Happy Cash Flow Retirement 6

Welcome back to one of my longest-running and favorite series on my channel. I love the Happy Cash Flow Retirement series (part one, part two) because we can dream of our exciting and stress-free futures.

A quick administrative note: this is article number three, but book number six. I pushed the article name to six to sync with the book. Now everything will mesh.

What is a Happy Cash Flow Retirement? An HCFR is a system based on passive income. More importantly, you are in control of the system. If you need to increase your revenue, you can adjust rents, dividends, and royalties. 

Retirement Planning for the Average Person

The primary mindset shift we look for is “budget vs. fixed income.” A budget mindset means no matter how much money you have coming in; you live within a set standard. A fixed-income philosophy means you let your income determine your lifestyle.

Someone who earns $3,000/mo in social security income will live differently than someone who earns $10,000/mo passive income but budgets to live off $3,000/mo.

The HCFR system seeks to build our education first—passive income second. By educating ourselves in business, dividends, rental income, and cryptocurrencies, we ensure that our retirement will be fluid and successful.

Humble beginnings. As we start to build our passive income streams, we won’t see the large numbers we envisioned. It takes time for the power of compounding to take effect. Let’s take a look at my numbers over the years.

MonthPassive Income Total
January 2020$118
January 2021$195
January 2022$984

As you can see, it begins as a humble stream and starts to grow into a passive income river. The best part is every month is its own success story. 

How to Accumulate Your First $100,000

Every month, a different dividend will increase, royalties will have amazing days, and interest will surprise you. However, it is incumbent on you to start your own HCFR system.

How to Start. Start small with one additional income stream. I wrote a four-part series on How to Create Passive Income 101 (beginners, intermediates, advanced, for the average person).

This series is a great place to begin your journey. Take it slow. The best place to start is with a dividend portfolio. No, it doesn’t have to be an extensive, complex dividend portfolio. In fact, I recommend you start with just five stocks.

  1. One Index fund. Example- QQQ, DIA, VTI, SPY
  2. One monthly-paying REIT or dividend ETF. Example- AGNC, SPHD, DHS
  3. One blue-chip stock for Jan, April, July, Oct. Example- PM, MO
  4. One blue-chip stock for Feb, May, Aug, Nov. Example- T, VZ, COST
  5. One blue-chip stock for Mar, Jun, Sep, Dec. Example- PRU, ARCC, MCD

These five stocks will change your life; trust me. As you know, every week, I invest in my dividend challenge (currently at Week ). My wife started her own dividend challenge on Cash APP, and she loves it. 

After roughly a year, she appreciates how her dividends come in, whether she works or not. The feeling of passive income is life-changing, and everyone owes it to themselves to get started.

I Live Paycheck to Paycheck 2

Starting a Business. Next, after dividends, I would start a business. I divide the business into two categories; automated business and royalties. Luckily, I created a series for each of these. On a side note, this is why I love the HCFR series: I combine all my goodness from across my site into one article.

First, I have the What Type of Home Business Should You Start series (Introduction, Outside, Online, Content). Choosing the right type of business is vital to your long-term motivation levels and success. 

If you like to work outdoors, don’t start an online business (at least not first). We already have to go to our soul-crushing jobs; why create a similar business?

I am a huge advocate of becoming a content creator. There will be a massive transfer of wealth between creators and producers in the future. This will primarily be because of the metaverse. People are already drawing simple artwork and selling them as NFTs for millions of dollars. Now is the time to create. 

Why Do I Need to Invest in the Stock Market?

Therefore, I wrote the Create Passive Income from Creativity series (Music, Photography, Art & Design, Video, Audio & Speech, Writing). If you are serious about passive income, you will need to build an audience. 

Every business needs customers, consumers, loyalists, fans, or an audience. You can pay someone else to access their audience (advertise) or build your own audience. I prefer the latter. 

Real Estate. Finally, once you have your finances in order and passive income flowing, it’s time to get into real estate. Real estate can be tricky, but you don’t have to have many properties or units to be successful. 

Retire Early as a Well-Rounded Millionaire

My Real Estate Investing at Any Age series (20s, 30s) is an excellent place to start, followed by my Real Estate is a Mindset series (beginner, intermediate, advanced). There is far too much to cover about real estate in this short article. 

Cryptocurrencies. One last note, it is good to diversify into cryptocurrencies. Nothing fancy; just look into the interest rates that Voyager (affiliate), my favorite exchange, pays you to hold your coins with them. My personal favorite is the 9% interest they pay on USDC

Conclusion. Each Happy Cash Flow Retirement article delves deeper into the world of passive income. Your journey may start today and end when you turn 50 or 60. Or you can super-charge your passive income (and retire early) by building bigger businesses or owning more real estate—the choice is yours.

I am 40 years old and have a nice chunk of passive income coming in every month. I cannot even fathom what my passive income will look like when I turn 50 years old. That is the magic of passive income; it can help you reach heights you never thought possible. Dream about your future life and then get to work. 

  1. PDF of the Month: Your Retirement Planning Guide 2 (Free 255-Page PDF)
  2. Free PDF Downloads: Download FREE PDF books here
  3. Financial Mindset: Become CEO of Yourself 2 (Free 196-Page PDF)
  4. Retirement Planning: Don’t Gamble with Retirement 5 (Free 431-Page PDF)
  5. Investing: How We Plan to Retire on Dividends 2 (165-Page Free PDF)
  6. Cryptocurrencies: The Magic of Cryptocurrencies (Free PDF)
  7. Real Estate: Financial Independence through Real Estate 2 (Free 123-Page PDF)
  8. Business: Retire Rich, Retire Comfortable with a Business 2 (Free 185-Page PDF)
  9. Everything!: The Biggest Book on Passive Income Ever! (book)(Web Edition)(Art Edition)
  10. I bought a Kindle Oasis: Check it out Amazon
  11. Read My Books for Free: Free Kindle Books Schedule
  12. Crypto Exchange: My Favorite Crypto Exchange VOYAGER (Join Voyager)
  13. Kindle Unlimited: Why I Finally Subscribed Kindle Unlimited (learn more)
  14. Book Reviews: 54 Takeaways from 54 Books (book)
  15. Want to Build Passive Income from Books and Affiliate Marketing? (Learn here)
  16. Writing: Can Grammarly Make You a Better Writer? (direct)
  17. My Favorite Chromebook: The Ultimate Chromebook (direct)
  18. Follow us: On our Facebook Page and Join our Facebook Group
  19. Amazon Author Page: Check out my author page on Amazon
  20. Monthly Dividend Planner: Check it out on Etsy

New Year’s Passive Income Resolution 2022: Article (Amazon Book)

New Year’s Passive Income Resolution 2022: Blank-Lined Notebook (Amazon)

Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor or money manager, and any knowledge is given as guidance and not direct actionable investment advice. I am an Amazon Affiliate. Please research any investment vehicles that are being considered. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it.  I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article. All Right Reserved Military Family Investing


One response to “Happy Cash Flow Retirement 6”

  1. […] of passive income and lay out my initial plan for my Happy Cash Flow Retirement (Part 1, Part 2, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part […]

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