Tag: free-pdf-book

  • Home Equity Loans vs. Interest Rates

    Home Equity Loans vs. Interest Rates

    It seems every day I am talking about interest rates increasing. Unfortunately, this is the story of our generation. Most of us have not seen 8-10% inflation and 6-10% mortgage rates. But we are here now and need to take these developments seriously. If we continue to consume and enjoy life at face value, we…

  • How We Plan to Retire on Dividends 4

    How We Plan to Retire on Dividends 4

    Wow, the fourth time’s a charm. There has never been a more critical time to understand who you are as an investor. The bond and stock markets are in turmoil, and your only saving grace is your knowledge and education.  We don’t know what the future holds for our economy, but we must still allocate…

  • Bond Growth Investing: Bonds to the Rescue

    Bond Growth Investing: Bonds to the Rescue

    Why should dividends have all of the fun inside of your growth investing portfolios? Is there a way to mirror dividend growth in our bond portfolios? The answer is yes and no. However, bonds can be a great addition to anyone’s passive income and growth portfolios, but they take a little more education than DGI…

  • Saving for a House Down Payment #4: Couple, Big City

    Saving for a House Down Payment #4: Couple, Big City

    Double the people, double the fun. I’ll admit upfront that this process isn’t going to be fun. For a couple to buy a home in a big city, it will take lots of hard work and dedication. But, as a couple, you have a few things going in your favor, mainly twice as many people…

  • How to Become a Thought Leader

    How to Become a Thought Leader

    The term “thought leader” gets tossed around a lot in certain circles. People use it in business, education, and content creation. But what is a thought leader, and how do you become one? I am just starting my journey into thought leadership, and I have been writing for over two years. Yes, it takes a…

  • Just Rewards: Credit Cards vs. Debit Cards

    Just Rewards: Credit Cards vs. Debit Cards

    Today I am going to discuss the ultimate grudge match between credit cards and debit cards. Many people are out to get the best rewards; however, this is a comparison between two mindsets at its core. The credit card camp likes to talk about points for travel and cashback rewards. There are truly some great…

  • Rental Properties vs. Rental Rooms: Rental Income for the Average Person

    Rental Properties vs. Rental Rooms: Rental Income for the Average Person

    If you follow my content, you will know that I am a massive fan of renting rooms. Sharing your living space is the single greatest wealth generator for the average person. However, the average person doesn’t want to live with someone else (even family) or want to take the risk of owning rental properties.  To…

  • Saving for a House Down Payment #3: Couple, Small City

    Saving for a House Down Payment #3: Couple, Small City

    A couple (in a small city) working together to save for a down payment could be the best-case scenario for homeownership. Two heads are better than one, and this situation proves this. The only things that can get in your way are yourselves. I want to review some of the downfalls you may face if…

  • FIRE Writer: Retire & Write

    FIRE Writer: Retire & Write

    I never dreamed of becoming a writer. I planned to retire from the military and work another government job. Along the way, I realized that working for someone isn’t always the best solution.  One magical day, I read “Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing,” where Robert Kiyosaki said that you could create income-producing assets from your…

  • Don’t Gamble with Retirement 8

    Don’t Gamble with Retirement 8

    My, how time flies. I can’t believe I opened my website over two years ago. I began publishing books on Amazon in early January 2021. I released the book “Don’t Gamble with Retirement” on  February 13, 2021. I say this because it is time to celebrate. My retirement plans (along with my lovely wife’s) are…

  • What is Quiet Quitting?

    What is Quiet Quitting?

    We all go through these fantastic journeys when we leave home at 18. We start as young, “green” workers who depend on everyone to help and assist them. Along the way, we gain knowledge and experience, eventually allowing us to become managers and supervisors. Perhaps some of us will become the CEO of the company.…

  • Investing for Interest 109: Series I vs 30-Year Bonds

    Investing for Interest 109: Series I vs 30-Year Bonds

    Things are looking good for interest rates on a fixed income. The Federal Reserve is raising rates to combat inflation, which makes savers very happy. Don’t get too excited because increasing interest rates will indeed crash the economy. High mortgage rates will slow the housing market, which may cause a full-blown recession. Now, more than…

  • What is Generational Wealth?

    What is Generational Wealth?

    Many people believe that generational wealth is a myth. However, we know that wealthy individuals and families have passed their assets from generation to generation for years. What secrets do the rich have that we are struggling to discover? The key lies in assets and information. You need both to successfully pass along your fortune. …

  • Saving for a House Down Payment #2: Single Person, Big City

    Saving for a House Down Payment #2: Single Person, Big City

    So you want to buy a home in a massive city like San Diego, Houston, or Seattle? Well, it will take a fantastic amount of hard work, dedication, and grinding on your part. Are you ready to do whatever it takes (legally) to get a small starter home or condo in your city? I hope…

  • Bonds 4 Life:  I’m Buying 30-Year Treasury Bonds at 4%

    Bonds 4 Life: I’m Buying 30-Year Treasury Bonds at 4%

    It’s been a while since 30-year Treasury Bonds have appealed to the investor inside me. When I started investing in 2019, I was getting 30-year bonds at around 3.3%. It turns out that those were the peak rates for the next three years. Rates slowly decreased and then jumped off the ledge during the pandemic. …

  • Roth IRAs vs. HSAs

    Roth IRAs vs. HSAs

    As we grow older, lowering our tax burden becomes a more significant part of our lives. Our income should increase every year, and if we don’t take the necessary steps, so will our taxes. Roth Individual Retirement Accounts, or Roth IRAs, allow us to invest after-tax monies and keep all the principles and gains growing…

  • Love Calls: How to Thrive in a Long Distance Relationship

    Love Calls: How to Thrive in a Long Distance Relationship

    I’ve been married for 16 years; of those, I have been away for eight. It’s part of military life but part of everyday life for most people outside of America.  Being with your family is a gift most people do not truly appreciate. In most third-world countries, men can’t earn enough in their local setting.…

  • The Magic of Compounding

    The Magic of Compounding

    Compounding is the most powerful force in the universe and one we all can use to our advantage. Of course, you have to understand it to achieve the best results. It’s been about a year and a half since my last article on the power of compounding. Since then, I have gone on to appreciate…

  • Retire Rich, Retire Comfortable with a Business 4

    Retire Rich, Retire Comfortable with a Business 4

    The world as we know it is changing. We are transitioning from the industrial revolution 9-to-5 mindset to a creativity & production-based society. Soon, going to work and sitting in your cubicle will no longer net you a paycheck. You’ll have to produce an innovative product for your bosses to review—and it must add value…

  • The Dividend Debit Card 2

    The Dividend Debit Card 2

    My Dividend Debit Card has been popping off recently. I am getting close to $200/month on my Cash App Debit card—which I refer to as my Dividend Debit Card. More importantly, my wife has a Dividend Debit Card, and she loves getting her fresh cash flow monthly. It’s a great system and puts your money…