Category: Retirement Planning
Happy Cash Flow Retirement 10
Another day, another dollar; better yet, another passive income dollar. In two weeks, I am retiring from the Marine Corps after 24 years of service. I have never been more excited in my life because this is the result of hard work and planning. I have wanted this outcome since I began writing about passive…
Can the Military Elevate You to the Middle Class?
The middle class is under attack, and soon no remnants will be left. There are a few reasons why this is happening, mainly increased college costs, the price of housing, out-of-control healthcare expenses, and lack of financial education. America had a good run for its middle class—when workers had pensions for staying with a company…
5 Takeaways from “Gen F’d”
“Gen F’d: How Young Australians Can Reclaim Their Futures” by Alison Pennington looks at how Generation Z and younger Millennials can regain control of their lives. I’ll admit that the author and I share different economic views; I consider myself a capitalist. However, I did work for the government for 24 years and had a…
Saving & Investing 103: What is Your Investment Philosophy?
Once you get past all the mindset quirks of saving and investing, you will need to formulate an investing philosophy. Your philosophy will lead to your strategy, which will be your rock during tough times. Everyone’s philosophy is different, so understanding yours is paramount. Welcome back to the Saving & Investing 101 series (101, 102),…
Saving & Investing 102: What is Your Relationship with Money?
The most essential ingredient to building your wealth is your relationship with money. I hear you thinking, “But money isn’t alive.” Money isn’t what you think it is—it reflects value. The more value you give, the more money you will receive. Welcome back to the Saving & Investing 101 series (101), where we start the…
Saving & Investing 101: What is Your Risk Tolerance?
I talk to many people who cannot even fathom moving a portion of their money into a high-yield savings account. They fear the thought of not walking into a brick-and-mortar bank to handle their transactions. Other people I know put everything they had into cryptocurrencies back in 2021. They lost nearly all of their money…
Saving and Investing with $1,000 per Month
Welcome to the big leagues! If you can save and invest $1,000 per month, you will eventually become quite wealthy. I remember four years ago (2019) when I didn’t even have $1,000 in my savings account. Even worse, I had $77,000 in debt; those were not fun times. I remember thinking that having $10,000 in…
How to Use a Daily Budget: The Best Way to Curb Personal Spending
Do you have your personal spending under control? If so, how do you measure whether you successfully keep your urges to consume at bay? Having financial control is tricky because we all work hard. We feel we deserve certain luxuries when we put so much into work. Some of us may love to spend on…
Personal Loans vs. Credit Cards: Which is the Best Lifeline?
I hate credit cards with a passion, although I’ll admit they are a necessary evil. There are just too many random events that can occur, especially when you have a family. Personal loans are a much better option than credit cards, but they require you to keep a tight handle on your spending. Most of…
Become Middle-Class PLUS: Insert Growth Multipliers into Your Life
Most people fear becoming rich. Somewhere along the lines, they adopted a belief that rich people are bad; therefore, they avoid the path to wealth. However, it’s still not wrong to make a little more money. The problem is that most people cannot fathom earning income outside of a 9-5 job. Most times, people’s jobs…
Inflation Ate My Paycheck 112: Inflation for Longer
Now is a great time to be alive, although it may not seem this way. America and most countries are experiencing high inflationary pressures from all sources. However, you have all the tools at your disposal to combat inflation and continue to grow your net worth. Welcome back to the Inflation Ate My Paycheck Series…
Leaving the Workforce in 10 Years: For Families
How can you possibly exit the workforce with an entire family in tow? Well, it’s more than possible if you put your mind to it and commit as a family. I should know because my family is leaving the workforce this year. My wife (39) has already stopped working, and I will retire (42) in…
Start Your Season of Saving: Let’s Save $100,000
Do you believe that $100,000 is a lot of money? Can you envision you would ever have this amount of money in your high-yield savings account? If you think this is a lot of money, that is your first limiting belief. If you do not believe you can save $100,000, that is your second limiting…
Leaving the Workforce in 10 Years: For Couples
In a fantasy world, two people working together should quickly free themselves from the workforce. In reality, we all have major money issues and traumas that prevent us from seeing clearly. Thus, freeing ourselves is extremely challenging, and doing it as a couple is almost impossible. There is hope. However, there is hope. As long…
Leaving the Workforce in 10 Years: For Singles
The great part about being single is that you single-handedly control your destiny. The bad part is that you are all alone. However, you can easily free yourself from the workforce when you are single. All you have to do is start from the end. Dreaming up your retirement. Most people dream of retiring in…
Your Income Should Increase Every Year 2
Life is expensive. This is a difficult concept for most people to understand. To stay ahead in the world, you must keep increasing your income annually. The good part is that your assets can do most of the work for you. The bad part is you’ll need to acquire your assets first. I wrote part…
Become Debt-Free and Stress-Free
We all live with varying levels of stress. Most of it comes from financial hardship or being in debt. Being in debt is not fun at all. You constantly worry about an emergency that can shatter the life you worked hard to build. But, it is possible to get out of debt. I did it,…
Balanced Books: Living By a Harcore Budget is Empowering
When you level up your budgeting game, you will instantly see the results in your confidence and bank accounts. Most people do not live on a budget at all. They simply funnel their money into their direct deposit account and try to have one dollar left at the end of the month. If you take…
The Most Challenging Part of Passive Income: Enjoying it
They teach you to work. They teach you to struggle. However, they don’t teach you to enjoy life. Once you get your relationships and finances on track, your worldview changes. The average person believes that you go to work and spend your paycheck. Because work makes you sad, you spend even more than you need—shopping…
The 30-Day $1,000 Emergency Fund Challenge
I remember not having a $1,000 emergency fund to my name. Those were not fun times, especially as a person with a family. However, over the years, I started to get my act together. I began to budget my money and consume less; now, I have $300,000 in liquid assets. Start with $1,000 first. The…