Do What You Love -OR- Love What You Do

Can your job make you happy? Are you happy doing your job? These slight turns of phrases may seem small, but they go much deeper into your psyche. Many people spend years chasing their passions, only never to find what it truly is. Others take a job for the benefit of their families and love it for 30 years. What is the difference between the two scenarios?

If you listen closely to media and advertising, tons of people tell you that you can “do what you love” and get paid while doing it. Most of the time, they are trying to sell you something. Buyer beware. I want to dig into the phrase “Do what you love.”

I’ll first start by asking you, “What is your passion?” Think of your true passion- something that you could do all day, every day. For me, it would be playing my Nintendo and, in particular, playing Nintendo games such as Pokemon, Mario, and Zelda.

The Invisible Budget

There are tons of ways to make money by playing these games, most of which involve some kind of content creation. Now, would I want to start a YouTube channel or blog about playing these games? Would that be what I was passionate about doing full-time? 

Playing games on YouTube is a highly demanding profession. Not only do you have to play the games, but you also have to build a community. Building an audience takes quality, consistent work. Your passion has now turned into a job. It is an original job, but it is a job nonetheless. And if you stop producing content, your income stream disappears.

What did you start because of a situation that left you no options?  I have two things in my life to come to mind- running and writing. Running and writing are both activities that I do every single day, and they both give me immense joy; however, I didn’t begin these things because I wanted to on my own.

Running. I was never a runner growing up; the Marine Corps (1999) changed that real fast. Running is part of being a Marine; there is no doubt about that. I was an outstanding runner, but somewhere along the way, I just started to enjoy it. 

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Loving to run allows me to stay in the Marines because it is mandatory for military service. If I hated to run, then my life would be tough. Running is one of the more demanding tasks to perform because your body will tell you to hate it every step of the way. 

Writing. I did not begin to write because I wanted to become a writer. I tried everything in my power to avoid writing and starting a blog. But, when I did the math and looked at the future, I knew that I wanted to create something that would allow me complete and total freedom of movement. That was my biggest concern. 

And lo and behold, writing is incredible. I love the challenge of finding something new to write about every day. I would have never guessed that this was a hidden passion of mine. Being a writer also helps me at work when constructing passionate emails to the team. I also love creating my article covers; it is one of the better parts of my day. 

Nobody Owes You Anything

In the end, I would write the choices as “Finding your passion or becoming passionate.” It would be the difference between finding true love or loving someone you met in an arranged marriage. Which is the better route? 

I don’t have an answer for you, but I would say more situations arise that are out of your control. What job you pick or the person you marry may have to do with external circumstances. Keeping an open mind and remaining receptive to change are vital ingredients to being a happy, successful person. 

My advice as someone who has limited life choices for 22 years (military) is to be flexible. Life will throw you curveballs, but always try to see the positive in each scenario. You may meet people, learn something, or accomplish tasks that you never knew possible. Give it a chance, and don’t waste the moment dreaming about something better. Live in the moment and be thankful for everything that comes your way.

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Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor or money manager, and any knowledge is given as guidance and not direct actionable investment advice. I am an Amazon Affiliate. Please research any investment vehicles that are being considered. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it.  I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.


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