Category: MISC

  • Travel Blog #4: Brooklyn, NY 2

    Travel Blog #4: Brooklyn, NY 2

    Part of having a successful marriage is creating experiences together. This blog’s purpose to reflect on great travels that helps us maintain a great marriage. I challenge other couples to do the same as well. If the number of pictures you have will not suffice, you may need to go create more experiences! Good Luck! …

  • What is your financial independence number?

    What is your financial independence number?

    What is financial independence? Well, it has a different meaning for everyone. The Wikipedia definition is; Financial independence is the status of having enough income to pay one’s living expenses for the rest of one’s life without having to be employed or dependent on others. I tend to agree with this definition. There is the…

  • Travel Blog #3: Brooklyn, NY 1

    Travel Blog #3: Brooklyn, NY 1

    Part of having a successful marriage is creating experiences together. This blog’s purpose to reflect on great travels that helps us maintain a great marriage. I challenge other couples to do the same as well. If the number of pictures you have will not suffice, you may need to go create more experiences! Good Luck! …

  • My Wife’s plan to retire at 45 years old

    My wife joined the US workforce back in 2008, and she has worked every year since then. I am so excited for her to be able to retire at age 45 if she so chooses. That would give her 21 years of working in America. My wife does not have a traditional defined pension plan…

  • What we spend, save, and invest monthly, as a family of 4

    I remember the day I decided to get married. It was in Helsinki, Finland back in 2006. I had no idea what to expect from a marriage. I know that my marriage wasn’t going to look like my parents, so what was it going to look like? I was okay with money, not to savvy,…

  • My Reading List September 2020

    My reading list is growing out of control. The more I read, the more recommendations are added to my list. For the books that I have completed, be refer to my 5 Takeaways series, for a quick rundown of what I learned from those books. I Will Teach you to be Rich – Ramit…

  • Front-Load your Life!

    Front-Load your Life!

    This article is as simple as can be. NOW is the time to start thinking as rich people think. TODAY is the day you need start to invest in the world as rich people would. And how do rich people invest in the world? They use earned income and business income to buy assets that…

  • Travel Blog #2: Catalina Island, Ca

    Travel Blog #2: Catalina Island, Ca

    Part of having a successful marriage is creating experiences together. This blog’s purpose to reflect on great travels that helps us maintain a great marriage. I challenge other couples to do the same as well. If the number of pictures you have will not suffice, you may need to go create more experiences! Good Luck! …

  • September over September update 2020

    In the investing world, it is always good to take a look back at where you were some time ago. As we slowly grind towards our goals, we sometimes do not realize how big of strides we are actually taking. That is why I am starting a monthly series to look back at where we…

  • Travel Blog #1: Palm Springs, Ca 1

    Travel Blog #1: Palm Springs, Ca 1

    Part of having a successful marriage is creating experiences together. This blog’s purpose to reflect on great travels that helps us maintain a great marriage. I challenge other couples to do the same as well. If the number of pictures you have will not suffice, you may need to go create more experiences! Good Luck! …

  • Food Blog #3: Burgers 2

    Food Blog #3: Burgers 2

    Part of having a successful marriage is creating experiences together. This blog’s purpose to reflect on great food that helps us maintain a great marriage. I challenge other couples to do the same as well. If the number of pictures you have will not suffice, you may need to go create more experiences! Good Luck! …

  • Food Blog #2: Burgers 1

    Food Blog #2: Burgers 1

    Part of having a successful marriage is creating experiences together. This blog’s purpose to reflect on great food that helps us maintain a great marriage. I challenge other couples to do the same as well. If the number of pictures you have will not suffice, you may need to go create more experiences! Good Luck! …

  • Our plan to be financially stable, financially comfortable, and financially rich

    As I dig deeper into the book “Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing” by Robert Kiyosaki, I realize how intelligent his systems and processes are. He states that in order to become financially rich you need to have a written plan. But before you can even reach the level of being financially rich, you have to…

  • How to leverage the VA Loan to buy two homes

    You can actually own two homes, concurrently, that were purchased with VA Loans. The verbiage of the VA Loan says that you have to pay off a home in order to purchase another. However, it is not really clear that you can use up to your full VA Loan limit, even if it is across…

  • Food Blog #1: Sushi

    Food Blog #1: Sushi

    Part of having a successful marriage is creating experiences together. This blog’s purpose to reflect on great food that helps us maintain a great marriage. I challenge other couples to do the same as well. If the number of pictures you have will not suffice, you may need to go create more experiences! Good Luck!…

  • How to make a $1000 a month from dividends

    Dividends are an amazing wealth-building vehicle. Not only are they passive income, but they are also taxed at a lower tax rate than earned income (remember earned income pays federal tax as well as social security taxes as well). In order to generate dividend income, you will need to invest in dividend-paying stocks or dividend-paying…

  • Investing: Real Estate vs. Stock Market

    It is always an interesting feeling when you start to invest. You feel as though you are becoming a grown-up but at the same time, you feel a little uneasy about what the future holds. Two of the most well-known ways to invest and build wealth are real estate investing and investing in the stock…

  • Our investment portfolio goal when I retire from the Corps

    Here is a simple goal that we are aiming for when I retire from the Marine Corps in 8.5 years. Join our Facebook group at: Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor or money manager, and any knowledge is given as guidance and not direct actionable investment advice. Please research any investment vehicles that…

  • Just say “I Love You”

    Just say “I Love You”

    I was watching a movie on Netflix yesterday and the title of this article struck me. The pair of individuals in the movie has some differences. She wanted a little space and he didn’t understand why. The part that struck me was that they just stared at their phones for over two weeks, neither of…

  • Your marriage should read like a picture book

    Your marriage should read like a picture book

    I have recently started writing about each year of our marriage, individually. When I started to write about 2007, I thought that I wouldn’t have much material. Boy was I wrong. Even in (probably) the quietest year of our marriage, I had more material than I could have dreamed of. The pictures spoke for themselves.…