Tag: dividend ETF

  • Fundrise vs. Dividend ETFs: Corporate Profits vs. The Housing Market

    Fundrise vs. Dividend ETFs: Corporate Profits vs. The Housing Market

    Which would you rather depend on during retirement: corporate profits from blue-chip companies or the rental income and capital gains from the US housing market? That’s a tough call, so let’s dive into how we can best position ourselves to earn passive income from these major capital markets. Building passive income during retirement should be…

  • Income for Retirement: Understanding Dividend ETFs

    Income for Retirement: Understanding Dividend ETFs

    I love being a hands-on dividend investor and picking individual stocks along the way. Reading stock market news every night before bed gives me great pleasure. However, most people don’t want to spend this much time and effort to get great returns from the stock market. Everyone needs income for retirement, so what can more…

  • Closed-End Funds vs. Dividend ETFs: It’s All About Life Stages

    Closed-End Funds vs. Dividend ETFs: It’s All About Life Stages

    When do you plan on retiring? Are you already retired? These questions will be vital in determining what financial instruments you’ll need to leverage. Investing is all about your time horizon, goals, philosophy, and risk tolerance. The good part is you don’t need to have all of the answers the first day you start investing.…

  • Dividend ETFs vs. Index Funds

    Dividend ETFs vs. Index Funds

    A few improvements to investing have changed the game for the average middle-class investor. These are fractional shares, zero commission fees, and automated investing.  Today, we can invest $5/week into our favorite index funds and dividend ETFs to slowly grow our portfolio. Plus, we can still go all in with $5,000 when we get our…