Author: kingmarine
Retirement Planning for the Average Person 5
Sometimes we must admit when we are wrong. I find myself in this position today—humbled. There was one core truth I believed, but it has changed recently. I believed you could stay in the workforce long enough to create a truly passive income retirement. For example, you could work until you earned $5,000/month in dividends.…
5 Takeaways from “Walk Yourself Wealthy”
“Walk Yourself Wealthy” by Dominic Hodgson is the ultimate guide to running an elite dog-walking business. I chose this book because I have a dog, am retiring, and want to stay in shape. Therefore, perhaps dog walking is something I can do in my spare time. Dog walking is a business. As such, you can…
Welcome to The T.I.C.E.S. Society: Tycoon, Investor, Creator, Entrepreneur, Scholar
It’s hard to express how fragile our lives become without knowledge. When we depend on a job, a person, or a government to save us, they usually come up short. Americans have become more educated over the years—meaning more people have college degrees than ever. However, most people need more financial education to grow a…
Dating with Dividends: Find Your True Love through Budgeting
Budgeting together is my definition of true love. Yes, it doesn’t sound sexy or romantic, but it’s practical and successful. My wife and I met in a far-off foreign land in 2004; I was 23, and she was 20. It was love at first sight. I told her I loved her in three days. Now,…
Becoming an Entrepreneur #4: Training vs. Education
The most difficult concept for most starving entrepreneurs to grasp is the idea of training versus education. There is a massive difference between these learning techniques. Eventually, as an entrepreneur, you’ll find yourself in new territory where no one else has traveled. If you don’t understand the difference, you will find yourself lost in the…
Bond Investing in Your 60s
What happens when you turn 60 (59.5)? That’s right; you gain access to your taxable 401Ks and non-taxable Roth IRAs. I’m not a big fan of the 401K system because it is basically a high-yield savings account. We have people turning 60 with a large pot of money and no skills to handle it. Welcome…
Homeownership Will Only be for the Rich
When did Americans become so greedy? Okay, I may need to word this differently. When did Americans become so entitled? As Americans, we want to work a standard job but own a home, drive two late-model cars, and put our kids through private school and college. And we want to do all these things without…
5 Takeaways from “Create Something Awesome”
“Create Something Awesome” by Roberto Blake is a working template for success in any creative pursuit. If you plan on becoming a creator, this is the manual for you. People have glamorized being a creator, with most failing to understand the amount of dedication and discipline it takes. Don’t worry; Mr. Blake is here to…
Retiring to a Small City and Living on Passive Income
Are you living in a big city attempting to fulfill the American Dream? How’s that working out for you? Even in small remote towns, the American Dream can cost upwards of $5 million. Actually, it’s more than that, just from last year’s inflation. If you are seriously considering retiring before 50, you must be extreme…
The Information: Passive Income is Your Only Chance at Happiness
Perhaps the title is slightly over the top, but I’ll explain my reasoning. I am writing this article for one reason: to quickly quote “the information.” Over my years of writing, I have begun to write “the information” as a quick reference to passive income, business, and entrepreneurship. For example, I say things like, “I…
Time is Money #3: Invest by Creating Infinite Returns for the Future
Most of us understand that we should be investing in our futures. The general media teaches us that putting money into a 401K is investing; however, it is more akin to saving. Yes, the money goes into the stock market, but you still “think” like a saver. Today, let’s discuss how to “create” money like…
The $5 per Week Dividend Investor: Time to Get Started
No more excuses. Let’s try something different today. I want to start you off as a dividend investor at the lowest level. Most people believe you need a ton of money to become a dividend investor. This theory is partially true. If you want to retire on dividends alone, you will need millions of dollars—true.…
Keep Your Writing Top of Mind: How to Maintain Eyeballs on Your Articles Over Time
Writing is the grind of a lifetime. To be a successful writer, you must write. There is no better advertisement for a book than your next book. I adore writing and find it a challenging aspect of my daily routine. I’ve been writing every day for almost three years, which has helped me amass 1,200…
5 Signs That Your City is Too Expensive For You?
We all want to live a life of luxury, right? We don’t turn on the television (or YouTube) to watch people struggling in poverty. No, we want to envision ourselves walking down Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills with bags full of expensive clothes. We cruise the strip in our luxury two-door convertible coupe. How exciting.…
Generation Quit: Being a Leader in the New Workplace
I’ve been in the military for 24 years and have seen a lot of change. If you consider yourself a leader, you will need to understand the new generation to navigate your team to success effectively. Yes, I used the word leader, not manager or supervisor. Very few consider themselves leaders because it is challenging…
Hustle Culture: How to Replace the Pension and 401K Mindset
The new shift to an entrepreneurial mindset is leaving most people behind. America was once a land of pioneers, innovators, and business people. However, the industrial revolution brought us out of the farms and small towns and into the city. Then, corporations and governments introduced the pension system. The pensions were lavish. Defined benefits, or…
I Heart Income Investing: The Joys of Portable Income
I will retire this year after 24 years of faithful service in the US Marine Corps. I will walk away with a good-sized retirement check, but I will have something else. I will still have $1,600 per month in dividends flowing into my accounts. I can do whatever I want with this money because it’s…
There is No Work-Life Balance Until You Are Wealthy
If you hear a successful person tell you to reduce your grind, take it with a grain of salt. Your chances of becoming successful without grinding are slim-to-none. Why are these successful business people, entrepreneurs, leaders, and content creators telling you to slow down? They say things like “work-life balance” and “mental health” because these…
Envision Your Life Without a Paycheck: Start Building Your Income Today
Boy, does it feel good to get a paycheck, especially when you can spend most of your money on yourself. This fantastic feeling is a trap that takes years or even lifetimes to overcome. Two years ago, I wrote, “How Would Your Life Look Without a Paycheck.” I have spent the last two years asking…
Writer’s Workflow Comparison: M1 Macbook Air vs GalaxyBook3 Pro 360
As creatives, we spend a lot of our time perfecting our workflow. In fact, if we have a poorly optimized section in our workflow, it causes resistance. I spent $1,800 on a Samsung GalaxyBook3 Pro 360 (affiliate) yesterday for a very unique use case. My Apple M1 Macbook Air (affiliate) is still the battery champ…