5 Takeaways from “Effortless Money”

Effortless Money” by Victoria Saxton is a book about the psychology of money. It may sound strange, but how you view money actually relates to how money flows to you. I know, I know, it sounds ridiculous.

I totally believe in all this because I experienced a cash windfall once I transitioned to an abundance mindset. The book covers the difference between an abundance mindset and a scarcity mindset.

You can instantly recognize people with a scarcity money mindset. They pinch every penny, never share, and always say that they don’t have enough money. They don’t think the universe is on their side.

Those with an abundance mindset volunteer, give to others and don’t stress the details. They may have to use their credit card during an emergency, but they know the money will flow to them.

Recently, our water bill went up 500%. The plumbers told us it was a leak under the house and would cost upwards of $20,000. I prepared for the worse and started to research insurance solutions and loans. 

I never got too excited or stressed. If all else failed, I would pull from my bond portfolio. It turns out our water company was stealing our water for a construction site nearby. I used my abundance mindset to remain calm and see the outcome through. This stuff works for people. Let’s get into my five takeaways. 

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1) Somewhere along the lines, it became not fun to be an adult. This was my favorite line from the book. People avoid owning rental properties, stocks, and starting businesses because it sounds uncool or like a lot of work. However, this is how you get to do the cool things in life. 

2) Believe that the universe is on your side. No matter how you grew up, ultimately, it is on you to make peace with the universe and your money mindset. Your mindset is vital to financial and spiritual growth. 

3) Give gratitude to everything that comes your way. The universe wants to help those who are thankful for the assistance. I know that my wife and I appreciate everything the universe throws our way. If you have shelter, food, clothes, and family, life is good.

4) Money stress leads to more money stress. You will need to learn how to stop stressing the little things in life. The obstacles that the universe puts in our way are not our money’s fault. We need to stop blaming our money and get money for our team.

5) Visualization can help you connect with your future self and lead you to a prosperous outcome. I know what my rich life entails; the beach with my family while collecting passive income from multiple sources. This helps drive my day-to-day actions.

It may sound weird to connect your mindset with your money, but it is a vital tool many successful people use daily. I believe in every word that the book discusses, and almost every book I have read over the last year has a similar outlook. 

Give this book a try if you are struggling financially. Your financial mindset is more important than the numbers. A great read!

This link is to a physical product. The link above is to the digital book. Sorry. I get no credit for digital product links.

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Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor or money manager, and any knowledge is given as guidance and not direct actionable investment advice. I am an Amazon Affiliate. Please research any investment vehicles that are being considered. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it.  I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.


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