Tag: DGI

  • The Magic of Dividend Growth Investing 2

    The Magic of Dividend Growth Investing 2

    We all want to be able to afford retirement someday. They teach us to invest in our 401Ks; maybe at age 70, we can escape the rat race. But what if we could get away sooner? What if we could retire with a $1 million portfolio that also paid us $40,000 to $50,000 per year—without…

  • Middle-Class Investing 108: Why Dividend Growth Investing?

    Middle-Class Investing 108: Why Dividend Growth Investing?

    Today, we will dive deeper into the world of wealth-building. Sadly, most middle-class folks will never buy individual stocks. The purpose of dividend growth investing is to build a nest egg that also pays you. In addition to a steady paycheck, your dividend payments grow over time to combat inflation. Does this method sound too…

  • 30-Year Bonds vs. Blue-Chip Dividend Stocks

    30-Year Bonds vs. Blue-Chip Dividend Stocks

    Today is a great moment in time to be an investor. It’s been over 13 years since stocks and bonds had to compete for your investment dollars. If you are searching for a 4% yield, you can now choose between a 30-Year Bond or a blue-chip dividend-paying stock. However, the answer doesn’t lay in numbers;…

  • Santa’s Bringing Dividend Growth Stocks

    Santa’s Bringing Dividend Growth Stocks

    As we wrap up the Year of 2022, it’s time to reflect on our lives. We thank the heavens for having a loving family and friends that support us in our endeavors. We can also thank the “powers that be” for giving us the gift of income. Our dividends have grown tremendously throughout the year…

  • Fruits of the DGI Tree

    Fruits of the DGI Tree

    When you do it correctly, dividend growth investing is a boring hobby. You pick 15-20 blue-chip dividend-paying stocks and keep investing in them for over 30 years. You hardly need to review your portfolio, check the stock markets, or read the news—you only need to stay the course. However, what you are building is of…