Tag: content creation

  • Every Day You Create is Great

    Every Day You Create is Great

    Our brains crave creation—so why do we avoid it at all costs? Somewhere along the lines, our tagline went from “be want you want” to “make as much money as possible.” This shift in dynamic is understandable because we have become a country of individuals. When we worked as a team, having an artist, painter,…

  • Leaving the Workforce in 10 Years: For Singles

    Leaving the Workforce in 10 Years: For Singles

    The great part about being single is that you single-handedly control your destiny. The bad part is that you are all alone. However, you can easily free yourself from the workforce when you are single. All you have to do is start from the end. Dreaming up your retirement. Most people dream of retiring in…

  • I’m High on Life with Royalties

    I’m High on Life with Royalties

    I love my royalties. I go back and forth between what feels better: receiving dividends or earning royalties. You know when your dividends will arrive, but royalties are entirely random. I have over 900 books on Amazon, and every day something different happens with them. My latest book may sell, or my first book from…

  • 5 Takeaways from “Create Something Awesome”

    5 Takeaways from “Create Something Awesome”

    “Create Something Awesome” by Roberto Blake is a working template for success in any creative pursuit. If you plan on becoming a creator, this is the manual for you. People have glamorized being a creator, with most failing to understand the amount of dedication and discipline it takes. Don’t worry; Mr. Blake is here to…

  • Podcasting vs Blogging: Start Your Creative Career Today

    Podcasting vs Blogging: Start Your Creative Career Today

    We live in a world where your job simply will not pay you enough. Even if you make $300,000/year, it won’t be enough to live comfortably in your high-income city. You must make additional income, and you can do that either actively or passively. You do the work once as you build a portfolio of…

  • Long-Form Content is the Future

    Long-Form Content is the Future

    The world wants to cram as much content into our brains as possible. People complained about tv ads, and now they watch 30-second clips on Tik Tok. When traveling one day, I watched someone scroll through Tik Tok for over an hour straight. What kind of value did this person obtain from this hour? Long-form…

  • What is Your Creative Ability?

    What is Your Creative Ability?

    I love talking about one’s ability to be creative. The reason behind my passion is that I never believed I was creative. I joined the military directly out of high school in 1999 and spent the next 21 years grinding to the top. The world meant for me to be a rigid military-type person, or…

  • Welcome to Writing: Start Here If You Love The Grind

    Welcome to Writing: Start Here If You Love The Grind

    So you want to be a writer, huh? Writing is one of the most amazing things you can do in your life. You are expressing your values using words as a medium. According to “The Independent Homeschool,” writing is the toughest of the 3 R’s (reading, writing, and arithmetic). You must make countless decisions just…

  • Create Content Daily 2: The Magic of Compounding Creativity

    Create Content Daily 2: The Magic of Compounding Creativity

    I’ve been creating content daily for over 2.5 years, which has changed my life. I cannot remember a time when I woke up and didn’t write something. Creating something every day expands your mind into realms you could not have imagined. Your brain wants to create; the universe designed it to create. Modern education slowly…

  • Forever Valuable: The Magic of Evergreen Content

    Forever Valuable: The Magic of Evergreen Content

    So you want to be a content creator, right? Creating content is one of the best ways to push your brain to its limit. But you don’t have to throw things at the wall to see what sticks. You can create content that you can slowly build upon over time. The more content you make,…

  • Blogging vs YouTube #4: For Large Income Streams

    Blogging vs YouTube #4: For Large Income Streams

    Welcome back to the Blogging vs. YouTube series (#1, #2, #3). I want to jump right in with a comparison between a big-time YouTuber and a big-time blog. YouTube. Perhaps the biggest technology YouTuber is Marques Brownlee. I watch him for anything Apple, Samsung, and technology related. He has 15.8 million subscribers as of this…

  • Blogging vs YouTube #3: For Medium Income Streams

    Blogging vs YouTube #3: For Medium Income Streams

    Now that our blogging or video career is taking off, we have several options. We can stay small and operate as a solopreneur or grow our business. Growing our business will turn our income stream from side hustle to nearly a full-fledged business. Welcome back to the Blogging vs. YouTube series (#1, #2), where we…

  • Bridge the Gap: How to Create Meaningful Content

    Bridge the Gap: How to Create Meaningful Content

    One of the central limiting beliefs preventing people from creating content is “fear of self.” People do not believe that their words can make an impact on the world.  However, there is room in the world for everyone that wants to make this place a better society. Everyone has something to offer the universe, and…

  • Blogging vs YouTube #2: For Small Income Streams

    Blogging vs YouTube #2: For Small Income Streams

    Becoming a content creator is challenging, especially if you don’t have a goal in mind. Today, let’s focus on staying a solo entrepreneur (or solopreneur). This term means creating a business by yourself, for yourself. Solopreneurs limit their reach purposely so they can better control their time and resources. I choose to stay in a…

  • Press Record: A Life Worth Living is Worth Recording

    Press Record: A Life Worth Living is Worth Recording

    Why aren’t you creating content today? If you are reading this, chances are you have considered becoming a content creator. So why haven’t you begun? Limiting beliefs are the number one reason that prevents people from creating content. Limiting beliefs are things you tell yourself that keep you trapped in your prison. Some limiting beliefs…

  • More Content, More Cash Flow

    More Content, More Cash Flow

    The internet age is a fantastic time to live through. Information flows like water, and all we have to do is have a cell phone or internet connection to access it all. But, with all this information comes overload. The media constantly bombards people by telling them what to do and how to do it.…

  • Why You Should Learn Creativity and Design

    Why You Should Learn Creativity and Design

    Starting a business is always on the top of my mind, mainly because starting an automated business is one of our keys to success during retirement. If we do everything else right, we won’t need to have a huge automated business in our golden years. If we have a small automated business, wouldn’t it be…

  • Create Content for Your Home-Based Business

    Create Content for Your Home-Based Business

    Now that you have decided to become a Passive Income Hero and begin your home-based business, you will need to learn how to stay super productive. Many pitfalls can befall you on this path to greatness; the main one is your creativity. So, let’s get into how to get the most out of your time…

  • Create.


    It’s time. I know that you may be scared or insecure, but I believe in you. You have the skill to become a creative force in this world. Forget about all the ways that the world has tried to prevent you from this moment. Growing up, we start to build up a fear of performing…

  • Have Blog, Will Travel: Your Content Creation Questions Answered

    Have Blog, Will Travel: Your Content Creation Questions Answered

    Life is good, isn’t it? For me, I am getting close to my retirement from the Marine Corps. My wife and I have gotten our finances under control as we prepare for our dual retirement in 3-4 years. We are leveraging my military retirement, our real estate, our investments, and our businesses to create a…