Category: Real Estate
5 Takeaways from “Dirt Rich” (farm)
“Dirt Rich” by Leigh Funderburk is exactly the book I have been looking for. Kris and I own 2 separate properties that each have 3 acres of land. When I retire from the military, I want to exploit this land to construct some sort of venue or area where we can start a business. I…
Use Real Estate as Your Wealth Generator
Time to get rich! If you have read any of my work before, you may have seen me say that real estate is the best wealth generator for the average middle-class person. Today I will explore this statement and more to give you an idea of the power of real estate. What is a wealth…
How to Become a LAND Millionaire
Owning real estate properties is not for everyone. It requires a plethora of different skills that many people do not feel comfortable using. It will take management ability, people skills, and financial education. However, real estate is probably the fastest, most accessible wealth generator for the average person. So many people want all the benefits…
Real Estate Investing 102: Unlimited Opportunities when Owning Properties
In Real Estate Investing 101 we went over how to get involved in the world of real estate. Real estate is a large wealth generator, maybe the biggest wealth creation vehicle out there. It is important that anyone seeking financial freedom is involved in some form of real estate. Today we want to take a…
Mortgage Zero: The Art of Paying Zero Out-of-Pocket Housing Cost
Stop paying so much for housing! I wish I could get this into your head with just this first sentence. However, life doesn’t work like this. We will have to go more in-depth on the reason why housing is keeping the middle-class very…. middle-class. Then we will go into how we can stop this trend…
Is Real Estate Wholesaling Right for You?
So the world of real estate interests you? You see all the big money and fast sales in real estate and you want a piece of the action, right? Real Estate is a huge world and there are countless ways to get involved. But what if you don’t have a lot of money to get…
5 Takeaways from “Growing Wealth in Self-Storage”
“Growing Wealth in Self-Storage” by AJ Osbourne is a how-to guide to make it big using self-storage as your wealth generator. Although it will take some money to get started, self-storage is a great way to grow your wealth. The difference between self-storage and most real estate investments is that self-storage is a business. The…
The Pitfalls of Owning a House, and How to Prevent Them
Buying your first home is one of the most exciting and scary experiences of your life. I know that I was scared crap-less. It requires a lot of responsibility to sign a 30-year mortgage. As much as we try to focus positively on the future, we always tend to think about what could go wrong. …
Will You Make A Good Landlord?
The number one reason I hear for not investing in rental properties is becoming a landlord. So many people have a fear of being a landlord. I personally don’t know where this comes from, but it has a lot to do with an individual’s personality. Real estate is the most convenient way to make a…
Introduction to REITs
Getting started in real estate can be a very daunting task for most Americans. Most Americans will usually never own more than one home at a time. So, how else do you get broad exposure to the booming real estate commodity? This is where REITs come in. REITs are essential to your overall investment strategy…
Why Real Estate is the I.D.E.A.L. Investment
What makes real estate such a huge draw to investors? There are many other assets to invest in such as stocks and gold, so why has real estate built so many fortunes over the years? To understand how real estate makes so many investors rich, you have to first understand the basics of real estate.…
How to Leverage Real Estate at any Age
Something I often hear is that you need a lot of money to get involved with real estate. And yes that is true if you are talking about certain types of commercial real estate or multi-family homes. I like to think of real estate as more of a mindset than a physical entity. Your goal…
5 Takeaways from “The Passive Income Myth”
“The Passive Income Myth”, by Joseph Hogue, is my favorite pick for people who want to begin their passive income journeys. The book talks about 4 different passive income strategies, all strategies that I consistently preach about. In fact, if I were going to write a book about passive income strategies, this is the book…
Passive Income Ideas: $7,027 from $1,000
Wow! $7,027 from $1,000. That is a cool 700% return. Is it really possible? Of course it is. And you can have everything up and running by next weekend. The caveat is….you are not going to like what it entails. But you are not here to be comfortable, you are here to become rich! I…
Scenario #1: $8,000 a month Cash Flow Retirement
Scenario time. Brian is a 35 year old IT professional. He wants to retire 20 years from this date, which would make him 55 years old. He has enough savings for a downpayment on a house and nothing else. His job pays him $60,000 a year and he would like to retire with $8,000 a…
20 Books That Will Make You Rich
Check out part 2 of the Series Disclaimer: Reading in of itself will not make you rich. However, reading and creating actionable tasks WILL make you rich. I wanted to keep this page as simple as possible. I have attached my personal review of each of these books. These books together have helped me gain…
Real Estate Investing 101
So you would like to be a real estate investor? Real estate investing is a sure-fire way to create, maintain, or grow wealth- not only for yourself but for future generations as well. I guess you are wondering how to get started in the land of real estate. There are so many ways to invest…
5 Takeaways from “Making Money from Mobile Homes”
The best way to describe “Making Money with Mobile Homes” by Lonnie Scruggs is that it is “Rich Dad Poor Dad” for mobile homes. Since “Rich Dad Poor Dad” is one of my favorite books, that makes this book one of my favorite books. The most important idea that I learned from “The Cash Flow…
5 Takeaways from “10 Other Real Estate Investments You Could Make”
“10 Other Real Estate Investments You Could Do” by Michael Lantrip is a comprehensive account of possible ways to make money in real estate. These ways are outside of the normal methods of buying real estate, whether that is single-family homes, apartments, or commercial. I would have never guessed that real estate had so many…
5 Takeaways from “Build a Rental Property Empire”
“Build a Rental Property Empire” by Mark Ferguson is interesting for the fact that he builds his rental property empire by purchasing residential single-family homes. It is interesting because this is in direct contrast to another book that I read called “Zero Down” by Monica Main ( In her book, she recommends investors buy commercial…