Tag: bond investing

  • Investing for Interest 113: Baby Bonds vs. Treasury Bonds

    Investing for Interest 113: Baby Bonds vs. Treasury Bonds

    If you are making the switch from saver to investor, one of the best places to start is with bonds. Bonds provide safe, consistent income with the chance for some capital appreciation. Treasury bonds are a safe haven for investors because they pose no credit risk (meaning they are considered risk-free). However, if you crave…

  • Bond Investing in Your 40s

    Bond Investing in Your 40s

    Our 40s are a time to double down on life and start getting things done. Hopefully, we will leave our 30s with no debt and an online business or a high-paying job. The goal of our 40s is to ensure we have enough income in our 80s and 90s. We do that by focusing almost…

  • Bond Investing in Your 20s

    Bond Investing in Your 20s

    I spend a lot of time writing about dividends and income investing. However, recently bonds have become attractive because they offer higher yields compared to the last 10-15 years. Now, it’s time to write the companion series to my Dividend Investing at Any Age series (20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s), this time focusing on…

  • Bond Growth Investing: Bonds to the Rescue

    Bond Growth Investing: Bonds to the Rescue

    Why should dividends have all of the fun inside of your growth investing portfolios? Is there a way to mirror dividend growth in our bond portfolios? The answer is yes and no. However, bonds can be a great addition to anyone’s passive income and growth portfolios, but they take a little more education than DGI…

  • Email Money: Dividends, Rents, & Royalties for the Modern Day

    Email Money: Dividends, Rents, & Royalties for the Modern Day

    Many people misunderstand the term passive income. Some people think that you can set things in place and suddenly have money coming in randomly. That’s usually not the case. For passive income to succeed, you have to do a great deal of work upfront for a later reward. However, when that money does come in,…