Tag: Dividends
Stock Market Investing 103: Appreciation/Dividend Method
Right now we have two choices on how to invest in stocks, we can either passively invest in index funds via the Captial Appreciation Method (101) or we can actively invest in dividend-paying stocks via Dividend Growth Investing (102). They both have their pros and cons. You can reach your financial independence goals faster through…
Stock Market Investing 102: Dividend Growth Investing
Do you want to get a paycheck while you are relaxing on the beach? How about receiving money while you are traveling on an airplane? These scenarios can be the result of successful dividend investing. Dividends are a portion of the profits of a company that you own stock in. The basic idea of investing…
Mo’ Dividends Mo’ Problems #1
Let’s see what dividends we were paid in October 2020. My goal is to get to $1 Million which would yield roughly $40,000 a year of dividend income. Looking at numbers is boring to some, but to the dividend investors, these are super exciting. Hopefully, you begin to enjoy looking at these numbers and start…
How to make a $1000 a month from dividends
Dividends are an amazing wealth-building vehicle. Not only are they passive income, but they are also taxed at a lower tax rate than earned income (remember earned income pays federal tax as well as social security taxes as well). In order to generate dividend income, you will need to invest in dividend-paying stocks or dividend-paying…
I will use dividends to supplement my retirement
As a Marine of over 21 years, I know that my military pension will be substantial. In fact, my wife and I can easily live off of this retirement alone. On top of our military pension, we will also have rental income from our properties. To be honest, we are pretty much set for retirement.…
How I do my dividend investing
The way I do my dividend investing is a little unorthodox. First, I have a nice military pension coming my way when I retire. This gives me enough cushion to invest how I please. When you create your own plan, cater it to your specific needs. I have 4 distinct ways I invest in dividends…