Books & Thoughts

I have read precisely 40 books over the last eight months, and one thing sticks out to me- each book starts to become a piece of who you are. After I read “Rich Dad Poor Dad,” I began to say, “The rich don’t work for money.” When I finished “Be Obsessed or Be Average,” I knew that I wasn’t alone in my obsession to create passive income. 

The funny part is that I do not even realize that what I am saying or doing is new to me. It has taken over my life to the core. For example, I just wrote an article about Preferred Shares, and I realized that I just learned how to invest in preferred shares less than six months ago. It doesn’t seem new to me at all.

Books unlock things inside yourself that were there and never knew were existed. Actually, I should say reading unlocks things. Most people obtain books, only to never read them. For books to be influential, you must read, understand, and consume them. In this context, “consume” means to make them a part of yourself.

How Do You Define “Being Rich?”

To consume a book, you have to melt its layers down to the core. The core of each book is different for each person because the heart is an attachment to yourself. To find the passion, after you finish a book, ask, “What are my takeaways from this book?” How was the material useful, and how can it be leveraged in my future self?

I read a book named “Sold” about the life of a real estate agent. I have no desire to become a real estate agent at this time, but I had a ton of takeaways. Some of my takeaways were; that each real estate agent is running a highly successful business, social media is crucial, and keeping up with clients- even weekly- is very valuable in this world.

If I were to start a client-centric business, I already have a blueprint of what to expect. I can swap out the real estate aspect and add a graphic designer, for example. I first learned about the deep purpose of books after reading “How to Blog for Profit.” 

I was new to blogging and wanted some tips on how to be successful. The core of the book is that a blog is a full-blown business. Writing is only a tiny portion of your life as a blogger. You do not need millions of views to be a successful and profitable blogger. However, you do need to be a business person. 

Do What You Love -OR- Love What You Do

While reading “How to Blog for Profit,” I learned about what a sales funnel was- and how to leverage it in business. Then, after a few months, I wrote an article about sales funnels called “What is a Sale Funnel?” 

And, this point is what brings us here today. The combining of reading, critical thinking, and massive action is what life is about-  for those who want to become successful. I write articles about my life experiences or things that I have read that I intend to leverage throughout the future. My future actions are determined, to some extent, by what I have read. 

By reading, thinking, and taking action, I have created a very successful world for my family. I want to connect books I have read to activities that I have taken- for this book series. I want to display the raw information extracted from the book via my five takeaways. Then combine them with an article I have written, hopefully connecting the dots. I’ll give some examples.

Rich Dad Poor Dad,” told me that you would have to create an asset to obtain one for no cost. I thought hard and decided to start writing books. I then wrote an article about my book writing trials, “magEzine: Create Your Own Kindle Magazine.

How to Take Smart Notes,” thought me how to create content by reading, taking notes, and combining similar notes to form new ideas and topics. If done correctly, you will never run out of ideas for creating content. The theory does indeed work, so I wrote the article “How to Create a Never-Ending Stream of Content.

Finally, “The 4-Hour Work Week” taught me to create a business around my schedule. If you want to retire comfortably, then you need to create an automated or out-sourced business. Planning for an automated business should start from the beginning. I have formed my entire Kindle business around these ideas. I wrote an article called “Automation, and Your New Business.

As you can see, the general workflow is read, do, and share. There is no point in me writing an article if I haven’t used these powerful techniques or ideas in my life. Now, I am bringing the sharing to you. 

The Road to Wealth

The “Books and Thoughts” series will attempt to connect the actions I have taken to the core information that I gathered through books. It is important to remember, many parts and experiences have to lead to my articles. Books may have sparked new ideas, but other factors play a role in content creation. 

Each person is unique, and everyone has their own powerful story. The world can support your account if you make an effort to tell it. This fact is why I urge everyone to “Create.” I say this because when you input the equation of book + action, your answer will be your own. You may read the same book as me and have a completely different takeaway. 

These differing opinions and thought processes are why life is so engaging. I hope you enjoy the “Books and Thoughts” series. Hopefully, one day I will have an article for each book I have read. Creating these articles will mean that I performed actions from the origination of the books. Some will take longer than others.

I am currently reading a book on Commodities trading. I don’t plan to become a commodities trader anytime soon. However, that does not mean that I do not use commodities, options, or futures trading in my investing career. I might be able to leverage information from these markets in my ordinary dividend investing strategy. If so, I will share what I have learned via my articles.

My goals for this series are to let everyone know what I am reading, how the books changed my life and show everyone that doing is as important as learning. With that, go forth and do great things. I believe in you!

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Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor or money manager, and any knowledge is given as guidance and not direct actionable investment advice. I am an Amazon Affiliate. Please research any investment vehicles that are being considered. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it.  I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.


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  1. […] Books & Thoughts: My Articles and The Books Behind Them […]

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