Free PDF Book List

Here is a list of all my Free PDFs that I host on Military Family Investing. if you like a book, please use the links to find it on Amazon, write a review, or purchase a paperback version.

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510Stock Market Investing in Your 40s
511Stock Market Investing in Your 50s
512Stock Market Investing in Your 60s
513Stock Market Investing in Your 70s
514Selling Cash-Secured Puts for Passive Income 2
515Dividend ETFs vs. Dividend Stocks
516Health Savings Accounts vs. Series “I” Bonds
517Selling Covered Calls for Vacation Money
518Living on Dividends in Destination RV
519Paying Your Electricity Bill with Closed-End Funds
520Paying Your Water Bill with Preferred Shares
521Paying Your Auto Insurance with BDCs
522Paying Your Cell Phone Bill with Dividend Stocks
523Paying Your Car Note with Mortgage REITs
524Paying Your Cable Bill with Dividend ETFs
497My 3 Favorite High-Yield Savings Accounts
498Don’t Gamble with Retirement 13
499Retirement Plus: Supplement Your Retirement with Dividends
500Retirement Plus: Supplement Your Retirement with Treasuries
501Retirement Plus: Supplement Your Retirement with Options Trading
502Your Income Should Increase 10% Annually
503Your Net Worth Should Increase 10% Annually
504Covered Calls vs. Cash-Secured Puts 2
505Retirement Plus: Supplement Your Retirement with Royalties
506Retirement Plus: Supplement Your Retirement with Rental Income
507The Magic of Corporate Bonds
508Stock Market Investing in Your 20s
509Stock Market Investing in Your 30s
478Stocks, Bonds, & Options in Your 20s
479Selling Covered Calls + Social Security
480Stocks, Bonds, & Options in Your 30s
481Become a Digital Nomad with Options Trading
482Know Your Money: HYSA v CDs v TB vs MMF v I Bonds
483Stocks, Bonds, & Options in Your 40s
48430 Monthly-Paying Stocks, One Account
485Stocks, Bonds, & Options in Your 50s
486Renting Room to Financial Independence
487Can You Retire on Dividends?
488Build Your Own Target Date Fund
489Dividends & Options Trading
490Stocks, Bonds, & Options in Your 60s
491Trading Long Strangles vs. Dividends
492Stocks, Bonds, & Options in Your 70s
493Retirement Planning for the Average Person 7
494The Dividend Savings Account
495Dividend Growth Investing vs. Income Investing 2
496Life as an Income Investor 2
463The Four Principles of DGI
464Don’t Be ALICE
465Options Trading in Your 40s
466Options Trading in Your 50s
467Financial Freedom: The True American Dream
468The Illusion of Freedom
469Earning $2,100 Per Month in Dividends
470Options Trading in Your 60s
471Options Trading in Your 70s
472Selling Covered Calls vs. Renting Rooms
473Selling Cash-Secured Puts vs. Book Royalties
474Trading Long Strangles vs. Rental Properties
475Kindle Unlimited vs. Draft2Digital
476The Options Wheel vs. An Online Business
477Selling Covered Calls for Passive Income 2
448Supplement Your Retirement with Income Investing
449Become a Capitalist: Retire Early
450Beat Housing Inflation with Dividends
451Retiring to a Small City and Living on Passive Income 2
452Reject the 40-40-40 Plan
453Secondary Mortgages for Everyone!
454Covered Calls vs. Dividends
455Cash-Secured Puts vs. Dividends
456The Options Wheel vs. Dividends
457Count Every Penny
458The Magic of Floating Rate Preferred Shares
459I Bought a Tiny Home
460$5,000 Dividend Shopping Spree
461Options Trading in Your 20s
462Options Trading in Your 30s
434Santa’s Bringing Closed-End Funds to Christmas
435America Will Never Let You Rest
436The 100-Year Mortgage is Coming
437Retirement vs. Financial Freedom
438Let’s Get Started with Index Funds
439Why Do Men Date Outside of Their League?
440Preferred Shares vs. Mortgage REITs
441The Magic of Money Market Funds
442Dividend Investing with a Splash of Options Trading
443Options Trading for the Everyday Person
444Royalties to the Rescue
445Dividend Stocks vs. Income Stocks
446Don’t Gamble with Retirement 12
447The Robots Are Coming
417The Three Stages of Wealth
418Fundrise vs. Dividend ETFs
419Full Throttle: Build a Fully Funded Emergency Fund
420The Pros & Cons of Homeownership 1
421The Pros & Cons of Homeownership 2
422Trading Long Strangles for Passive Income
423Retirement Planning for the Average Person 6
424Dividends vs. Royalties part IV
425Why Series “I”? The Benefits of Savings Bonds
426Covered Calls vs. Cash-Secured Puts
427The Pros & Cons of Homeownership 3
428The Options Trading Debit Card
429Spicy Dividends for a Bland Life
430How to Raise Financially Intelligent Kids
431Winning the Lottery with Options Trading
4327 Reasons to Become an Income Investor
433Should Multiple Families Live Together?
402Road to Homeownership #3
403Tips for Buying T.I.P.S.
404Series “I” Bonds vs. TIPS
405Welcome to the Elite Savers of America
406Make $100 Per Month in Passive Income
407Side Hustle: The Gig Economy vs. Entrepreneurship
408Your Wealth is Your Choice
409How to Determine Your Bare Bones Budget
410Pursue Your Creative Career with Dividends
411Make Enough Passive Income to Cover Your Mortgage
412The Dividend Debit Card 3
413Money & Marriage
414T-Bill & Chill: What Are Treasury Bills?
415Treasury Bills vs Notes vs Bonds
416Are You a Contestant in the Rat Race?
383Is Homeownership Still The American Dream?
384My Secret Formula to Determine Housing Affordability
385Debt is Your Birthright
386Baby Bonds vs. Treasury Bonds
387Turn Your Articles into eBooks
388Financial Security vs. Financial Freedom 2
389Inside our $240,000 Dividend Portfolio
390Selling Cash-Secured Puts for Passive Income
391Individual Treasury Bonds vs. Treasury Bond Funds
392Five Ways To Make Rental Income
393Don’t Gamble with Retirement 11
394The Road to Homeownership #1
395The Road to Homeownership #2
396Financial Freedom Road Trip #1
397Financial Freedom Road Trip #2
398Financial Freedom Road Trip #3
399Financial Freedom Road Trip #4
400My First Day of Retirement
401Life Begins at the Edge of Your Comfort Zone
368Your Income Should Every Year 2
369What I Learned From Having Tenants
370How to Channel the Velocity of Money
371Start Your Season of Saving
372Every Day You Create is Great
373Income Investing vs. Inflation 2
374Become Middle-Class Plus
375How to Use a Daily Budget
376Saving & Investing with $1,000 Per Month
377Return to the Metaverse
378Saving is Defense: Investing is Offense
379Minimalism is Now a Necessity
380My Five Year Plan for My Book Business
381The Magic of High-Yield Index Fund Reinvestment
382What is Sequence of Returns Risk?
355Turn a Reverse Mortgage into Income
356Why Rents Will Continue to Rise
357How to Create, Buy, and Build Assets
358Think of Preferred Shares as Gift Cards
359Living in 1,000 Sqaure Feet as a Family of Four
360New Car Payments vs. Income Investing
361The Most Challenging Part of Passive Income: Enjoying It
362Stock & Bond Investing in Your 60s
363House Hacking to Defeat Credit Card Debt
364Stock & Bond Investing in Your 70s
365The Magic of Dividend Growth Investing 2
366The Magic of Income Investing 2
367The Magic of Passive Index Fund Investing 2
342Retirement Planning for the Average Person 5
343Start a Review & Content Business
344Bond Investing in Your 70s
345Series “I” Bonds vs. Series “EE” Bonds
346Don’t Gamble with Retirement 10
347Dividend Investing During Turbulent Times
348Stock & Bond Investing in Your 20s
349Stock & Bond Investing in Your 30s
350Learn to Barter and Trade Today
351Are You Drowning in Debt?
352Stock and Bond Investing in Your 40s
353The Pros and Cons of CEFs
354Stock & Bond Investing in Your 50s
329Run a Mentorship Program Toward Passive Income
330CD Ladders vs. Treasury Ladders
331Open a Bookstore with Your Own Books
332You Can Now Skip Car Loan Payments
333Time is Money #2: Save
334Envision Your Life Without a Paycheck
335I Heart Income Investing
336Generation Quit: Being a Leader in the New Workplace
337Keep Your Writing Top of Mind
338Time is Money #3: Invest
339Retiring to a Small City and Living on Passive Income
340Bond Investing in Your 60s
341Dating with Dividends
316The Great Family Reset
317My HYSA: Year in Review 2022
318Dividends ETFs vs. Index Funds
319Change Your Money Cycle
320Position Yourself for the Next Bull Market
321Achieve FIRE via Income Investing
322Financial Freedom is a Mindset
323Annuities vs. Income Investing
324The Leveraged Millionaire
325The Golden Handcuffs of Lifestyle Inflation 2
326Quiet Quitting vs. Loud Rehiring
327Series “I” Bonds vs. Index Funds
328Time is Money #1: Debt
294Make Your Primary Residence Your Retirement Plan
295YouTubing vs. Your Job
296Will Being Cheap Make You Rich?
297Build a $1,000 Emergency Fund in 10 Steps
298LBYM Live Below Your Means
299Don’t Gamble with Retirement 9
300Income to the Moon
301College vs. Property
302Preferred Shares vs. Common Stocks
303Feel Special with Special Dividends
304What is Your Net Worth?
305Bonds for Mom
280Watch Your A.R.M.s: Adjustable Rate Mortgage?
281Bond Investing in Your 40s
282Losing Friends? You’re Doing Something Right 2
283Welcome to Writing: Start Here If You Love The Grind
284Wiping the Debt of Christmas Past
285Individual Preferred Shares vs. Preferred Funds
286Down-Sized? Time to Start an Online Business
287Life as an Income Investor
288High-Yield Bond Reinvestment in Action
289Become Financially Independent in Your 20s
290Why Are You NOT in the Workforce?
291Bond Investing in Your 50s
292To Become Rich You’ll Need Leverage
293Mortgage-Backed Securities vs. Treasury Bonds
263Your 401K is NOT Enough
264My Recession Investing Plan
265How to Buy and Track 30-Year Bonds + Tracker
266Take Control of Your Finances
267Dividend Growth Investing vs Bond Growth Investing
268Big Cities Require Big Mindsets
269Living on $3,000/month in San Diego, California
270Vacation Dividends
271Quiet Quitting vs. The Great Resignation
272Be Extreme Toward Your Dream
273Saving for a House Down Payment #5: Family, Small City
274Saving for a House Down Payment #6: Family, Big City
275Bond Buying is Back Baby!
276Financial Independence through Real Estate 4
277Bond Investing in Your 20s
278Bond Investing in Your 30s
279Over-Employment: Two Remote Jobs at Once?
249Saving for a House Down Payment #2
250What is Generational Wealth?
251Series “I” Bonds vs. 30-Year Bonds
252What is Quiet Quitting?
253Don’t Gamble with Retirement 8
254FIRE Writer: Retire & Write
255Saving for a House Down Payment #3
256Rental Properties vs. Rental Rooms
257Just Rewards: Credit Cards vs. Debit Cards
258How to Become a Thought Leader
259Saving for a House Down Payment #4
260Bond Growth Investing
261How We Plan to Retire on Dividends 4
262Home Equity Loans vs. Interest Rates
234The Magic of a Sales Funnel
235The Emotional Roller Coaster of Debt
236Successful People Need the Most Help
237Saving for a House Down Payment #1
238Don’t Fumble the Bag
239The Magic of Remote Work
240Passive Income for Everyone!
241The Magic of Talking to Yourself
242The Maintenance of a Great Life #1
243The Dividend Debit Card 2
244Retire Rich, Retire Comfortable with a Business 4
245The Magic of Compounding
246Love Calls: How to Thrive in a Long Distance Relationship
247Roth IRAs vs HSAs
248Bonds 4 Life: I’m Buying 30-Year Treasuries
218Play Video Games for Passive Income
219The Magic of CD Ladders
220Consulting in the Metaverse
221Buy the Dip! The Magic of Averaging Down
222Coaching in the Metaverse
223The Magic of Leverage
224Advertising in the Metaverse
225Small City: Passive Income. Great Retirement.
226Start a Food Truck Business towards Passive Income
227Is $75,000 A Year: The Magic Happiness Number?
228The Stock Market is Not a Wealth Generator
229America is Expensive
230Home Cash: House Hacking vs. Online Business
231The Sharing Economy vs. Inflation
232Should You Trade on Margin?
204Financial Independence Remain Employed
205Don’t Gamble with Retirement 7
206USDC vs. Series I Bonds
207A Recession vs. USDC
208Free Food: Turn Your Garden into a Business
209Retirement Plus: Use Bonds to Supplement Your Retirement
210Income Investing vs. Inflation
211Debt-Free Society: Beat Automobile Debt
212Debt-Free Society: Beat Student Loan Debt
213Emergency Cash: How Much in Your Emergency Fund
214Your 401K vs. A Recession
215Join Up! Time to Sign Up for the Military
216Retirement Planning for the Average Person 4
217Debt-Free Society: Beat Wedding Debt
188From Dirt to Dividends 5
189My 7 Principles of Wealth
190Debt-Free Society: Beat Credit Card Debt
191From Dirt to Dividends 6
192Series “I” Bonds vs Roth IRAs
193Make $500/Month in Dividends
194The Magic of Cash Flow
195Retirement Plus: Use Rents to Supplement Your Retirement
196Don’t Work Hard for Money
197Building an Audience 102: Adding Value Consistently
198Staying Debt-Free In Your 20s
199Staying Debt-Free In Your 30s
200Staying Debt-Free in Your 40s
201Staying Debt-Free in Your 50s
202Staying Debt-Free in Your 60s
203Staying Debt-Free in Your 70s
171TSP vs. Dividends
172505 Takeaways from 101 Books
173Real Estate Investing in Your 70s
174Set Your Retirement Requirements
175House Hacking to Financial Independence
176From Dirt to Dividends
177Rental Takeover: Is Your Neighborhood Being Overtaken?
178Tiny Dividends: Can You Live on Dividends from Index Funds
179From Dirt to Dividends 2
180Retirement Plus: Use Royalties to Supplement Retirement
181Dividends vs. Social Security
182From Dirt to Dividends 3
183Building an Audience 101: Know, Like, & Trust
184Mother’s Happy Cash Flow Retirement
185From Dirt to Dividends 4
186Series “I” Bonds For You and I
187Home Buying for the Average Person
151Debt vs. Equity
152Bountiful Bond Funds
153The Hunt to Baby Bonds
154Start a Coaching Business Towards Passive Income
155Start a Fitness Business Towards Passive Income
156What Type of Home Business 5
157Sleep Easy: Make Money 24 Hours a Day
158My Favorite High-Yield Savings Account
159Don’t Gamble with Retirement 6
160RV Life vs. Homesteading
161Become Insanely Productive During the Magic Hours
162Income Portfolio vs USDC
163Real Estate Investing in Your 50s
164Artificial Love in the Metaverse
165Emergency Escape: Build a High-Yield Emergency Fund
166Retirement Planning for the Average Person 3
167Real Estate Investing in Your 60s
168What is Financial Independence?
169Press Record: A Life Worth Living is Worth Recording
170Retirement Plus: Use Dividends to Supplement Retirement
136Real Estate Investing in Your 30s
137Your First Five Dividend Stocks
138Create an Online Course for Passive Income
139Transfer of Wealth in the Metaverse
140Use Dividends as Your Safety Net
141The Beauty of Rental Income
142A High-Value Person
143Counting on Crypto 2
144The Magic of Living Below Your Means
145Pay Off Debt or Start Investing 2
146Treasure in Treasuries
147Real Estate Investing in Your 40s
148USDC vs. Savings Bonds vs. Treasuries
149Start a Consulting Business
150Grace & Passive Income

121The Passive Income Hero 2
122Retirement Planning vs. Estate Planning
123She Only Wants You For Your Money…
124The Magic of Saving
125The Magic of Investing
126Saving vs. Investing
127Real Estate Investing in Your 20s
128What Type of Home Business 4: Content
129Friendships in the Metaverse
130Budget vs. Fixed Income
131Fitness in the Metaverse
132Dividends vs Royalties 3
133Content Creation in the Metaverse
134Decrease Possessions. Increase Wealth.
135What is Decentralized Finance?
106Create Passive Income from Writing
107Dividends vs. Military Retirement
1084 Years College vs. 4 Years Content Creation
109Employment in the Metaverse
110Why Real Estate is IDEAL 1: Income
111The In-Debt-ured Servant
112Living Overseas Passively 06: Cryptocurrencies
113Living Overseas Passively 08: Cash
114My 4 Favorite Index Funds
115The Magic of Dollar-Cost Averaging
116The Magic of Passive Index Fund Investing
117Relationships in the Metaverse
118What if Your House Paid Dividends?
119Use Auto Business as Your Wealth Generator
120Your Retirement Planning Guide 2
91HOW to Use Credit Cards
92The Crypto Debit Card
93The Dividend Debit Card
94Your Income Should Increase Every Year
95Net Worth vs. Passive Income
965 Steps to (Financially) Running a Household
97Super Safe Savers
98Living Overseas Passively 07: Automated Business
99Education in the Metaverse
100Your First Home: Invest or Dream
101Create Passive Income from Music
102Create Passive Income from Photography
103Create Passive Income from Art & Design
104Create Passive Income from Video
105Create Passive Income from Audio & Speech
76Inflation vs. Passive Income 2
77How to Thrive in the Gig Economy
78Roth IRA vs. Municipal Bonds
79Investing in Virtual Real Estate
80Self-Storage vs. Mobile Home vs. RV Park 2
81The Core Values of Passive Income
82Dividend Investing: Back to Basics
83Don’t Gamble with Retirement 5
84Business in the Metaverse
85Self-Storage vs. Mobile Home vs. RV Park 3
86The Balanced Writer
88When NOT to use Credit Cards
89Investing for Interest: What is Fixed Income?
90Become CEO of Yourself 2
61How to Create Passive Income for Beginners
62How to Create Passive Income for Intermediates
63How to Create Passive Income for Advanced
64RE Lifestyles 4: Single-Family vs. Multi-Family
65Financial Independence through Real Estate 2
66Real Estate Tokenization
67Enter the Metaverse!
68Start a Passive Ecommerce Business
69Start a Automated Ecommerce Business
70Write Product Reviews for Passive Income
71SEO and Your New Business
72The Average Millionaire has 7 Streams of Income
737 Reasons DGI is for You
74Self-Storage vs. Mobile Home vs. RV Park
75What Type of Home Business 3: Online
46How We Plan to Retire on Dividends 2
47Living Overseas Passively 05: Royalty Income
48Understanding Cash on Cash Return
49Can You Achieve an Infinite Return?
50Is Now a Good Time to Invest in Crypto?
51Become a Real Estate Investor BEFORE
52What Type of Home Business 2: Outside
53How to Retire in California
54Stocks vs. Bonds: Is 60/40 Still Effective?
55Inflation vs. Crypto
56Why Is Talking About Money BAD?
57My Experience Running Facebook Ads
58Sell Your Creativity for Passive Income
59Dividends vs. Capital Gains
60What Gets Rewarded Gets Remembered
31Living Overseas Passively 03 Dividend Income
32The Magic of Dividend Growth Investing
33RE Lifestyles 2: Investor vs. Lender
34What Type of Home Business Should You Start?
35Losing Friends? You’re Doing Something Right
36Debt-Free? So, What’s Next?
37Why You Need a Job
3810000 Hours to Build an Income Stream
39My 60-Day Pre-Retirement
40Living Overseas Passively 04 Rental Income
41We Make $650/Month in Passive Income
42Life is Not a Game
43The Magic of Income Investing
44RE Lifestyles 3: Rent vs. Sell
45More Content, More Cash Flow
16Orange You Glad You Have Passive Income?
17Retirement Planning for the Average Person 2
18Selling Covered Calls for Passive Income
19Retirement Planning for the Average Person 1+2
20Should You Manage Your Own Rental Properties?
21Preferred Shares vs. Closed-End Funds
22Living Overseas Passively 02 Retirement Income
23Create a Never-Ending Stream of Content
24What is Passive Income?
25The Wealth Accumulation Phase: 2 is Better Than 1
26Don’t Gamble with Retirement 3
27Don’t Gamble with Retirement 3 + 4
28RE Lifestyles 1: Rentals vs. REITs
29Start a Small Machine Coin-Op Business
30HENRY -High Earner Not Rich Yet
1Active Service, Passive Income
2Retirement Planning for the Average Person
3Write a Book in One Week
4I Live Paycheck to Paycheck 3
5Retire Rich, Retire Comfortable with a Business 2
6Real Estate is a Mindset (Intermediate)
7What Limiting Beliefs Do You Have About Money?
8Living Overseas Passively 01 Financial Mindset
9The Pros and Cons of Dividend ETFs
10The Magic of Cryptocurrencies
11Don’t Gamble with Retirement 4
12I’m Too Serious
13Real Estate is a Mindset (Advanced)
14Don’t Fear Delegation
15Why You Should Learn Creativity and Design