5 Takeaways from “Successful Self-Publishing”

Successful Self-Publishing” by Joanna Penn gives us a look at how to self-publish ebooks, paperbacks, and audiobooks. She also talks about how to market after your release.

I have been self-publishing for over a year now, but I still enjoy reading how others publish their works. I have read a few of Joanna Penns’ books, and I can say she is one of my favorite authors.

The key to self-publishing is establishing your own goals. If you just want to release your book as a point of pride, then go for it. However, if you’re going to make a living from your writing, that is different altogether.

1) There are many ways to publish your book, but first, you need to decide whether to stay exclusive to Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing or go “wide.” I do both with my books and have found success within each method.

2) Establishing your website and email list can lead to more extended sales over time. The reason is you have direct access to your audience outside of other corporations and businesses.

3) If you self-publish, you may pay for an editor, book cover, and marketer. I don’t do these things, but I do not aim to achieve a full-time income. 

4) Most physical locations don’t stock Amazon print-on-demand paperbacks. To reach a wider audience, you may look into Ingram Spark. I will make this my goal for 2023.

5) Audiobooks are the fastest-selling category of books moving forward. Getting your books in audio format is vital for the future and can help you build a diverse audience. 

There are so many ways to monetize your writing; that’s why it is my favorite source of passive income from creativity. You can release to various countries, audiences, and genres. 

Fiction and non-fiction have different techniques for marketing and releasing books. Non-fiction books may have fewer sales upfront but generate leads for consulting, courses, and seminars. 

If you are considering publishing a book, you owe it to yourself to read this one. Joanna Penn is one of my favorite authors, and this book is a quick read. Grab this book and start your writing journey today. 

This link is to a physical product. The link above is to the digital book. Sorry. I get no credit for digital product links.


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