a budget at all. They simply funnel their money into their direct deposit account and try to have one dollar left at the end of the month. If you take…

  • Struggle-Mania 2: Is Your Mindset Keeping You Down?

    Struggle-Mania 2: Is Your Mindset Keeping You Down?

    I’ve met thousands of hardworking people in the military over my last 24 years. However, a select few will ever truly get ahead in life. To clarify, “getting ahead” means they will not worry about money. Our ability to handle cashflow keeps a constant stress on most of us. Yes, we will always need to…

  • The 30-Day $1,000 Emergency Fund Challenge

    The 30-Day $1,000 Emergency Fund Challenge

    I remember not having a $1,000 emergency fund to my name. Those were not fun times, especially as a person with a family. However, over the years, I started to get my act together. I began to budget my money and consume less; now, I have $300,000 in liquid assets. Start with $1,000 first. The…

  • Becoming an Entrepreneur #7: Generating Leads

    Becoming an Entrepreneur #7: Generating Leads

    A business needs an audience of paying customers. Therefore, your job as an entrepreneur is to find new people to enter your sales funnel consistently. Welcome back to the Becoming an Entrepreneur series (Part #1, Part #2, Part #3, Part #4, Part #5, Part #6), where we turn strangers into paying customers. What is a…

  • The 401K Lie: Saving 10% is a Fool’s Errand

    The 401K Lie: Saving 10% is a Fool’s Errand

    Have you ever been flush with cash? Have you ever received random amounts of money that you truly do not need (or want) to spend? Well, this is my life every day as an income investor. I invest for dividends that help me fund my lifestyle today (in my 40s) and tomorrow (in my 70s).…

  • Renting Rooms to Family Members

    Renting Rooms to Family Members

    Do you own a big single-family home with only a single family living inside? Well, congratulations, that’s a fantastic feat. The follow-up question is, how is your financial situation looking? Chances are, it is not looking too good. The bait and switch. Who told Americans we all deserve to live in 2,000-square-foot, 4-bedroom, 3-bathroom homes?…

  • Why You Need Passive Income!

    Why You Need Passive Income!

    I woke up yesterday to find some emails containing passive income in my Gmail inbox. I received $97 from Fundrise, $22 from Direct2Digital (books), and $60 in dividends. There is nothing like receiving money you don’t need. To earn passive income, you do the work once (invest or write) and continually reap the rewards. Why…

  • The True Value of Owning a Home

    The True Value of Owning a Home

    Sometimes it takes work to distinguish between value and price. In my last article, I discussed the true costs of owning a home. However, you can deal with the costs if you understand the value. Owning a home is difficult but can be an essential investment in the long run. Inflation protection. The best reason…

  • The True Costs of Owning a Home

    The True Costs of Owning a Home

    If you are on the fence about owning a home, this article is for you. No matter how bad this makes homeownership seem, it’s still a must. In the following article, I will discuss the VALUE of owning a home. But, before value, I need to talk about the costs.  Let’s make one thing clear—owning…

  • Being Mediocre is Not Okay

    Being Mediocre is Not Okay

    The world wants you to be mediocre. The best way to sell products, enforce taxes, and inflate prices is to have a society of losers. We should all strive to be our best selves; this prevents us from being average. The new world order uses new catchphrases to keep us at the bottom. Some of…

  • The Six Types of Income Investing: Sorted by Risk

    The Six Types of Income Investing: Sorted by Risk

    Income investing is my favorite type of passive income by far. However, it’s not for most people, and it takes an above-average knowledge of financial systems. If you are up for the challenge, I can briefly tour this wonderful “hobby.” Income investing can help you free yourself from the chains of employment much earlier than…