Tag: free-pdf-book
From Dirt to Dividends 3: Use Insects and Business Development Companies to Supplement Your Homestead
Do you want to spend your retirement in a major metropolitan city with smog, cars, noise, and rude people? I sure as heck don’t. That’s why I am planning my escape from the city now. However, just because I plan to retire to a homestead doesn’t mean that I will be broke. In fact, I…
Dividends vs. Social Security
If you are under 50, don’t fall for the social security trap. You still have time to save yourself and build a fantastic retirement. “What is this trap?” you ask. If you are planning for social security to be your primary source of retirement income, you are in the deadliest trap of them all. You…
Retirement Plus: Use Royalties to Supplement Your Retirement
Are you approaching retirement? How is your retirement plan unfolding? I talk a lot about retirement planning for the average person so we can break the fixed income mindset. Your retirement plan most likely consists of a 401K and social security. Your 401K is at the mercy of the stock market, and social security is…
From Dirt to Dividends 2: Use Livestock and Closed-End Funds to Supplement Your Homestead
Going off-grid is a fantastic accomplishment. However, building a homestead close to the city is just as awesome. You get the benefits of farm living and still have a Wal-Mart nearby. This is part 2 of my Dirt to Dividends series (Part 1), where I discuss growing our farm and retirement nest egg concurrently. Today,…
Tiny Dividends: Can You Retire on Dividends from Index Funds?
Today’s topic will make you think, so put on your exploration hats. I have never seen a subject like this before, so we are charting new territory and hunting some sacred cows. Let’s begin. Typical index fund retirement. The standard index fund retirement involves savers (not investors) piling their money into various index funds. Most…
Rental Takeover: Is Your Neighborhood Being Overtaken by Investors?
I’ve heard about an upcoming “reawakening” in the housing market lately. People blindly look at ridiculous housing prices and sky-high rents and assume a crash is imminent. The great housing bust of 2008 is still in everyone’s mind, and today’s market does look similar—at least on the surface. But are things the same as in…
From Dirt to Dividends: Use Gardening and Preferred Shares to Supplement Your Homestead
Homesteading is about freedom from the world (large) and the daily grind (small). However, there is one thing that we will never be free of—money. Thus, we need to prepare financially before we run off into our homesteading haze. You must be thinking, “what a weird article.” In my last article, “How to Defeat Creator’s…
House Hacking to Financial Independence
I don’t think enough people understand the true power of house hacking. For my part, I attempt to talk about its benefits across most of my articles. But, I will keep trying until more people recognize its life-changing effects. Today, I will continue to beat the drum of house hacking and making money from your…
Set Your Retirement Requirements
Most people ask, “How much money do I need for retirement?” They usually dream of some arbitrary amount of money, like $1 million. However, it is better to set more concrete goals focused on income rather than a lump sum. Net worth vs. passive income. I always talk about net worth versus passive income. Net…
Real Estate Investing in Your 70s
We are heading into the last leg of our lives, and we should already be rich. Yes, if we have been taking all the proper steps in our personal time, we should have well over $2-4 million in our accounts. We will have helped our children (now in their 40s and 50s) stand up on…
505 Takeaways from 101 Books
Can reading 101 books make you rich? Yes, yes it can! 001 10 Other Investments You Can Do 002 40 Ways to Increase Net Income of Your Rental Property 003 A Trader’s First Book on Commodities 004 Amazon Keywords for Books 005 An Expat’s Experiences of Living in Turkey 006 Apartment Gardening 007 Artificial Intelligence,…
TSP vs. Dividends
In a perfect world, all investing options would be equal. The universe would understand your intent and spit out the results of your wish. Unfortunately, that is not the case. We must micro-manage our investing habits to get the best results. The Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) versus a standard brokerage account is a touchy subject…
Retirement Plus: Use Dividends to Supplement Your Retirement
How is your retirement looking? Do you have cash flow that also increases with inflation? Do you depend on the government to supplement your 401K with social security? How much money do you need the day you retire? Does that amount look the same 20 years into retirement? Retirement is a sensitive subject for most…
Press Record: A Life Worth Living is Worth Recording
Why aren’t you creating content today? If you are reading this, chances are you have considered becoming a content creator. So why haven’t you begun? Limiting beliefs are the number one reason that prevents people from creating content. Limiting beliefs are things you tell yourself that keep you trapped in your prison. Some limiting beliefs…
Financial Independence 104: What is Financial Independence?
It has been 15 months since I last updated the Financial Independence 101 series (101, 102, 103), and wow, has a lot happened over this period. For ordinary people, 15 months doesn’t seem like much time. For those seeking financial independence, 15 months is a lifetime. Why the disparity? Financial Independence seekers leverage every minute…
Real Estate Investing in Your 60s
I don’t want to be doing much work in my 60s. Hopefully, I retired in my late 40s, enjoyed my 50s, and I can build generational wealth in my 60s. That’s the plan currently. So, we spent our 50s deleveraging our assets and converting them into REITs or other passive real estate securities. In our…
Retirement Planning for the Average Person 3
I can’t believe that it’s been six months since the last article in the Retirement Planning for the Average Person Series (part 1, part 2). I really need to try to get these out every couple of months because they are one of my favorite series on the PDF side. On the Kindle Unlimited side,…
Emergency Escape: Build a High-Yield Emergency Fund
Building an emergency fund is one of the most critical aspects of creating a financially secure lifestyle. Sadly, most Americans do not have $1,000 in savings to cover a minor emergency. Today, I want to cover some reasons to have an emergency fund and how we can use our emergency fund as an investment vehicle.…
Real Estate Investing in Your 50s
Real estate investing can become a significant income stream for you and your family. Every month, you’ll get a nice stack of cash flow to help with expenses and other luxuries. However, real estate investing isn’t always passive. Trust me; I own three homes, and they all go through periods where they need some TLC…