Category: Retirement Planning
Retirement Plus: Supplement Your Retirement with Rental Income
There has been a lot of debate on whether you should purchase a home or not, and I’d like to put this topic to rest. Not only should you own one house, but you should also own many homes. In addition to owning multiple homes, you should rent out at least one room in your…
Retirement Plus: Supplement Your Retirement with Royalties
I never knew that being creative could help you build wealth. I spent 24 years grinding in the United States Marine Corps, doing God’s work. I read all of Robert Kiyosaki’s books toward the end of my career, which began highlighting ways to create cash flow using creativity. It takes a while for a government…
Christmas Cash Flow! Become Your Own Santa
How much money do you have to spend for Christmas this year? I pray that you do not have to use credit cards to purchase gifts—like many Americans. Instead, I hope you have as much money to spend as you desire. It may sound outrageous or impossible, but you can achieve this financial feat by…
Your Net Worth Should Increase 10% Annually: Or You Risk Falling Behind
How do the rich become richer? Their assets grow faster than inflation. We must all learn to harness the power of asset growth to ensure we pass along a great life to our children. A couple of days ago, I wrote an article about increasing my income by 10% annually. Today, I will concentrate on…
Your Income Should Increase 10% Annually: Or You Risk Quickly Falling Behind
When did our salaries become the deciding factor in our lifestyles? Why should our bosses dictate how we live our lives? Americans were an entrepreneur class of businesspeople, farmers, and traders. As we moved into the industry age, we began depending on our employers to “facilitate” our lifestyles. However, wages can’t keep up with cost-of-living…
What is Your Entertainment Budget? Use the Extra Money to Start Options Trading
Everyone loves to spend money on their favorite entertainment vices. Some of us love to go to concerts, while others love to watch pay-per-view boxing matches. No matter your particular entertainment vice, it must fall into an entertainment budget. Sadly, budgeting is not everyone’s cup of tea. Today, I will make the case for why…
Retirement Plus: Supplement Your Retirement with a Treasury Bond Ladder
How secure is your retirement? Do you feel confident that you have the financial sophistication to survive and thrive into old age? We can all take steps to ensure a healthy, wealthy retirement. One of these steps is to use US Treasuries to protect our principal and create great passive income. But what makes US…
What is Your Food Budget? Use the Extra Money to Start Investing in Dividends
The food budget is the most challenging of all the allowances in your monthly household budget. That’s because food is an emotional element of our existence. However, starting the month without a food budget is akin to walking under the rain without an umbrella: it can be exciting but could make you sick. Today, I…
Retirement Plus: Supplement Your Retirement with Dividends
Nobody teaches us how to retire. Few people can think about life in their 60s while dealing with life in their 20s. Therefore, to facilitate a healthy, wealthy retirement, we must prepare for it. The best retirement system for the working class was the pension system. However, gone are the days of corporations and governments…
Retirement Planning for the Average Person 7: Yes, You Can Retire
Retirement planning is still the same as it has always been; it just seems more complex. To have an amazing retirement, you must generate income passively. Most of us have never considered the idea of making money while we sleep, but the basic gist of the story is that the person with the most passive…
My 2024 Passive Income Streams: How My Finances Look Today
Every year, I write my passive income resolutions. I put them out on New Year’s (2022, 2023, 2024) so that they can set the pace for my financial ambitions. This year, I want to supplement my resolutions with some hard data on how my finances look at mid-year. This update will serve as a guiding…
Preparing for a Recession #3: The Five High-Yielding Saving Products
Nothing is more important than having money during a recession; however, the days of stuffing cash under the mattress disappeared a while ago. We need to become much more sophisticated with our money, resources, and assets. Cash is an asset, and we must value it as such. Welcome back to the Preparing for a Recession…
Preparing for a Recession #2: Adjusting Your Lifestyle
The recession will affect us all differently, but make no mistake, it will affect us all. Some will discover great wealth during these challenging times, and others will lose everything. Those who take preparations seriously have a shot at becoming wealthier than before. Those who attempt to carry out the same lifestyle will fall behind.…
Preparing for a Recession #1: Improving Your Skillsets
Let me set the stage. In 2024, interest rates are high because inflation has ravaged the American economy. Businesses have cut jobs at record numbers because the price to finance and maintain debt has skyrocketed. The average person is dealing with a home insurance crisis, inflated property taxes, elevated rents, and high gas prices. To…
The Illusion of Freedom: The True Three Paths are Military, College, or Trade School
During my entire 24-year career in the United States Marine Corps, people questioned how I could give up my freedom and liberties. They said it’s better to be able to quit their job whenever they like, travel where they want, or do as many drugs as they deem necessary. For 24 years, I kept my…
Financial Freedom: The True American Dream
Nobody wants to work—or, better stated, nobody wants to be forced to work. We would all love to be “work-optional.” To become work-optional, you must first become financially free. Becoming financially independent isn’t as tough as people think; however, the media does an excellent job of making it seem out of reach. Ultimately, your version…
Don’t Be ALICE: Asset Limited, Income Constrained, But Employed
We need jobs for one reason: to buy assets. Somewhere along the way, we started using jobs to pay bills. That’s how we got on the never-ending hamster wheel. They have a new term for this phenomenon—the working class. This means you will always work, grind, and still barely survive. I’m no longer part of…
5 Takeaways from “The Myth of Making It”
“The Myth of Making It” by Samthi Mukhopadhyay is a hands-on account of what it takes to make it in corporate America. I was drawn to the book because I spent 24 years in the Marine Corps trying to “make it.” Becoming successful in America is challenging for everyone, especially if you become a manager…