Author: kingmarine
The 40-40-40 Plan vs. Happy Cash Flow Retirement
They told us that if we worked hard, were smart with our money, and planned well, we would have a great, exciting retirement. How is that working out for you? The 40-40-40 plan involves working 40 hours a week for 40 years and receiving 40% of your income during retirement. That was the plan they…
Should You Take a Home Equity Loan? There Will Be a New Gold Rush
The new rush to gold will be home equity loans; mark my words. The average American homeowner is up to their eyeballs in debt, and the federal government has a solution. Instead of teaching people fiscal responsibility, the government wants to support the secondary market for home equity loans (or secondary mortgages). This means the…
Secondary Mortgages for Everyone! The Government wants to get into the Home Equity Loan Business
The US economy is stalling because the average consumer is overburdened with debt. The answer is for everyone to live below their means, pay down debt, and generate passive income from investments. But that sounds boring. The easy answer is to offer everyone the ability to assume more debt. That’s precisely the route the federal…
Find Happiness Inside of a Budget
I learned many things during middle and high school. However, one thing that I don’t remember learning is budgeting. Budgeting is perhaps the most essential element of building wealth, so why don’t “they” want us to learn how to do it? It’s simply that they want us to spend our money frivolously and without regard…
Reject the 40-40-40 Plan: 40 Hours Per Week, For 40 Years, For 40% Retirement
Most of us are halfway (or more) through our financial journeys, but it’s never too late to change course. The plan the experts sold us was never going to set us free. To become financially independent, especially before 50, we must travel a different path. To obtain assets, we must learn to leverage capital markets…
No Freakin’ Way Am I Working Another 25 Years part 4
I vividly remember my 40th birthday. I was in Okinawa, Japan, on a two-year unaccompanied tour away from my family. I was working hard to establish my writing and book publishing business. I had been in the Marine Corps for 22 years at the time. The last three years were the hardest because stress levels…
Retiring to a Small City and Living on Passive Income 2
Do you want to have the chance to retire in this lifetime? Even better, do you want to retire early, perhaps in your 40s or 50s? There has never been a better time to create a Happy Cash Flow Retirement, but it will take sacrifice. Your company no longer gives you a nice pension with…
Young Income Investors of America
Now is the time for young people of America to unite under something that most people do not understand—income investing. Income investing is vital to your ability to retire early, pay bills, and build wealth. This article will serve as the anthem for all young, aspiring income investors to begin their journey toward financial security…
Beat Housing Inflation with Dividends
The costs of owning or renting a home are rising at unprecedented levels. Everyone who stays inside a shelter feels the effects of economic inflation and corporate greed. There is literally nowhere to hide; all we can do is get better. I want to look closer at what is causing this housing inflation and how…
Homeownership Will Determine Your Child’s Fate: So Buy Them a Home
There has never been a better time to purchase a home; however, you must discover the method you will use to execute your plan. We are entering a recession, interest rates are sky-high, and there is a housing crisis—all things that can hinder our progress toward homeownership. But these are all excuses. The simple answer…
Become a Capitalist: Retire Early
Pensions are gone, and they are not returning. You cannot depend on Social Security. Your 401K will only provide you enough income if you invest over $2 million. So, how the heck are you supposed to retire? There is only one way to retire early—through passive income. Becoming a capitalist is the only way to…
Im Loading Up on 30-Year Treasury Bonds: Before Yields Disappear
It’s an exciting time to be a bond investor. The Federal Reserve raised interest rates to help combat the high inflation that is running rampant throughout the country. I have always said that I am a buyer of 30-year Treasury Bonds that yield over 4%. Lucky for me, now is the best period for purchasing…
5 Takeaways from “Work, Retire, Repeat”
“Work, Retire, Repeat” by Teresa Ghilarducci discusses the problems facing older people in the workforce and during retirement. From the outside, working into your 70s or 80s may sound like good financial advice, but it usually does not play out that way. Mrs. Ghilarducci presents an argument that defies the current “work longer” model that…
Supplement Your Retirement with Income Investing
Have you seen the new narrative concerning retirement? It basically says that no one will be able to retire unless they are in the top 5-10% of wage earners. Do you believe this nonsense? I believe that anyone who sets a goal and stays on the path can retire comfortably with honor. However, you must…
Bitcoin vs. Bitcoin ETFs: The Best Way to Gain Exposure to Alternative Assets
The Bitcoin hype is back and bigger than ever. If you have ever considered joining the craze, now is about as good a time as ever. However, new Bitcoin derivatives have hit the market in the form of Bitcoin Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). We must evaluate these new products and see how they align with…