Category: Retirement Planning
The Most Challenging Part of Passive Income: Enjoying it
They teach you to work. They teach you to struggle. However, they don’t teach you to enjoy life. Once you get your relationships and finances on track, your worldview changes. The average person believes that you go to work and spend your paycheck. Because work makes you sad, you spend even more than you need—shopping…
The 30-Day $1,000 Emergency Fund Challenge
I remember not having a $1,000 emergency fund to my name. Those were not fun times, especially as a person with a family. However, over the years, I started to get my act together. I began to budget my money and consume less; now, I have $300,000 in liquid assets. Start with $1,000 first. The…
New Car Payments vs. Income Investing
Do you own a paid-off car? Congratulations, you are on your way toward financial freedom. Or are you? Chances are you are considering buying a new car because they look so dang sexy right now. You may as well get a brand-new vehicle with safety features and better gas mileage, right? That new car smell.…
The 401K Lie: Saving 10% is a Fool’s Errand
Have you ever been flush with cash? Have you ever received random amounts of money that you truly do not need (or want) to spend? Well, this is my life every day as an income investor. I invest for dividends that help me fund my lifestyle today (in my 40s) and tomorrow (in my 70s).…
5 Takeaways from “Living on Almost Nothing”
“Living on Almost Nothing” by Amber Storck is a book about living “beyond” what you would consider frugal. However, her advice is necessary in today’s economy and world climate. The author starts by giving us her work history and how she bought a home in Arizona in cash. Next, she details how she saves money…
How to Create, Buy, And Build Assets: Start the Journey to Set Yourself Free
My favorite author Robert Kiyosaki says it best, “An asset puts money in your pocket, and a liability takes money from you.” Understanding this simple truth has allowed me to become debt free and financially independent over the last four years. I simply focus my efforts on obtaining assets and not accumulating liabilities. Collecting assets…
Why You Need Passive Income!
I woke up yesterday to find some emails containing passive income in my Gmail inbox. I received $97 from Fundrise, $22 from Direct2Digital (books), and $60 in dividends. There is nothing like receiving money you don’t need. To earn passive income, you do the work once (invest or write) and continually reap the rewards. Why…
Saving & Investing with $500 per Month
If you can save and invest $500 per month, you are in the elite class of America. Sadly, I am being completely serious. Most Americans cannot save $500 over the course of a year or even a decade. America is a tough place to save because everything costs. If you own a home or have…
Are You Drowning in Debt? Try Building a Relationship with Money
Our parents and teachers train us to be good employees. Unfortunately, this mindset leads to terrible interactions with money. The first step to getting out of debt is understanding the language of money and then learning how we should spend it. The root cause of debt. We live in a consumption-based, spend-first society. However, that…
So Your Kid Wants to be a Doctor? Here’s How You Can Help
Parents, you will not like this article. I have been tough on parents over the last three years, and today the tradition continues. Don’t worry; I am a parent of two kids, 16 and 12. We all want the best for our children, but most people forget to do the most crucial thing—learn. Fixed versus…
Retirement Planning for the Average Person 5
Sometimes we must admit when we are wrong. I find myself in this position today—humbled. There was one core truth I believed, but it has changed recently. I believed you could stay in the workforce long enough to create a truly passive income retirement. For example, you could work until you earned $5,000/month in dividends.…
Time is Money #3: Invest by Creating Infinite Returns for the Future
Most of us understand that we should be investing in our futures. The general media teaches us that putting money into a 401K is investing; however, it is more akin to saving. Yes, the money goes into the stock market, but you still “think” like a saver. Today, let’s discuss how to “create” money like…
Generation Quit: Being a Leader in the New Workplace
I’ve been in the military for 24 years and have seen a lot of change. If you consider yourself a leader, you will need to understand the new generation to navigate your team to success effectively. Yes, I used the word leader, not manager or supervisor. Very few consider themselves leaders because it is challenging…
Time is Money #2: Save By Adding Value in the Present
Have you ever wondered why people save money? We all believe we have the answer, but it is still worth a deeper dive. We recently explored debt and how it keeps you focused on the past. Now it’s time to focus on today, which reduces much of our stress. What is saving? Most people think…
You Can Now Skip Car Loan Payments: Don’t Skip Your Car Loan Payments!
I logged in to pay my monthly car payment and received a strange notification. I could now skip my car payment for a $25 fee. The implications of this type of program are far-reaching. In essence, it’s a payday loan. Keep in mind that this came from a Federal Credit Union—the supposed good guys. The…
Beware of Fake Passive Income Claims: True Passive Income is Challenging to Achieve
It takes 10,000 hours to create a reliable income stream. Depending on your daily habits, that timeline can range from five to ten years. With this knowledge in hand, be very wary of anyone claiming to have found the secret to quick passive income. The only passive income that matters is in your money system.…
Time is Money #1: Debt is a Function of the Past
Most of us don’t understand the devious nature of debt until it’s too late. We believe debt helps us get what we want—when we want. In reality, debt is sucking life from our souls. The more debt we have, the more we are tied to our jobs, lifestyles, and cities. Today, I want to get…
Choose Between $100,000 Active Income and $50,000 Passive Income
I will ask you a question that will rattle you to your core. Do you really want to go to work every day? It’s okay to be truthful; I’ll go first. My job fulfilled me for the first 15 years after high school. At a random point, it became more of a chore than entertainment. …
Quiet Quitting vs Loud Rehiring: Time to Go Back to Work
Did you buy into all the hype surrounding the quiet quitting and great resignation movements? How did that work out for you? I agree with you on one thing—the workplace is terrible in its current form. There are two crucial elements missing: leadership and mentorship. However, you’ll need to go back to work until you…
Happy Cash Flow Retirement 9
There is nothing preventing us from retiring early except ourselves. We have all the tools to live a fulfilling life without working a day job. So what prevents 97% of the population from riding off into the sunset before age 50? The answer lies in our need for more information and action. Welcome back to…