Category: MISC

  • Marriage Year in Review: 2007

    Marriage Year in Review: 2007

    The Story: I didn’t remember anything particularly memorable about 2007 before I looked at the pictures. Once I started reviewing the pictures I realized what a pivotal year it was. I started the year still on my 2-year unaccompanied tour to Okinawa, Japan. Kris was still in San Diego with my mom and our 2-month-old…

  • The moment I realized that making money was mostly visual

    My wife and I were right in the middle of buying our third home. We had always wanted another house on multiple acres of land. This particular house had 3 acres of lush Florida land. The home was beautiful, as well as the land. I knew we could make money off of the property, we…

  • The Marine Security Guard Chronicles #4 – Third Post Introduction

    Now it was time to leave Ashgabat, Turkmenistan. My girlfriend was the love of my life. Of course, she ended up becoming my wife, but at the time we didn’t foresee that. The year was 2005. I had extended to stay in Ashgabat but at the time Helsinki needed me more. Again, I was issued…

  • The Marine Security Guard Chronicles Vol #3 – Second Post Introduction

    The Marine Security Guard Chronicles Vol #3 – Second Post Introduction

    Leaving Niamey, Niger was bittersweet but I was eager to see the world. I had asked for my next post to be in Central Asia. I had asked to go there on word that the women were beautiful. And yes, they were! My ordered posted for Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, Central Asia. Again, I had to look…

  • The Marine Security Guard Chronicles #2 – First Post Introduction

    The Marine Security Guard Chronicles #2 – First Post Introduction

    I remember being in MSG school back in 2002 and thinking about what post I would ask for. I knew that if you asked for something nice, you would get something horrible. And if you asked for something horrible, you would get it. That’s life, right? I always wanted to go to Africa. Matter of…

  • The Marine Security Guard Chronicles Vol #1 – Introduction

    When I was young in the Corps, there was a saying. “Everyone wants to be a Marine, and every Marine wants to be a Marine Security Guard”. I find that to be completely true. It truly is the best duty in the Marine Corps. Over the course of this series, I will talk about as…

  • What is a Soulmate?

    This is a question where the answers can vary wildly. Recently, my wife and I were talking about soulmates. It got me to thinking of what I believe a soulmate truly is. Is it a surface level thing? Or does it go deeper into the connection of the souls? How long does it take to…

  • 6 way to prepare for your future life

    If I had a time machine, I would track myself down at age 25. By age 25, most of the “random fun” had been purged from my system and I was ready for something “more”. Here are 6 things I would say to the 25-year-old version of myself to help fast track the learning process.…

  • Can you become rich by only using earned income?

    There are three types of income; earned, business, and investment. I want to take a look at how I can become rich from having only earned income. Earned income is the income we receive from a working job. We have been taught that working hard at our jobs will eventually pay off in the form…

  • My $35,000 a month retirement plan

    My $35,000 a month retirement plan

    Over the last 15 months, my wife and I have been optimizing our lifestyle and finances to prepare for our future lives. We have cut down on household and entertainment expenses. We have begun to generate income outside of our standard jobs. And finally, we have began to invest in a balanced investment portfolio. Now,…

  • 3 ways to push your life forward

    Life can be difficult sometimes. It can be even more difficult when you don’t even understand why it is difficult. There can be an invisible wall that we can each reach some point or another. The wall does not tell you that it is coming, it just hits you in the face randomly. I hit…

  • 5 ways couples can invest in experiences

    Building experiences together is a hallmark of a great relationship. As much as I love to hang out at the house and relax, going out and creating experiences is vital to building a lifelong, weather-proof relationship. By keeping things exciting and a little spontaneous, it allows us to re-kindle that “puppy-love” that we all had…

  • 5 ways that teamwork can lead to success in America

    America is a tough place to be alone. Not only are there raising housing, education, healthcare, and child care costs, but we are increasingly trying to cover these expenses alone. When we do not work as a team, it works out in corporate America’s best interests. The more isolated individuals and families, the more products…

  • What is your rich life?

    What is your rich life?

    I want you to do an exercise with me. I want you to imagine your best case life at 50 years old. Do not limit yourself with money, status, or relationships. This is your dream world. Who are you with? What do you have? Where are you at? Now, most importantly, how do you achieve…

  • I will use dividends to supplement my retirement

    As a Marine of over 21 years, I know that my military pension will be substantial. In fact, my wife and I can easily live off of this retirement alone. On top of our military pension, we will also have rental income from our properties. To be honest, we are pretty much set for retirement.…

  • Running a household is akin to running a business

    When I first got married in 2006, I had no idea what I was doing. I was a young E5 (25 years old) who only knew what my parents taught me about marriage. Which wasn’t much. So my wife and I jumped into “playing house”. We did pretty well. We didn’t set the world ablaze,…

  • Generating income needs to become second nature

    Over the last 20 years, I believed that if I continued to get promoted everything would be okay, financially. And to some extent, that is the case. My family and I can live a nice, middle-class life on my military salary. However, to become truly financially independent, we have to do more. What is financial…

  • What portfolio are we building for our children?

    Believe it or not, this seems to always be a polarizing topic. One side claims that for children to grow into adults, they will need to be thrust out into the world, alone. This trial by fire will help them discover who they are and where they are going. I can see this argument. This…

  • Why I have 5 different brokerage accounts

    The number one reason is that it is really fun. It is hard to believe that only 14 months ago (June 2019) I did not even have one brokerage account. It goes to show that once you jump into something, anything is possible. If you are reading this and don’t have a brokerage account, I…

  • My military retirement should be worth $5.5 million

    Every once in awhile I like to look at the military retirement calculator. It has been a sort of hobby on mine since I hit my 8-year mark of military service. I would calculate what an E8 would retire with at 20 years and what an E9 would retire with at 30 years. Lo and…