Advertising 103: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Choosing the appropriate advertising that suits your core audience can be difficult. The product you are selling can have a massive effect on the type of copy you will need to run to appeal to a particular group. So how do you get started?

First, read Advertising 101 and Advertising 102, as they will give you some background on a couple of other techniques. Next, we need to focus on where your product or service falls on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. 

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, a scalable vector illustration on white background

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a five-stage model used to express psychology needs of an individual. I urge everyone to read this article on before reading more. 

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Understanding the five-step process is essential because you can sell your product more effectively if you know where it falls on the hierarchy of needs. For example, luxury shoes may fall more into the Esteem stage than the physiological condition stage. That slight difference my help you position your copy to the right audience.

Let’s review the five steps, and then we can start talking about how to build your copy.

1) Physiological needs. These are basics needs such as air, shelter, clothing, reproduction (sex), and food. 

2) Safety needs. These needs include personal security, employment, resources, health, and property.

3) Love and belonging needs. Including in this group are friendship, family, and a sense of connection.

4) Esteem needs. This group includes respect, self-esteem, respect, status, and freedom.

5) Self-actualization needs. This group is the desire to become one that one can be. 

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After reading through this list, I can see a pattern of age-based groups. Again, this is my personal take. I see the bottom group as babies, teenagers, and kids in high school. Then as you move up through the needs, you can see people searching for careers and housing, love, success, and finally, the desire to be one’s best self. 

You will have to judge how to interpret the needs, but at least you have a basic understanding of human needs. Maslow felt that a person begs to satisfy their needs in this particular order for them to move to the next rung. 

For example, someone who is hungry is not trying to be one’s best self. As a forty-year-old, I can see many of my peers in the “esteem needs” group. At our age, it becomes more critical to buy fancy cars, take luxury trips, purchase fancier homes and furniture, etc. Especially in America, where you can purchase self-esteem everywhere.

These are the kind of analyses you will need to perform before deciding how to advertise your product. You can sell one product but have many different ads based on what group you are targeting. Let’s take a bottle of wine, for example. 

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Example Safety needs. You have a couple who just bought a home. They are in an empty house, excited, and have a glass of wine to celebrate. 

Example Love and Belonging needs. You have a group of couples on a rooftop, sharing a glass of wine, laughing. They are in their 30s. 

Example Self-Actualization needs. You have a couple in their 60s, sitting at a restaurant overlooking a vast vineyard. They haven’t a care in the world, just each other and a bottle of wine. They have made it. 

Again, knowing what your audience needs is the first step to writing and producing effective advertising. When I write an article about dividends, it has nothing to do with the stock market. People are not getting into the stock market for the fun; it is because they need something. 

They need to have a safe and secure retirement and leave something behind to their kids and grandkids. Instead of naming the article “The best dividend stocks,” try something like “The best dividend stocks for a great retirement.” The difference will astound you. 

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Before you advertise to your audience, take the time to notice advertising around. Learn your niche inside and out. I can tell you that a stock investor, a dividend investor, and a crypto investor all have different goals, and they all look different. There isn’t much crossover between the three. 

Moving forward, I may start to see more overlap, so I will need to gear my advertising (or articles) to capture the differences and similarities between the groups. As you begin to evaluate the investing world, there are two philosophies; capital gains and passive income. This analogy applies to crypto, stocks, real estate, etc. I have to appeal to the appropriate audience.

When doing your marketing and advertising research, take the time to understand your audience’s needs. You may need to write a blog post, email, or social media post asking questions or seeking feedback. This research is what will genuinely make you great.

I have been advertising via my books for roughly four months now, and every day I learn something new. I have to understand why a mother of three needs to know about dividends. Why a 50-year man wants to start a business. I can’t reach them all with the same book cover, so I have multiple books to appeal to different groups. 

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For each book, I have to write a description: advertising (in a sense). I have to decide with whom I am trying to appeal. It all comes back to Maslow’s hierarchy and where my audience falls on the chart. 

I would love for a 25-year-old to focus on building a colossal dividend portfolio—they would be rich beyond belief. However, finding a spouse, getting a job, or buying a home may be their top priority. 

The three takeaways are: start evaluating all advertising around you today. Decide who your product or service wants to apparel to per each advertising/marketing campaign. Always keep researching and updating advertising to keep up with the times.

Hopefully, you found this helpful. I know that you may not have started businesses yet, but this background knowledge is beneficial as you begin to formulate a plan. Absorb as much knowledge as possible to get the best results in life. Good Luck!

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Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor or money manager, and any knowledge is given as guidance and not direct actionable investment advice. I am an Amazon Affiliate. Please research any investment vehicles that are being considered. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it.  I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.


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