Category: MISC

  • Investing Mission Statement

    In the military, every unit has to have a mission statement. The unit has to have a reason to exist. It has to have a purpose. I believe need a mission statement for your investment portfolio. If you do not have a clear reason on why you are investing, you may be set off track.…

  • How are you managing your time?

    I recently wanted to have a conversation with a good friend on mine. We tried to link up a couple of times but she was so busy on her side that we couldn’t talk. I thought to myself, “Man if she is this busy she must be making doctor type money.” I think this way…

  • Investing Quick Tips

    This is a small collection of my favorite buzz words and phrases. The more you read my blog, the more you will see these phrases repeated over and over. I wanted to collect them in one place for quick reference. The three types of income are Earned Income, Business Income, and Investment Income. We want…

  • Growth vs Value Investing

    After you get your feet wet in the world of the stock market, you will probably start to form a strategy. Two of the more polarizing strategies I have seen online are growth investing and value investing. I will quickly summarize each to get you started on your journey of information. These topics could each…

  • Thinking of buying a multi-family home

    As a generational thinker, I always have to be on the lookout for another stream of income. Not just a quick buck, but something that can be kept in the family for a long time. My grandpa made a lot of money investing and renting real estate. It is very lucrative if you have the…

  • Military Pension vs Dividend Portfolio

    The military retirement system is one of the best retirement pension plans available in the United States. In a nutshell, if complete 20 years you will receive 50% of your salary in retirement, for the rest of your life. Two things even make this better, annual cost of living increases and you begin to draw…

  • How to expand your mind: Generational

    My Grandpa (may he rest in peace) was a generational thinker. Everything he did, every move he made, had a long term play. He ensured that every generation that was under his family tree was provided for the best way he knew how. He laid a lot of the groundwork for who I am today.…

  • Dating + Finances: Part 1

    Wow. There is a lot to unpack here. Over the years, Kris and I noticed some different dating trends forming. It started back in 2011 when my friend said that he would never buy a woman a drink. I honestly had never heard anything so outrageous in my life. I always felt that buying a…

  • How do you escape the rat race?

    (Read part one of the series “Are you part of the rat race” Now that your eyes have been opened, let’s continue. The rat race is a MINDSET. To escape the rat race you first have to change your perspective. Why do you go to work? If your answer is, “To pay bills, provide…

  • Are you part of the rat race?

    It is a very delicate topic. Let’s first start with what the “rat race” is. The rat race is going to work every day (earned income), getting a check from your employer, paying bills, and basically surviving on this income. Sure, there may be a vacation, car, or wedding thrown in for good measure, but…

  • Going to start a business with my kids

    The more I study the wealthy, the more I want to adopt some of their methods. The rich buy cars and houses for their children and also ensure that their children have a college education. The wealthy do this as well but also have businesses where the children will be hired and promoted within the…

  • Stock Portfolio Update #1

    It’s time for our first look into our stocks portfolio. Remember, the 4 parts of a balanced portfolio are High Yield Savings, Bonds, Stocks, and Real Estate. Let’s focus on the stocks portion of our portfolio. First let’s look back at where we were in June 2019. In June 2019, I was in Turkey with…

  • How I would invest my first $100

    If I were a new investor this is how I would invest my first $100. Remember the 4 parts of a complete portfolio are High Yield Savings Account, Bonds, Stocks, and Real Estate. With that, let’s get into it: $25 into a normal savings account: This would be into your Bank of America or Wells…

  • Jobs to work part time

    The most important question you need to ask yourself is, “Why am I working this second or third job?” If you can’t make ends meet from your primary income source, you need to find out why. Create a detailed household budget, discover where your money is going, make spending cuts, and see what you have…

  • The most important financial decision you will ever make

    This one may throw you for a loop. The most important decision you will ever make is: Who you decide to marry. Yes. Synergy with your spouse is the number one way to ensure you reach your goals. Remember, your goal doesn’t need to be saving and investing. I know plenty of couples who keep…

  • What is financial independence, to you?

    Everyone’s version of financial independence looks differently. Some want to win megabucks in the lottery. Others want to earn a military retirement and then move to Thailand or The Philippines. Whatever the case may be, we all need to come up with a plan to achieve our goals. No matter your goals, the best way…

  • Don’t be afraid of the stock market

    When I let my mom know that I was opening brokerage accounts for my niece and nephew, her response was “Don’t you lose all your money in the stock market?”. That is typically the response you get from the uninitiated. I think people relate the stock market to frenzied day traders who are yelling, screaming,…

  • 3 things all young married couples should know

    Getting married is a part of life for most people. You find someone special, you date them, and eventually, you want to get married. Love is the binding force that keeps marriages together, however, you have to work on loving your spouse. Love is constantly evolving, like you and your spouse. Here are 3 things…

  • 3 Types of Budgets

    Budgeting is the #1 way to becoming wealthy. We need to understand how much money is coming in and how much money is going out. We also need to discover if our money is being spent in the most efficient manner possible. As soon as we get paid we split our money into 3 distinct…

  • Invest in Relationships and Finance to build Wealth

    I watch a lot of YouTube money videos. There are so many different ideas coming from these content creators. I truly enjoy listening to their stories about growth financially and spiritually. However, I do not see much talk about building relationships. Relationships are just like investments. They require research, time, and energy. You make deposits…