Tag: Investing

  • The In-Debt-ured Servant

    The In-Debt-ured Servant

    I started working when I was 15 years old, back in 1996. I was a janitor for an office between freshman and sophomore year for that summer. I then worked for McDonald’s until I left for Marine Corps boot camp in 1999. Thus, I have been in the workforce for 25 years, with the Marines…

  • Preferred Shares 102: Terminology is Important

    Preferred Shares 102: Terminology is Important

    For my preferred shares, I like them to be “Cumulative Redeemable Perpetual and Fixed.” If you don’t know what this means, don’t worry. I did not either until I read the book “The Billionaires Secret.” In Preferred Shares 101, we talked about the benefits of investing in preferreds- now, it is time to get into…

  • Pay Off Debt or Start Investing?

    Pay Off Debt or Start Investing?

    What is the scariest movie that you have ever watched? Mine was the Grudge (2004). I ask this because I am about to ask you to do something that is even scarier than watching the movie you picked. And that is… to write down all your debt. Yikes. Before we get into the details, like…

  • Introduction to REITs

    Introduction to REITs

    Getting started in real estate can be a very daunting task for most Americans. Most Americans will usually never own more than one home at a time. So, how else do you get broad exposure to the booming real estate commodity? This is where REITs come in. REITs are essential to your overall investment strategy…

  • From $0 to $60,000

    From $0 to $60,000

    The hardest part of getting where you are going is starting out. The same goes for starting out on your financial independence journey. There are so many ways to get started such as: paying down debt, increasing income, or investing in the stock market. We only recently started on our journey to financial independence (about…

  • My Investment Circle

    My Investment Circle

    Creating your investment portfolio is an extremely personal affair. Only you know the amount of risk you can withstand. With that, I will show you how I choose to allocate my investments. Some may say that it is a little too conservative. That is okay. I grew up poor. I also don’t feel the need…

  • Investing: Real Estate vs. Stock Market

    It is always an interesting feeling when you start to invest. You feel as though you are becoming a grown-up but at the same time, you feel a little uneasy about what the future holds. Two of the most well-known ways to invest and build wealth are real estate investing and investing in the stock…

  • How I would invest my first $100

    If I were a new investor this is how I would invest my first $100. Remember the 4 parts of a complete portfolio are High Yield Savings Account, Bonds, Stocks, and Real Estate. With that, let’s get into it: $25 into a normal savings account: This would be into your Bank of America or Wells…

  • When should you teach your kids about investing?

    Now. Now. Now. No matter the age. This is a lifestyle. Most of us older generation folks were taught to get paid, pay your bills, save a little of what is left, and pray you somehow get retired. Investing is a departure from this. The mantra “Pay yourself first” is somewhat correct. It should be…

  • Can you invest on a military salary?

    Yes. Yes. Yes. The military is the best place to invest. You are given extra money for housing and food or it is provided. Your paycheck is steady and you can have allotments send money straight to various accounts. Here are some tips to get you started. Buy an inexpensive car. Expensive cars will not…

  • Can you invest when having a family?

    Yes. Yes. Yes. It will be a little more difficult and your gains may not be as fast as a single person, however, you will be just as rewarded. Here are the first steps to start your journey invest with a family. Create a super detailed budget. You need to track every single expense down…

  • Basics of Investing

    Hello everyone, Josh here. Let’s talk about the very, very basics of investing. We will expand on each of these topics over time. The first thing you will need to understand is how to build a balanced investment portfolio. There are 4 separate pieces of the pie that will make your portfolio complete. They are…

  • Welcome to Investing

    Hello Everyone! Welcome to MilitaryFamilyInvesting. Don’t be fooled by the title, this is for all aspiring investors and families. Our goal is to build family wealth. Hi, my name is Josh and my wife’s name is Kris. I have been in the military for over 21 years. Kris and I have been married for over…