5 Takeaways from “How to Market a Book”

How to Market a Book” by Ricardo Fayet is all about how to get your book to stand out in a very crowded market. As a writer, I would love to only focus on writing and design. However, the truth of the matter is that many other parts of the business sell books. 

To reach the audience that you want to notice and purchase your book, it takes some work. Things like your title, keywords, cover design, book description, and price all come into play as a reader decides to make a purchase.

The more you know about the process, especially as an independent writer, the more books you will be able to sell. Marketing is a vital part of the success of your book and the over success of your business. With that, let’s jump into my five takeaways. 

1) There are three main ways to advertise your book; Amazon Ads, BookBud Ads, and Facebook Ads. Each outlet has a unique way of doing business and can take some time to get suitable advertisements to readers. You have to keep experimenting. 

2) There are many ways to get your book noticed, including ads, price promotions, email marketing, group promos, social media, etc. However, only choose a few that you want to become great at. Trying to do all of these will not lead to success in any of them. They are all complex mediums unto themselves. 

3) Independent authors need to produce a lot of content. If you think that you can release one or two books, you are wrong. New books get the most attention, so to keep up with the hype cycle, you will need to keep producing content.

4) Along those lines, grouping your books in a collection or omnibus is a great way to increase sales and increase the collection price. Some readers only read in huge volumes, and by grouping your books, you will appeal to them. They are also willing to pay a higher price than most readers as well. 

5) There are more ways to squeeze money out of each book, including translating into different languages, converting them into audiobooks, and creating paperbacks. You can also group them, make a paperback collectors edition, make it fancy, and sell for top dollar. 

Indeed, the ways to monetize a good book are nearly endless—the keyword being “good.” But, it takes work to get the best book cover, book description, and advertising method. Don’t give up on your book; however, don’t fall in love with it either. In the end, it is an asset that you produced to make you money. 

To get the best results, you will need to understand marketing, advertising, your niche, your readers, your genre, and your best price points. By following the ideas in this book, you are more likely to have a chance to become a full-time writer.

Writing will only be a portion of your career as a writer. If you only want to write, then keep it as a hobby. If you’re going to write for a living, read this book. I highly recommend this book to serious writers who want to make this into a full-time career. 

This link is to a physical product. The link above is to the digital book. Sorry. I get no credit for digital product links.

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