Tag: free-pdf-book
Run a Mentoring Program Toward Passive Income
Mentorship is dead. I wrote as such over two years ago, and things have only declined since then. Fewer and fewer people will make it in today’s world. What does “make it” mean? That means having a successful career, personal relationships, passive income, and happiness. If you have your life “somewhat” together, there are people…
Time is Money #1: Debt is a Function of the Past
Most of us don’t understand the devious nature of debt until it’s too late. We believe debt helps us get what we want—when we want. In reality, debt is sucking life from our souls. The more debt we have, the more we are tied to our jobs, lifestyles, and cities. Today, I want to get…
Series “I” Bonds vs Index Funds: Making the Leap From Saver to Investor
The most challenging aspect of becoming financially independent is making the leap from a saver to an investor. It’s nearly impossible to save your way to financial freedom. As much as we love the comfort of having our money in savings, earning 3-4% on your cash won’t net you enough to retire. How do we…
Quiet Quitting vs Loud Rehiring: Time to Go Back to Work
Did you buy into all the hype surrounding the quiet quitting and great resignation movements? How did that work out for you? I agree with you on one thing—the workplace is terrible in its current form. There are two crucial elements missing: leadership and mentorship. However, you’ll need to go back to work until you…
The Golden Handcuffs of Lifestyle Inflation 2
The workforce is becoming a terrible place to spend your time. Everyone is running around with their hair on fire. If your company pays you, they expect you to always be on call, answer all emails within one minute, and never say “no.” Why do people remain in the labor market if things are going…
The Leveraged Millionaire: Increase Your Risk, Increase Your Returns… Maybe
Leverage is a powerful tool to expedite your path to wealth. Leverage, sometimes called other people’s money (OPM), can also destroy your wealth, progression, and livelihood. I read in a book (I can’t remember which one) that you can only become as rich as the amount of money you borrow. For example, if you borrow…
Annuities vs. Income Investing
Do you like betting against yourself? Do you believe someone can handle your money better than you? Although there are times to let the professionals handle the situation, we can still learn the information to give us additional options. Every American should have an income investing portfolio to assist them through life. Even passively earning…
Financial Freedom is a Mindset, Not an Account Balance
I didn’t feel financially free when I was $77,000 in debt. I was earning over $100,000 at my day job, but I still felt behind. However, once I started to read articles on passive income, compound interest, and getting out of debt, I immediately knew I would free myself and my family. That was back…
Achieve F.I.R.E. via Income Investing
We all want to escape the workforce. I have been working since 1997, when I started at McDonald’s, and I’ve never seen an employment market like this. Everyone is overworked, underpaid, and struggling to survive. Leadership is even more chaotic and unorganized than the employees. If you do not have your finances in order, you…
Position Yourself for the Next Bull Market
We are near the bottom of the bear market. Pessimism in the markets peaked, and we can begin to see optimism show its lovely face. But we still have time to make some life-changing moves while prices are excellent and everyone focuses on surviving. To invest wisely during a bear market and recession, we must…
Change Your Money Cycle: Your Spending Habits Determine Your Wealth
We hit the jackpot by being born in America. We have the chance to go from broke to rich in one lifetime. Heck, we can achieve incredible wealth in 20 years if we truly try. Unfortunately, most people will never seize this fantastic opportunity. Not because they didn’t work hard but because their money cycle…
Dividend ETFs vs. Index Funds
A few improvements to investing have changed the game for the average middle-class investor. These are fractional shares, zero commission fees, and automated investing. Today, we can invest $5/week into our favorite index funds and dividend ETFs to slowly grow our portfolio. Plus, we can still go all in with $5,000 when we get our…
My High-Yield Savings Account: Year in Review 2022
Today we celebrate. 2022 was an incredible financial year; therefore, we can ring in 2023 with a bang. My high-yield savings account is one of my favorite investment vehicles of 2022, so I want to explore it more in-depth. Discover did me a solid by sending me an email summary of my HYSA. This also…
The Great Family Reset: The Independent Person Experiment Failed
It was an experiment for the ages. The idea was to send a person out of the home at age 18 and see if they could make it in the world. They used words like “be independent,” “go build,” and “become a man” to entice us into the world alone and without resources. A few…
Diversify Your Home Equity: Protect Yourself with Multiple Investment Strategies
The run-up in housing prices has slowed down, at least for now. However, many of us are still sitting on tons of home equity. Is it a good idea to let your house value determine your net worth? What if the housing market drops again, like in 2008? I don’t believe housing prices will drop…
Increase Your Savings Rate: It Determines When You Can Retire
How fast do you want to retire? Do you genuinely want to work until the full retirement age of 66? I know I don’t want to work for another 25 years. But what is the best way to retire early? We all hear terms like Financial Independence Retire Early (or F.I.R.E.), but what does that…
Your Daily Routine is Your Success
I always tell my wife that life is supposed to be tough. Every day you should be challenging yourself in many aspects of your day. Life isn’t about getting to a magical point where you become comfortable. We can call this the “fat and happy” stage. In fact, life is about the exact opposite of…
Compound Interest: You Can Pay It or You Can Earn It
If you ever seek motivation in life, look no further than the power of compounding—everything we do in life compounds, either positively or negatively. “The Compound Effect” by Darren Hardy explores how we can exploit compounding to improve anything we want in our lives. The more things we put into motion, the more chances we…
Home Buying for the Average Person 2
“You will own nothing and be happy.” This thought process comes from the higher beings inside our governments, businesses, and military. Why is this quote so important to the middle-class family? Because we must be wary of how things slowly play out to fulfill this new reality. We used to buy physical products such as…
Two People, One Budget: Create a Budget and Start Income Investing
They say finances cause most marriages to fail, but what specifically is the disconnect between couples? More importantly, how can we prevent these issues from causing a division between the lovebirds? My wife, Kristina, and I have been married for 17 years, and we are on the same page financially. When we didn’t have “the…