6 Traits of a Successful Entrepreneur

Most people have the dream of starting their own business and hitting it big. You may think of an idea that you KNOW will be successful in the marketplace. However, to get your product from point A to point Z will take many skills that you don’t possess. Or at least, you feel you don’t possess these skills.

As it stands, most people do have some sort of million-dollar idea at one point in their lives. The difference between them and a successful entrepreneur is that the entrepreneur put their dreams into motion. 

But what is it that makes the entrepreneur capable of doing what they do? Are they different than the rest of us? Can these skills be learned or are they hard-wired at birth?

I think that most people can become entrepreneurs. I think some people naturally have this talent, but for most people, these skills are learned. Yes, if you are anti-social, you are going to have a much harder time than an out-going person. However, in the world of the internet, even anti-social people can find success in the world of business.

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As I begin my own personal journey of entrepreneurship, I am learning what it takes to be successful in business. Many of the skills are similar to my current employment as a US Marine. The main difference in business is that I am the boss and the employee. My own motivation, determination, and daily drive are what keeps my business going. 

With that, I want to quickly review 6 traits that are vital to a new, or seasoned, entrepreneur. For some, these skills will have to be learned and will take a concentrated effort to bring forth. For others, they were born with the charisma for business. No matter who you are, you can still make it as an entrepreneur. With that, let’s get into the 6 traits of a successful entrepreneur.

People First. The most important part of being an entrepreneur are people. An entrepreneur is someone who solves other peoples’ problems for a profit. An entrepreneur is in the people business, plain and simple. You have to care about peoples’ issues. If you are not a people person and have no drive to be- then there are still some ways to become an entrepreneur. You can set yourself behind an online persona. However, you will still have to write books about solving problems or create websites for people who need assistance. These are just two examples of ways to remain behind an online persona as an entrepreneur. Overall, people are the life force of your business. They are your customers, clients, and audience. 

Have Blog, Will Travel

Learning Always. The days of finishing high school or college and stopping the learning process are over. To be an entrepreneur, you will always have to be learning. Whether it is the technical side of your business or learning to improve yourself, successful entrepreneurs are always cramming more information into their brains. This is because business is very fluid. You cannot stand still in business. The more you learn, the more value you can provide to others. You can read books and articles, take online courses, or attend seminars. And once you have learned enough, you will have to learn how to present this information to others.

Leadership. Leadership starts with leading yourself. Indeed, as an entrepreneur, you will have to lead yourself most days. No one is going to make you wake up early and write your article. No one is going to make you stay up late and publish your book. When it comes to taking notes, reading books, sending emails, gathering information, etc… You are the boss of yourself. Then, once you have done as much as you can do by yourself, you will hire employees. Your leadership is what will make or break your business. You are the driving force of your business and how you treat your employees will determine their morale and esprit de’ corps for your company. 

Organization Skills. Do you have a problem keeping your notes and plans in order. Take an organization course. Being organized is a must for an entrepreneur. You will have expenses to pay, money to transfer, courses to take, uploads to make, and so many other tasks to complete on a daily basis. Being able to take 15-30 minutes out of the day to create a solid plan, and stick to it, is a must for the entrepreneur. There are many tools that can be leveraged to assist you, however, you have to use them religiously to get the most out of them.

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Forward-Thinking. As I said earlier, the world of business is always changing. You must be prepared for constant change. If you meet a young adult and they are using a new social media platform, it is your job to review, or vet, the new platform. You cannot just say that you will not update your business. You will have to keep a foot in the present and a foot in the future. You could literally come in one day and everything has changed. Many businesses that didn’t build an online presence suffered during the pandemic of 2020. 

Long-Term Mindset. This means that you are looking at your customers as long term clients. You could make a quick sale and move on or you can continue to provide value over the lifetime of a customer. This will increase the lifetime sales with that client. Building a long-term mindset puts the customer first. The more value you provide, the more loyal your customers or audience will be to you. They will even become your biggest advocates and be a source of free advertising. Read the book “Superfans” for more on this approach to business. If you are trying to make money first, and have people second, it will show. You will lose more customers than you find. Creating a reputation of a value-provider is more important than making the fast dollar. 

The world of business is vastly different than the world of employment. The employee has all the information that they need force-fed to them. Entrepreneurs seek information and have to make decisions based on this information. Entrepreneurship is not for everyone. 

There is no guarantee that you will earn income in your business. You have to try new things and see how they play in the real world. Based on the results you will need to pivot to new ideas or improve others. 

It is a world of intrigue and I am fascinated every day by how much information and innovation is out there. Each path that you take is multiple layers deep. You can spend years just learning how to be a successful entrepreneur but the best thing to do is to take the plunge on a small business, and get started today.

Do you have any interest in becoming an entrepreneur? Do you have some of these traits or will you have to take some time to improve on them? Does the world of business intrigue you? Let me know what you think in the comments below. Also, leave me a like if you would like to see more content like this. 

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Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor or money manager, and any knowledge is given as guidance and not direct actionable investment advice. I am an Amazon Affiliate. Please research any investment vehicles that are being considered. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it.  I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.


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