It Feels Good to be in Control Of Our Finances

I was just talking to my wife Kris about how your New Years’ 2021 went last night. Then naturally we drifted to talking about the business of our household. We have been married for 15 years (in Feb 2021) and tend to weave in and out of business and leisure topics. This is how our conversation went.

Rental Income- We pulled in $400 from House that went into my M1 Finance investments. Next, we pulled in $150 from House that goes into my Charles Schwab portfolio. Room rental gave us $800 on January 1st. We will use this for cash flow throughout the house. On the 12th, Room Rental will give us $800 that will go into investments. 

Investment Income- I was calculating our dividends for December 2020 in preparation for my next “Mo’ Dividends Mo’ Problems” article, coming soon. Due to the end of the year, we got paid a ridiculous amount of dividends. In total, between all of our accounts, we received $200 from investments. It may not seem like a lot but think back to when you got your first job. I know that I made $4.25 an hour back in California in 1996. So that $200 was worth 47 hours of labor. It is always good to reflect on how far we have come.

Business Income- We did not have any money from the business but that is okay. My 1st book is doing extremely well. Even though I am giving it away for free, people are eating it up. I now have my next step on how to monetize this new traffic. I’ll share that at a later date. If I wanted, I could start monetizing by next weekend, but I am in no rush. I am in control. It feels so good to have produced an asset. It is the best feeling in the world (besides being married to my beautiful wife). 

Did you notice something? I haven’t even mentioned my $130,000 a year job. That is the benefit of diversifying our income. We are not 100% reliant on a paycheck. Relying on a paycheck is the riskiest of endeavors, even if it is from the government.

Employment Income- I will receive 2 pay raises on the 15th of January. $200 from the base pay cost of living increase. $200 from BAH (housing allowance) increase. Kris still makes 20/hr working from home, which is nice. 

None of this is to brag. It is to show you that it does work. Kris and I can look back at where we came from and feel so proud of where we are headed. We have so many new plans to increase our income in the future as well. Our relationship is better than ever. Amazing when you remove money stress from the equation. It is now time for you to decide. Do you want to only depend on employment income? Do you feel super secure only relying on your paycheck? No amount of words I put on paper will help you go in a new direction. It is 100% reliant on you. I will tell you one thing, if you stay reliant on a paycheck, chances are that your children will too. I want my kids to be work-optional. Is the American dream to work a stressful job in order to buy expensive toys like boats and cars? Or is it being able to tell your boss “I am retiring because I make enough money from other sources?” Only you can answer these questions.

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Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor or money manager, and any knowledge is given as guidance and not direct actionable investment advice. I am an Amazon Affiliate. Please research any investment vehicles that are being considered. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it.  I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.


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