• FIRE Writer: Retire & Write

    FIRE Writer: Retire & Write

    I never dreamed of becoming a writer. I planned to retire from the military and work another government job. Along the way, I realized that working for someone isn’t always the best solution.  One magical day, I read “Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing,” where Robert Kiyosaki said that you could create income-producing assets from your…

  • Hustle in Your 20s and 30s, Enjoy Your 40s and 50s

    Hustle in Your 20s and 30s, Enjoy Your 40s and 50s

    This topic is going to be a tough sell to most people, especially young people. Somewhere along the lines, we started convincing young people that they shouldn’t even attempt to get their act together until age 25. By my calculations, that leaves seven years of wasted time between ages 18-25. I chose this topic specifically…

  • Keep the Job, Quit the Mindset

    Keep the Job, Quit the Mindset

    Let me be clear from the very start, having a job is not a bad thing. In fact, I am an employee just like you. I have been an employee since 1996, when I started working at Arby’s in San Diego, Ca. It is the employee mindset that ends up getting us in trouble. The…

  • The Magic of the Infinite Return

    The Magic of the Infinite Return

    Most of us start out knowing one way to make money. This is our prime money generator, and for a lot of us, it is our earned income job. Eventually, as we mature and become wise in the world, we put the money from our job into investments. We will call this “building our money…

  • 15 Years of Marriage, 2 Children, 3 Houses, and 1 Journey to Financial Independence

    15 Years of Marriage, 2 Children, 3 Houses, and 1 Journey to Financial Independence

    Where did all the successful married couples go? Where are all the role model families that we can look to for guidance and mentorship? Personally, I have no idea if those families actually existed outside of television. I know that all the financially independent people I watch are young and single or young and married.…

  • Financial Independence 102: Terms

    Financial Independence 102: Terms

    After reading the two stories from Financial Independence 101 (here), which story do you believe represents the future that you envision? If you want to achieve financial independence, then you are in the right place. Being financially independent brings significant benefits to your life. You will have earned the most valuable resource available to anyone,…

  • Financial Independence 101: A Story

    Financial Independence 101: A Story

    Most people will never grasp the idea of financial independence. In fact, most of us were taught the exact opposite of financial independence. We were taught to get good grades in school, go to college, get a high-paying job, get married and have kids, and live a happy life. Your job is your lifeline to…