You can have it all ! (Love + Wealth)

As I watch YouTube and read forums, I find that there are two separate and distant situations. Those who are on their way to financial independence but have no relationship. Then there are people who have relationships who are struggling financially. Then there are all colors in between. People with wealth who can’t find a relationship. Relationships that are struggling because of finances.


I am here to tell you that you can have it all. I say that because I have it all. My wife and I started with nothing. My mom literally bought my wife her first bed. We were married in 2006. Right after we were married I headed off to a 2-year unaccompanied tour in Okinawa, Japan. I left my wife in San Diego with my mom. Mom was renting a house and had 2 roommates. If you would have told me that Kris and I would own 3 beautiful homes within 14 years of marriage, I would have laughed at even the thought of it.


Over the years, Kris and I placed a premium on having shared experiences. We didn’t always have the money to travel or go out, so we put it on credit. I am glad that we did. We did not have the mindset to generate more income. However, all of those good times traveling have lead us to become extremely close to one another. We have done so much together that it is the glue that keeps us together now.


Now, our current chapter is geared towards becoming financially independent and following the G.F.I.R.E. movement. We want to not only provide for our children but also ensure they have the resources to be successful in the world. A lot of the struggles, decisions, and arguments that we had in our marriage had to do with the fact that we had no options. We want to ensure that our children and grandchildren have options and support. Within our first year of G.F.I.R.E., Kris and I were able to save and invest $50,000. And each year we plan to invest more and create new streams of income.


If we can do it, you can do it. Kris and I have the most wonderful Mothers in the world. However, they were not financially savvy. We figured out a lot of these things on our own. If you do not have a partner yet, focus on your financial journey. You will meet someone amazing if you are open to it. If you are with someone, work on your relationship. Ensure that it is very strong. If your relationship is strong, work on your financial independence. Once your financial independence is ensured, start to work on the financial independence of your children. You can have it all, Family and wealth. My dream is to be on a boat with my wife, kids, and grandkids (and hopefully my parents). I know that this is going to take a lot of money. But I also know that I can have it all !


Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor or money manager, and any knowledge is given as guidance and not direct actionable investment advice. Please research any investment vehicles that are being considered. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it.  I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.


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