5 Takeaways from “Limitless”

Limitless” by Jim Kwik was not even on my radar. A Marine Officer at my work randomly approached me and started talking up the book. I guess he did an excellent job because I went home that night and began reading it.

It is a life-changing book that is based on meta-learning. Meta-learning is the art of learning how to learn. The author had a bad accident when he was younger, and it slowed down his learning. Over the years, he decided to take back control of his life by becoming a great learner.

This book consists of everything he learned, from exponential thinking, speed-reading, and unique memorization techniques. And I can say from using these techniques first-hand that they work. That is why the Marine Officer was so excited to share this book with me. Let me get into my five takeaways before I get carried away.

1)  The new digital age is a great time to be alive, and more information has been created in the recent few years than in the history of the world before it. But it can lead to the four negatives of digital life: digital deluge (too much information), digital distraction, digital dementia (forgetting how to remember), and digital dedication (can’t draw your own conclusions).

2) Being Limitless comes down to five methods that we should hone in on focus, study, memory enhancement, speed reading, and critical thinking. Using all these methods together will make you limitless and maximize your time, information, and learning. 

3) The first step in becoming Limitless is freeing your mindset. Our limiting beliefs are strong (negative) ideas placed in our brains over the years. First, we need to identify our limiting beliefs and stop them from interacting with our conscious and subconscious selves. 

4) The next step in becoming Limitless is motivation. This is your “why,” and it is what gets you up and excited about every day. If you have a “why,” you are more likely to retain information, make informed decisions, and seek more guidance. It controls everything in your day-to-day operations. 

5) The last step in becoming Limitless is methods. This step is where the different techniques of speed-reading, memorization, and critical thinking come into play. The ways are simple and easy to follow. But they are incredibly effective because you must continually practice them be to become effective. 

I’ll be honest; I wanted to skip to the methods section to learn all the cool tricks. But, I am glad I read through the book in its entirety. By the time I got to the good stuff, my mind and motivation were primed and ready to go. 

The book is worth a read just for the methods section; however, don’t sell yourself short. He has done a ton of research concerning the brain, dieting, gut feelings, decision-making, etc. It is in your best interest to download this information into your brain. 

He even teaches some fantastic exercises like remembering ten random words in less than a minute, taking cold showers daily, and writing down your dreams. It is just an overall helpful book that will stretch your brain.

I highly recommend this book to everyone, whether you think you are operating at your highest capacity or not. I think everyone stands to gain from this book and walk away as a more focused, determined individual—a must-read.

This link is to a physical product. The link above is to the digital book. Sorry. I get no credit for digital product links.

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