Author: kingmarine
Time is Money #2: Save By Adding Value in the Present
Have you ever wondered why people save money? We all believe we have the answer, but it is still worth a deeper dive. We recently explored debt and how it keeps you focused on the past. Now it’s time to focus on today, which reduces much of our stress. What is saving? Most people think…
Fundrise vs. US Treasuries: Chase Yield Outside of The Stock Market
The average person avoids the stock market like the plague. Too many horror stories exist about people losing it all gambling on the stock market. Investing in the stock market has become a limiting belief, but wonderful alternatives exist. When the stock market tanks, you will want some assets that can still perform well. Today,…
You Can Now Skip Car Loan Payments: Don’t Skip Your Car Loan Payments!
I logged in to pay my monthly car payment and received a strange notification. I could now skip my car payment for a $25 fee. The implications of this type of program are far-reaching. In essence, it’s a payday loan. Keep in mind that this came from a Federal Credit Union—the supposed good guys. The…
5 Takeaways from “The 1-Page Marketing Plan”
“The 1-Page Marketing Plan” by Allan Dib walks us through the sales funnel of a successful business. A business thrives on acquiring new leads, warming them up, selling to them, and finally re-selling to them. Successful businesses don’t do any of this passively, however. Marketing needs to be at the forefront of your business operations.…
No Freakin’ Way I Am Working Another 25 Years part 3
Another year, another birthday. I turned 42 less than a week ago, and I feel great! My life couldn’t be any better, even if I tried. I started writing this series in 2021 (part 1, part 2). I had just turned 40 and realized that the American society wanted me to work until age 65.…
Open a Bookstore with Your Own Books
Are you a prolific independent writer? Do you want to become a prolific independent writer? Writing is a fantastic skill set that will never lose its value. Independent authorship has come a long way, and you can write, release, and market your own books without a publishing house. I love writing (that’s why I do…
Investing for Interest 111: CD Ladders vs. Treasury Ladders
Do you prefer saving over investing? Do you want to maximize the rates on your high-yield emergency fund? The Federal Reserve has said that interest rates will be “higher for longer,” meaning that savers can earn a respectable amount of interest income. But which route will you take for your savings allocations? There are many…
Beware of Fake Passive Income Claims: True Passive Income is Challenging to Achieve
It takes 10,000 hours to create a reliable income stream. Depending on your daily habits, that timeline can range from five to ten years. With this knowledge in hand, be very wary of anyone claiming to have found the secret to quick passive income. The only passive income that matters is in your money system.…
Treasury Bonds vs Municipal Bonds: Federal vs State Tax Advantages
A true marker of a wealthy mindset is the passion for reducing taxes. Often rich people receive grief because they want to lower or eliminate their tax bills. They usually receive this hate from the lower or middle class, who pay a large percentage of their income to the government. However, rich people pay the…
Run a Mentoring Program Toward Passive Income
Mentorship is dead. I wrote as such over two years ago, and things have only declined since then. Fewer and fewer people will make it in today’s world. What does “make it” mean? That means having a successful career, personal relationships, passive income, and happiness. If you have your life “somewhat” together, there are people…
Becoming an Entrepreneur #3: Solving Other People’s Problems
Every business exists to solve a problem. Running a business is not a hobby or a way to pass the time; it is an exchange of time, energy, money, and attention. As a budding entrepreneur, you must understand the problem you intend to solve. Of course, you’ll start with a vague idea, but your goal…
Time is Money #1: Debt is a Function of the Past
Most of us don’t understand the devious nature of debt until it’s too late. We believe debt helps us get what we want—when we want. In reality, debt is sucking life from our souls. The more debt we have, the more we are tied to our jobs, lifestyles, and cities. Today, I want to get…
Choose Between $100,000 Active Income and $50,000 Passive Income
I will ask you a question that will rattle you to your core. Do you really want to go to work every day? It’s okay to be truthful; I’ll go first. My job fulfilled me for the first 15 years after high school. At a random point, it became more of a chore than entertainment. …
Series “I” Bonds vs Index Funds: Making the Leap From Saver to Investor
The most challenging aspect of becoming financially independent is making the leap from a saver to an investor. It’s nearly impossible to save your way to financial freedom. As much as we love the comfort of having our money in savings, earning 3-4% on your cash won’t net you enough to retire. How do we…
Give Your Kids a Different Path: Set Them on the Path to Financial Freedom
The days of working a 40-year career at one job are over. Even if these jobs still existed, is that the life you want for your child? Why are you sending your kids off to college? Do you know how to make money in today’s ever-changing economy? If you don’t understand how to make money,…
Quiet Quitting vs Loud Rehiring: Time to Go Back to Work
Did you buy into all the hype surrounding the quiet quitting and great resignation movements? How did that work out for you? I agree with you on one thing—the workplace is terrible in its current form. There are two crucial elements missing: leadership and mentorship. However, you’ll need to go back to work until you…
Happy Cash Flow Retirement 9
There is nothing preventing us from retiring early except ourselves. We have all the tools to live a fulfilling life without working a day job. So what prevents 97% of the population from riding off into the sunset before age 50? The answer lies in our need for more information and action. Welcome back to…
5 Takeaways from “How to Pay Off Your Mortgage in Five Years”
“How to Pay Off Your Mortgage in Five Years” by Clayton and Natali Morris centers around performing a lot of math. If you don’t enjoy math, this may not be the book for you. However, they present a good argument for how to pay off your mortgage quickly. If you are a financially disciplined person,…
The Golden Handcuffs of Lifestyle Inflation 2
The workforce is becoming a terrible place to spend your time. Everyone is running around with their hair on fire. If your company pays you, they expect you to always be on call, answer all emails within one minute, and never say “no.” Why do people remain in the labor market if things are going…
Save (for) the Children: Series “I” Bonds vs Roth IRAs vs HSAs vs 529 Savings
Life is good when you understand your finances. There are many tools parents have to assist children in getting a head start. To prepare your children financially, YOU must be financially prepared. Therefore, getting your act together is a top priority before your children leave home. I spent many years struggling with my money until…