Write Product Reviews for Passive Income

Do you love shopping? Do you love writing? Okay, so probably yes to the first one and no to the second one. However, if you can combine both of these things, you can start a nice passive income stream for yourself.

Writing product reviews is one of the best ways to utilize a website or blog for passive income. Search engine optimization or SEO can draw in free traffic to bring in potential buyers from the web. 

The process. Product reviews are so powerful because of a tool called affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is the process of referring a potential lead to a vendor’s product page. If the customer buys the product, you make a small commission from the sale. 

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For example, let’s say you write a review about a $100 pair of hiking boots. If the lead reads your review and clicks your affiliate link to Amazon, you are close to earning a paycheck. If the lead turns into a buyer, you may receive somewhere between 2-5% of the sale.

What makes affiliate marketing more valuable is that you get a percentage of anything the person buys over the next 24 hours on Amazon. So, if they are shopping during Christmas, there could be a massive windfall from a few clicks. 

Producing quality content. The most important part of the process is creating quality content. Yes, you can start an e-commerce site without making content, but that will not lead to long-term success. 

You can also write standard product reviews and get your SEO perfect to drive traffic to your site. Good luck. Writing random reviews without any context of your life will be a challenging sale. You will be competing with giant corporations with tons of staff writers.

To succeed at the smaller levels, you’ll need to produce quality content. Reviews should only be 20-25% of your content. All other content should be about using these products in real life. 

Hiking example. Let’s take an example of a hiker who starts a hiking blog. How many people would visit his site if it was just a bunch of reviews about hiking equipment? About 70% of readers will read your post and never come back.

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To keep your audience coming back, you need engaging content. Learning how to create a never-ending stream of content is the key to success. Let’s say our hiker climbed a mountain with shoe A and wrote a review. Next, he climbed the same mountain with shoe B and wrote a review.

Now, he can write a comparison between climbing the mountain with two different shoes. He can also write about how his feet felt afterward and what kind of foot powder, ointment, lotion, etc., he used on the hikes.  

Reviews are the tip of the iceberg of affiliate marketing; however, they will draw in the most views. You must value your customer first. You will want to ensure that you know your target audience before you start producing content.

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If you are a retired older-aged hiker, your audience may skew to folks higher in age. You may not want to talk about traveling the world and hiking the biggest mountains in the world. It may be smaller mountains in the national parks. 

Building a collection. Over time, you will have a vast array of articles, reviews, and comparisons. Find ways to bring them back to life. Remember, the reader doesn’t necessarily need to buy a product from you; they just need to click your affiliate link. From there, at least on Amazon, you’ll receive a commission on anything they buy for 24 hours.

My collection. I have been writing book reviews for over a year now. I have 71 book reviews and 670 total articles. I can collect my reviews together and form books and more extensive articles. This allows my older reviews to stay relevant. As you write, you’ll think of great ways to keep your reviews front and center.   

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If you can, try to write about things that have a long shelf life. Something like board games comes to mind. They are consistently producing new versions of Monopoly. Having reviews with your family playing the latest board games could be an original way to make passive income. These reviews would stay relevant for a long time. 

Passive Income. The passive part of the business comes from SEO and Google search, allowing random internet surfers to find your site. You want to ensure you have fantastic content for them to view upon arrival. For example, you can have a 5-10 minute YouTube clip of your family playing board games together.

Learn how to set yourself apart from all the other review sites and blogs. I publish free pdfs on my site almost every day. I hope to have a collection of 1000s of pdfs for every occasion. As more people come to my site via search, they will find free pdfs that they can read offline or at work. 

These pdfs provide a tremendous amount of value and tempt them to return to my site to see what’s new. This is why I choose to write 1000 words a day; I know the value of producing a ridiculous amount of content. 

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Conclusion. Combining product reviews and book reviews will be the fastest way to establish yourself as a serious contender in your niche. By adding loads of quality, unique content on top of these reviews, you will bring in significant traffic over time. 

Building an audience is a long process—I am bringing in 10 visitors a month from search after a year of writing and 670 articles. However, the traffic numbers will be huge in the long run, plus they will be organic. Think about how much passive income you strive to obtain and how an automated blog business will fit into the total. I highly recommend reading the book “Superfans” for a unique take on becoming a content creator. 

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Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor or money manager, and any knowledge is given as guidance and not direct actionable investment advice. I am an Amazon Affiliate. Please research any investment vehicles that are being considered. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it.  I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article. All Right Reserved Military Family Investing


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