Tag: kindle unlimited
Becoming an Entrepreneur #1: Reading the Right Books
What’s the difference between an entrepreneur and an employee? The employee receives a paycheck for going to work, while the entrepreneur gets compensation for adding value. They may sound similar, but they are vastly different mindsets. Why would an employee want to become an entrepreneur? Over the years in the workforce, your company will severely…
How to Start a Business Cheaply
The future of the economy is unknown. Will we delve into a recession or start the next bull market? We all must lay and wait, but we can take massive action to improve our chances. One way to change our fortunes is to start a business. When people think of business, they think of physical…
Rental Income vs. Income Investing
Every middle-class American should aim to achieve three types of passive income: dividends, rents, and royalties. We ALL have access to these types of passive income; we need only make an effort to build these revenue streams as early as possible. If you are a young person just starting in the world, which is the…
Power Writing: Write a Book in a Week
Becoming a writer is one of the most empowering things you can do in your life. Writing is demanding because you must articulate your thoughts and convey them so others can understand. Many people fear writing because of nightmares from high school or college. It’s definitely not for the faint of heart. But if you…
Middle-Class Investing 111: Middle-Class Investing COMPLETE
The Middle-Class Investing 101 Series was super fun to write and develop. Investing gets a bad reputation among the middle class. People believe investing is about taking all kinds of crazy risks and flying by the seat of your pants. In reality, it is the exact opposite of this scenario. Investing is about creating a…
Middle-Class Investing 110: Create a Wealth Generator
We have come a long way on our investing train, and we arrive at our final stop today. Now that we know exactly what to do with our money, we need to make a lot more of it. But we don’t want to do all the work; we want our investments to carry the load.…
Pay Your Bills with Dividends
Dividend investing will undoubtedly change your life, but it won’t happen overnight. In fact, it will probably take a substantial amount of time before you see tangible results. So how do you stay motivated as you work your way up from a “dividend drip” to a “dividend stream?” You simply work on increasing your dividends,…
Middle-Class Investing 109: Create a Paycheck with Income Investing
We have finally made it to my favorite type of passive income—income investing. Although we took the long way, it is necessary to understand how we got here. Income investing is not for the faint of heart. That’s why starting with interest from high-yield savings accounts is good, and slowly work your way forward. Welcome…
Middle-Class Investing 108: Why Dividend Growth Investing?
Today, we will dive deeper into the world of wealth-building. Sadly, most middle-class folks will never buy individual stocks. The purpose of dividend growth investing is to build a nest egg that also pays you. In addition to a steady paycheck, your dividend payments grow over time to combat inflation. Does this method sound too…
Middle-Class Investing 107: Capture the Market with Index Funds
You must build the mindset of an investor; it doesn’t come naturally. We have gone from broke to saving throughout the Middle-Class Investing 101 series (101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106). Now, it’s time to dabble in the stock market. However, we need to understand the long-term advantages and disadvantages of simplified investing using index…
Middle-Class Investing 106: Using Bonds to Create Safe Cash Flow
As we start understanding assets, we see value in safely accumulating more things that produce money. Just because we are middle-class doesn’t mean we can’t have access to some significant investment products. Treasury bonds are the safest investment instruments we can buy; we can purchase them directly from the US Treasury (like large institutions). Retirement…
Middle-Class Investing 105: Start with Savings & Interest
Becoming a big-time investor doesn’t start with buying dividend stocks and real estate. First, you must appreciate every dollar you earn. The purpose of every dollar you earn is to earn more dollars. That’s right; your money makes you money. The first place we can start earning income from our money is in the banks.…
Middle-Class Investing 104: Building a Solid Retirement Plan
We all strive to leave the workforce with more cash flow than when we started. However, along the path to retirement, life happens. We hit multiple recessions, lost jobs, had children, paid for college, and bought a house. These events can derail our retirement dreams, but only if we do not fully flesh out our…
Middle-Class Investing 103: Create Additional Streams of Income
To sit comfortably in the middle class, you must create additional income streams. Holding one or two jobs in the household is risky. Rich people understand the power of having multiple streams of income. It is how they continue to accumulate wealth, even during a recession. Welcome back to the Middle-Class Investing 101 series (101,…
Middle-Class Investing 102: Budgeting to Financial Freedom
There comes the point where we all must settle down, create a budget, and follow it. Whether this time comes in your 20s or 70s, it SHOULD happen. But why has budgeting become such a bad word? How have credit cards become a staple of middle-class families? It’s no accident that credit cards have become…
Middle-Class Investing 101: Investing is Essential for Freedom
There is nothing wrong with being firmly in the middle class. I am happy sitting in the middle because I can fly under the radar. As middle-class people, we get ourselves into trouble by trying to act like we are rich. Keeping up with the Joneses is a losing proposition on all fronts. However, we…
Podcasting vs Blogging: Start Your Creative Career Today
We live in a world where your job simply will not pay you enough. Even if you make $300,000/year, it won’t be enough to live comfortably in your high-income city. You must make additional income, and you can do that either actively or passively. You do the work once as you build a portfolio of…
The Perfect Life: RV Life & Royalties
What a fantastic time in which we live. Never has it been easier or more convenient to make money from anywhere in the world. However, easier doesn’t mean less challenging. Living the laptop life comes with extreme discipline and consistency. We can merge the ideas of freedom and remote work with RV life. This means…
Create Royalties While Working a Full-Time Job
Don’t you hate waiting for an annual pay raise for a promotion? That’s what happens when you depend on someone else for income. But I am a realist; most people cannot leave the workforce to pursue a start-up business full-time. We all have responsibilities such as a family, living expenses, or medical needs. However, we…
Are You a Dividend Growth Investor or an Income Investor?
How do you like to see your money? This is at the heart of the question, “Are you a Dividend Growth Investor or an Income Investor?” If you like to see your investments always (most of the time) in the green, then you’ll probably lean towards Dividend Growth Investing (DGI). If you want to see…