Category: MISC

  • Best Life Hack: Renting Rooms

    Let’s start by saying that renting out a room in your home is not for everyone. In fact, most people cannot or will not do it. However, there is so much untapped potential in this concept. It literally will change your life. Currently, we pay $1750 for our 3rd home. It is on 3 acres…

  • Investment Portfolio Update #1

    Now, let’s get to the meat of our investments. First, remember the 4 parts of a balanced portfolio Savings, Bonds, Stocks, and Real Estate. Let’s take a look when Kris and I first starting in June 2019. I had some bonds from when I first started off in the military. Keep in mind, Kris and…

  • Investing in your relationship

    Even more important than investing your money is investing in your relationship. Let’s talk about marriage. My wife and I have been married for over 14 years, all of which I was in the military. Conversation. Relationships are hard but extremely rewarding. Taking the time to sit down and talk to your spouse about the…

  • Can you invest on a military salary?

    Yes. Yes. Yes. The military is the best place to invest. You are given extra money for housing and food or it is provided. Your paycheck is steady and you can have allotments send money straight to various accounts. Here are some tips to get you started. Buy an inexpensive car. Expensive cars will not…

  • Can you invest when having a family?

    Yes. Yes. Yes. It will be a little more difficult and your gains may not be as fast as a single person, however, you will be just as rewarded. Here are the first steps to start your journey invest with a family. Create a super detailed budget. You need to track every single expense down…

  • Basics of Investing

    Hello everyone, Josh here. Let’s talk about the very, very basics of investing. We will expand on each of these topics over time. The first thing you will need to understand is how to build a balanced investment portfolio. There are 4 separate pieces of the pie that will make your portfolio complete. They are…

  • Welcome to Investing

    Hello Everyone! Welcome to MilitaryFamilyInvesting. Don’t be fooled by the title, this is for all aspiring investors and families. Our goal is to build family wealth. Hi, my name is Josh and my wife’s name is Kris. I have been in the military for over 21 years. Kris and I have been married for over…