Buy Land, Start Farm

Part of my self-imposed mission statement is to provide money-making ideas to anyone who wants to listen. Some of these ideas will be more explored than others. I feel that the less explored ideas have the potential to become more financially fruitful than the others.

One of the ideas I discussed in “Become a Land Millionaire” was the idea of buying land and starting a farm. It is essential to state that a farm doesn’t have to be what you envision a farm to be. You can make a farm whatever you want it to be. There are so many ways to monetize a farm that I will probably make this a mini-series. 

First, we need to get the land. If you are looking to start a farm with crops, you may have to research soil, rocks, and drainage. Here is an article on details of finding farmland. You can also build your farm on top of wooden structures that can house your soil. This way, you can control the earth and everything else.

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Now that you have the land, you can decide how you want to monetize your farm. In the new social media environment, which I advocate daily, your farm can become trendy. I believe that people are slowly making their way back to the earth. Since the pandemic of 2020, the masses are now fantasizing about moving to land. 

The primary role of entrepreneurs is to solve people’s problems- at a profit. Since most people cannot move onto land right away, there is an opportunity to allow them to experience your farm. I own 3 acres of land in Florida, and even without a farm, people still love to visit and decompress- from the stressful city life. Imagine if I had some activities or attractions, they would come to visit every week. 

What are some activities or attractions that we can have on our farm? This question is what I asked myself, and I couldn’t come up with many answers. I decided to read a book that would guide me in the right direction. The book I read was “Dirt Rich,” and it gave me tons of ways that could assist with monetizing a farm. Let’s take a look at some of the ideas. 

Sell Crops. The first idea that people arrive at when talking about starting a farm. Your crops will vary by region but building a greenhouse may allow certain types of crops to thrive. You can sell your products to people, but a better idea is to focus on attractions- selling products as extra income.

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U-Pick-It, Garden. Even better than selling crops is to charge people to pick their crops. I know there is a U-Pick-It blueberry farm next to my house in Florida. My family went to a strawberry garden and paid around $10 per bucket. It is fun and a way to keep kids entertained. 

Raise Animals. You can raise animals for produce or meat. Raising milking cows is exciting but a lot of work. Goats also have milk. Cattle can provide your great beef. People would love to have milk, eggs, or meat from a farm that they know. 

Flower and Herb Garden. Similar to growing crops, you can grow flowers and herbs. Everyone loves herbs. You can charge visitors to pick flowers or herbs- these are easy to grow and don’t take up much space—a win-win for your garden. 

Host Events. Well, you have a massive farm on an enormous amount of land- time to rent it out. Everyone wants to be in nature nowadays- so this means that they want to host their business events, family reunions, parties, etc., on your land. This is big money; however, it will be a lot of guest maintenance- setting up and throughout the event. You will have to decide if it is something you can afford to do. 

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Petting Zoo. If you do have animals, you may have them make money for you. Kids love goats; this is a fact. You can even obtain some animals just for the petting zoo. Remember, the way to get parents to visit your farm is through offering kids activities and events. 

Those were just a few of the many ideas to start to monetize your farm. I will add some more ways in my next article. Now, I want to get into some of the social media aspects of running your farm.

Yes, social media is a must-have activity. You will need a Facebook page, a mailing list, perhaps a Facebook group, and a blog. You will want to have a defined sales funnel. If visiting your farm is your sales funnel’s final goal, then your media will be geared towards that. You can also build an online course about various parts of your farm. Online courses have a great return on investment so focusing on selling online courses may be more lucrative in the long run. 

If that is the case, the farm is in the middle of the sales funnel. You would want to create value at the farm, grow an audience, and maintain relationships. It all comes down to what is your final goal of the farm. Blogging about the farm is a great way to make additional income relating to farming, animals, gardening, etc. 

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A farm is a business. The good part is that you control the whole process. You are not mainly working for clients. You may decide not to open your farm to the public, but you can still connect with an audience via social media, books, blogs, and courses. 

How do you like the idea of buying land and starting a farm? What are some of the business aspects that intrigue you? I like the number of options that it presents. If you can keep your expenses low and leverage social media, I think it can be a very sustainable way to create a high-quality lifestyle. I will address even more ways to run a successful farm in future articles. Stay tuned. 

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Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor or money manager, and any knowledge is given as guidance and not direct actionable investment advice. I am an Amazon Affiliate. Please research any investment vehicles that are being considered. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it.  I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.


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