Tag: free-pdf-book
The Four Principles of Dividend Growth Investing
The best way to become a great investor is to have principles you stand by. Conversely, it is good to understand the principles of strategies you follow. Most people follow the 401 (k) investment philosophy. This philosophy states that you invest in low-cost mutual and index funds until retirement. Upon retirement, you sell shares to…
$5,000 Dividend Shopping Spree!
Isn’t it fun to go shopping with money someone else gives you? I remember my parents giving us $100 in 1991 to shop for the school year. We had to purchase our jeans (Wranglers), T-shirts, socks, and underwear (whitie-tighties). We had so much fun during those times. Those days were over once I turned 16…
I Bought a Tiny Home: Are They the Solution to the Housing Crisis?
Millions of Americans are experiencing the housing crisis. Those who bought homes before 2020 should be sitting pretty. However, things look bleak if you are in the market after the pandemic. Personally, I believe the solution lies in having multiple families living together and saving money. Eventually, they will be able to afford a home…
Floating Away: The Magic of Floating Rate Preferred Shares
Something strange happened to me the other day; I received more money from one of my preferred shares than anticipated. Rarely do things surprise me, but this was a great way to start the day. Nothing makes you feel more special than earning more money on your investments than you thought. But what happened? Why…
Count Every Penny: Budgeting Your Way to Financial Independence
Why is it so difficult for us to budget and save? Why do we use scapegoats like inflation, price increases, and wage stagnation to deflect? The simple fact is that we must count every penny that enters and leaves our homes. That’s the only way we will build wealth and retire early. But somewhere along…
Secondary Mortgages for Everyone! The Government wants to get into the Home Equity Loan Business
The US economy is stalling because the average consumer is overburdened with debt. The answer is for everyone to live below their means, pay down debt, and generate passive income from investments. But that sounds boring. The easy answer is to offer everyone the ability to assume more debt. That’s precisely the route the federal…
Reject the 40-40-40 Plan: 40 Hours Per Week, For 40 Years, For 40% Retirement
Most of us are halfway (or more) through our financial journeys, but it’s never too late to change course. The plan the experts sold us was never going to set us free. To become financially independent, especially before 50, we must travel a different path. To obtain assets, we must learn to leverage capital markets…
Retiring to a Small City and Living on Passive Income 2
Do you want to have the chance to retire in this lifetime? Even better, do you want to retire early, perhaps in your 40s or 50s? There has never been a better time to create a Happy Cash Flow Retirement, but it will take sacrifice. Your company no longer gives you a nice pension with…
Beat Housing Inflation with Dividends
The costs of owning or renting a home are rising at unprecedented levels. Everyone who stays inside a shelter feels the effects of economic inflation and corporate greed. There is literally nowhere to hide; all we can do is get better. I want to look closer at what is causing this housing inflation and how…
Become a Capitalist: Retire Early
Pensions are gone, and they are not returning. You cannot depend on Social Security. Your 401K will only provide you enough income if you invest over $2 million. So, how the heck are you supposed to retire? There is only one way to retire early—through passive income. Becoming a capitalist is the only way to…
Supplement Your Retirement with Income Investing
Have you seen the new narrative concerning retirement? It basically says that no one will be able to retire unless they are in the top 5-10% of wage earners. Do you believe this nonsense? I believe that anyone who sets a goal and stays on the path can retire comfortably with honor. However, you must…
The Robots Are Coming: Time to Start a People-Focused Business
Your job may be coming to an end soon. In fact, most humans may not be working a job in 50 years. The laws of corporate profits dictate that companies reduce costs to maintain profits. For many companies, human capital (us) is their highest expense. And with some fast food workers in California now being…
Don’t Gamble with Retirement 12
What does retirement mean to you? After being retired for six months, I can tell you what it means to me. It means I don’t get anxious when I go to bed on Sunday night. It means that my most important meetings of the day are with my wife and kids. It means I prioritize…
Dividend Stocks vs. Income Stocks: What is the Money Difference?
We all go to the stock market to achieve various results. Some of the reasons are to generate income, build wealth, and provide tax shelter through capital gains. No matter the reason that attracts you to the world’s biggest stage, you’ll need to be intentional with your money and investing goals. Not all stocks and…
Royalties to the Rescue: Make Your Writing a Long-Term Income Stream
We will all need multiple income streams throughout our Happy Cash Flow Retirement. The days off depending solely on social security or a pension are long gone. Luckily, the internet allows us to create income from thin air, but it won’t be easy. Everyone and everything is competing for the same eyeballs. Therefore, to create…