Dating + Finances: Part 1

Wow. There is a lot to unpack here. Over the years, Kris and I noticed some different dating trends forming. It started back in 2011 when my friend said that he would never buy a woman a drink. I honestly had never heard anything so outrageous in my life. I always felt that buying a woman a drink was a reflection of the quality of the man, not on the quality of the woman. A man could buy a beer for a woman at a dive bar or a glass of champagne at a Las Vegas club, either way, it should reflect that he intends to be a provider.

I am very traditional in this sense. I DO NOT want to offend anyone going forward. I believe that a man should afford the woman an option to work or not to work. By this, he is saying, “If you decide to stop working and take care of the kids, parents, home, etc.. I will have your back”. My job as a provider is to ensure the last generation (parents), current generation (us), and future generations (kids, grandkids) are provided for and set up for success. The woman is vital to the internal management of these relationships. She ensures that people are comfortable, taken care of, and loved. These are two distant roles and both are vital to the success of the family unit.

Again, these are my personal views on a man/woman relationship. I have seen many career women get married late and then have a child. Their whole life changes with the new baby. All of a sudden works is less important to the overall movement of life. There is ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong with this. Having a child reveals lots of new feelings and emotions in both women and men.

Circling back to a man buying a woman a drink. I believe that when a man buys a woman a drink, pays for dinner and movies, or arranges a getaway, he is saying, “I will take care of you. I will provide for you. I will ensure all your personal, professional, and emotional needs will be met.” Most single women are already facing a 40-year career in the workforce. When they meet a quality man, they see themselves having a man, perhaps staying home, having a garden, etc. It is all possible as a couple. However, if the man approaches a woman not wanting to buy a drink or pay for dinner, I, believe it says, “Hey lady, we will both be working until we are 65. You will become a CEO, I will become a CEO and we will have so much money. We can have boats, cars, houses, and vacations. But we both need to make money”. I do not think this is very appealing to most women.

There is so much more to unpack. I have never in my 39 years on earth allowed a woman to pay for her drink around me. Even when Kris’ friends are in town, I pay for everything. That is what I believe in my heart of hearts. And unsurprisingly, it landed me the best woman in the world for me. This will probably be a 4-5 part series. Stay tuned.

2011: I paid for the drinks!

Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor or money manager, and any knowledge is given as guidance and not direct actionable investment advice. Please research any investment vehicles that are being considered. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it.  I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.


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