7 Pre-Steps to Starting a Blog

Type in “Start a Blog” in your Google search bar and see what pops up. You will find tons of articles with step-by-step guides on how to start a blog. They usually start with finding a web host and choosing a domain name. These are all technical steps on how to put a blog on the internet. Put after you do all of this successfully, you will be looking at a blank screen and asking yourself “where do I start”. Writing is the end of a process, not the start. You have to set the stage to become an outstanding writer. Blogging is about crafting a unique take on an idea. Your voice is what separates you from the pack, not necessarily your information. So how do you ensure that your voice is unique and one that people want to hear? You do your homework. It is hard to describe everything that you will learn when you start a blog. It is an amazing adventure and you will see the art of content creation, and content creators, in a whole new light. You won’t just be a content consumer, but you will be a content producer. 

Becoming a content producer is a HUGE shift in mindset. You will have to actively seek ideas for content to produce. But if you follow these steps, you will start to see content everywhere. I started out just like you, except I started with all the technical steps first. Then, after all of that,  I was staring at a blank screen. I was trying to pull ideas from my brain and convert them into usable content. This is the hardest way to build a stable of content. Once I started reading books and reading lots of articles, it got a lot easier. Once I started taking notes on what I was reading, my ideas quadrupled. Actually, I have a never-ending supply of content. So if you are seriously considering becoming a content creator, whether that is blogging or videos, I would start with these steps. Best of all, you can start these for free!

1) Make the time– Making the time for reading, writing, taking notes, blogging, and social media can be a challenge. Most of us want to start a blog because we want a home-based business. Most of us also have a lot going on at home including spouses, kids, pets, cleaning, cooking, and yard work. But if you want to be a serious blogger or content creator, I would recommend devoting at least 2 hours a day to the profession. You can split this time up throughout the day because there is a lot of different tasks involved with writing a blog. I truly enjoy everything that goes into blogging, so it is not hard for me to find the time. Before you actually open up your website, have a nice schedule set up for yourself.

2) Start Reading- Reading is where you will find most of your material. I recommend your first book should be “How to take Smart Notes” by Sonke Ahrens (here). This book is going to prepare your brain for consuming all the content you are bringing in. You’ll be surprised by how many different ideas you will come up with as you read different books and articles related to your blog. And then you will start to read other items that are off-topic but will become part of your content expertise. “How to take Smart Notes” really opened my mind to how certain memories and ideas, even from different topics, are all inter-connected. I have at least 200-250 ideas written down for my blog, and every day I write down at least 5 more. Most of my material was created after I read this book. It is a game-changer.

3) Start taking notes- Even if you have a food blog, you can still go a little deeper from time to time. It is okay to challenge your audience now and again. Questions like: Why is cooking your own dishes important? How does cooking build confidence? Is cooking important in a marriage? A little blog post like this from time to time will be a welcome addition to the normal recipes and will set you apart from other blogs. If you read the book I recommended above, you will start to have deep reflections on topics. You will start to read content and ask yourself questions and then merge ideas and concepts. It is actually incredible how it works. Notes are the lifeline to your blog. If you do this correctly, you should have 30-40 topics before you even open your website.

4) Start Writing– Now for the fun part. If you are not a good writer, that is okay. You need to practice, practice, practice. Even if you are a great writer you need to understand how your audience wants to consume your content. You won’t have an audience yet, but you can still write on Google Docs or Microsoft Word. You can then create a pdf and send it to family and friends. Keep writing as much as you can. I recommend the book “On Writing Well” by William Zinsser (here). You also need to practice writing when you don’t even feel like writing. Consider it as your own personal job. You need to be able to produce content. If you can get to the point where you have a good backlog of ideas and you can write anytime, you are setting yourself for success. I would recommend writing at least one article a day.

5) Start Social Media– Blogging is great on its own but you will also need to have a social media presence. You do not need to be all over the place, but at the very least start on your own Facebook page. Start by practicing liking other people’s posts and writing comments. Re-engage old friends and start messenger conversations. You will need them as you launch your blog, so start the conversations early (like 2-3 months out). This way you are not just contacting them once your blog is launched. Make sure you are being genuine. You don’t want to be fake. You are going to need a strong group of supporters for the first months of your blog. 

6) Start or join a group- You can do this one of two ways. You can join a Facebook Group that is similar to the topic of your blog, or you can create your own Facebook Group. If you join someone else’s group, you will have a bigger audience already pre-built. Make sure you join 2-4 months before your blog launches. Spend at least 15 minutes a day onside the group liking posts and writing comments. The admin of the group will be able to see your participation. When your blog launches, ask the admin if you can post a description and a link to your post. If you did your work, it will be fine. The harder route is to open your own group. When I was faced with these two choices, I decided to open my own group. My reasoning is that if I am going to spend this much time working inside a group, then it may as well be mine. Starting your own group is harder because you have to ensure the group is engaged, but in the long term, I would recommend this way.

7) Branding- Think about your branding. This is something that will be somewhat permanent and will be all over your social media. Do not rush this decision. Run the idea by friends and family. Check to see if the domain is available for purchase. You want to try to get this right. Work on a logo. Again, run it by as many people as you can. This will be your second identity for a long time, so take your time and choose something that you like and will be embraced by the masses. 

And one more bonus tip: prepare yourself to have an audience. You are writing to some of the most cynical people on Earth. You have to prove to them that you can read, write, and speak. They are watching your every move. You are putting yourself out there. This is the hardest part. You just have to do it. It gets so much easier over time. You will realize that most people do not have the guts to lay themselves out there. Once you take the leap, it is smooth sailing from there. So start preparing yourself before the website is launched. 

If everything went well, you have a schedule, a ton of ideas, a social media group, and you are mentally prepared. What could go wrong? If you take your time and do these steps you will be 100% more prepared than I was when I jumped into the fray. I have enjoyed every day of being a blogger. It is like being a Marine, but I am the boss of myself. It is challenging and rewarding, and when my kids see my content, they are proud. And in the end, that is all that matters. If you are seriously still considering starting a blog I recommend “How to Blog for Profit” by Ruth Soukup (here). 

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Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor or money manager, and any knowledge is given as guidance and not direct actionable investment advice. I am an Amazon Affiliate. Please research any investment vehicles that are being considered. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it.  I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.


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