5 Takeaways from “The Successful Author Mindset”

The Successful Author Mindset” by Joana Penn gives us authors the fuel to continue down our long, arduous journeys. I am being dramatic, but being a writer and author entrepreneur truly is challenging.

There is a fine line between writing and performing work. To be creative, you have to accomplish many creative tasks like writing. We can distract ourselves with social media and email; however, that doesn’t push our creativity forward.

No, to be successful writers, we must write. Many people burn out under pressure to write or perform. Knowing where you are heading and building a plan is vital to your long-term health and success. 

1) As a writer, self-doubt will creep into your mind over the years. You have to fight these limiting beliefs and continue on the path vigorously.

2) Building a body of work is your mission. Over time, the power of compounding will continue to grow your audience as your pieces stack on each other. 

3) Establish “your” definition of success as an author. If you want to win awards, you may not sell many books. If you’re going to sell tons of books, you may not be as creative as you wish. There is a give and take to success; thus, you must determine what you want. 

4) Fear is essential to growth as a writer (and achieving your goals in general). If you do not have fear about something, you are not pushing yourself towards overcoming boundaries or limitations.  

5) Have thick skin as an author. People may read your book who don’t even like the genre. Expect others to dissect your work with a fine-tooth comb. However, most people will be on your side—focus on these fans.

I believe this is the fifth Joana Penn book I have read. I plan on reading all of her non-fiction work over the coming year—her writing resonates with my mindset and flow. 

Once you find an author who touches your soul, you will keep seeing your way to their books. That’s why I continue to write. Over time, people (even a small percentage) will understand my philosophies of wealth, money, love, and relationships. 

I continue to write every day for those fans and grow my body of work. When they want to dig in further, they will have a ton of material to cover. This is how I feel about Joana Penn. Another classic book!

This link is to a physical product. The link above is to the digital book. Sorry. I get no credit for digital product links.


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