The Magic of the Infinite Return

Most of us start out knowing one way to make money. This is our prime money generator, and for a lot of us, it is our earned income job. Eventually, as we mature and become wise in the world, we put the money from our job into investments. We will call this “building our money system.” We put our money into our money system (stock market) and hopefully get a 10% return. A 10% return is great, and will slowly get us to our financial goals. But what if I told you that you could get a return on your money so large that there isn’t even a number big enough to measure it? Would you believe me? Very well, I will show you the magic of the Infinite Return.

An Infinite Return is an asset that generates money for us but doesn’t have any of our money involved with it. The keyword is OUR money. For example, say your parents left you a paid-off house. You put $10,000 into it and put it up for rent. Once you received your $10,000 back, your house would be in an infinite return. Every single penny that you made after your initial $10,00 is pure profit. Now you would take your $10,000 and find another investment that you could put into an infinite return. That is why real estate produces so many millionaires. You get your initial money back and your asset continues to produce income., then you keep your money moving to more assets. It is like hiring an employee whose only job is to make you money. Real estate is not the only way to get assets into an infinite return. Let’s look at some other ways to create infinite-return assets and then it will show you how to remove yourself from the equation completely. This is called financial independence. 

Your mind– Your mind is the ultimate asset because it can produce an unlimited supply of infinite return assets. In order for your mind to become an infinite-asset-producing machine, it has to be trained to recognize these unique situations. Start by reading these 20 books (here). Yes, I am serious. Reading these books helped me visualize how powerful the infinite return is. Specifically, Robert Kiyosaki said it in one of his books. And ever since then, I have been fascinated with the idea. You need this education to be able to recognize these situations. 

Creativity– Most people think that you have to buy assets, but that is not always the case. What if you created an asset, from your mind, that would, in turn, generate infinite income? This is what creativity does for you. Every time I sit down to write a blog post, I have created an asset that is in an infinite return. The only thing that cost me is time. This is the same as writing books. The most important item to being creative is building an audience. This can also be done for very little if any, money. If you have built an audience, now all you have to do is produce great content. When it comes time to write a book, you will already have an audience to sell it to. Your audience helps keep your book in an infinite return. You can also do this with YouTube. You can create great content, for little or no money, as long as you have an audience. You can do this with songs, beats, etc… The possibilities are endless. Everyone should have some sort of creative income coming in. It is a great way to round out your income streams and it is low cost and low maintenance. The hardest part is keeping a steady stream of content coming. If you love what you do, this will be very easy. Read “How to Blog for Profit” (here) for more on making money from content creation. 

Real Estate– The number one way to create an infinite return in real estate is by renting rooms. Bar none. There is nothing else like it, at least none that is easily accessible for us common folk. You put a little money down ($100-$200) to ensure you have good furniture and bedding. Then you open the doors. By the end of month number one, you are in an infinite return. You are literally profiting all the money. There is no overhead, taxes, or maintenance issues. Pure profit. Then you couple that up with investing your profited money into your money system, and you are making loads of cash. Now you have an infinite amount of money-making 7-10% in the stock market. You can do the same thing with houses bought with VA loans or turn your car into a rental business for profit.

Business– Creating a business that can become an asset with an infinite return is beyond the scope of this post. However, we can make small wins that we can put into an infinite return. We can find small ways to make cash, that we then can invest into our money system. For example, let’s say we make a cake for $5 and sell it for $30. We will take the $5 initial investment and keep it to make another cake, and we can use the $25 profit and invest it. (Of course, we blog about the whole thing). So we again have pure profit invested into the money system. We can do this with anything we can make or build. Treat each item sold as a mini-business. Our goal isn’t to build a bigger business, it is to build a bigger money system.

Putting it all together– Now that we have a couple of investments in an infinite return, what is the final goal? As you can see, we have been using our infinite returns to build our money system. Once the money system gets big enough, it will start generating “actionable” money. From there we can use the returns from our money system to buy more investments. These investments would then eventually be put into an infinite return. In turn, they would continue to feed our money system. Everything is compounding on itself. We call this financial independence. Let’s look at a detailed example to help clarify the process.

Let’s say we have 2 rental rooms, a blog, a YouTube channel, and sell cakes every weekend. If we are bringing in $3,000 a month from all of these, it would take us around 11 years to get a total of $600,000. It would probably be faster, but we can go with this. In 11 years, our dividends would be producing roughly $2,000 a month. Now, in 4 months we can collect $8,000 of dividends to buy a car. We can rent this car out via Turo until we get our money back, then we can do it again. So our infinite return investments, produced a money system, that bought more infinite return investments, etc….

If you didn’t notice, once you have a big enough money system, you were no longer in the process. You were completely removed. So potentially, at the 11-year mark, you could retire. You are no longer needed for the generation of income. One of my favorite quotes is, “The Rich do not work for money.” You can now see why. They have money systems that produce assets that go into infinite returns. They are not needed to generate income (sometimes called “work”). This powerful revelation should impress upon you the need to get skilled in producing infinite return assets. 

The knowledge has now been passed onto you. This knowledge can make you incredibly rich, but only if you can harness it. You may have to start with an ugly version of it. Renting rooms and selling cakes, but eventually, your money system will become large enough to buy (or build) assets that will go into an infinite return. Once your initial seed money has been returned, flip it into another investment and let your money system get bigger. You will then move into bigger projects such as land and buildings, but the concept is the same. And remember, your kids need this knowledge as well. What if they had infinite assets at a young age, and the accompanying knowledge? How successful would they be? What could get in their way? I believe that nothing could get in their way. This is the Magic of the Infinite Return.

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Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor or money manager, and any knowledge is given as guidance and not direct actionable investment advice. I am an Amazon Affiliate. Please research any investment vehicles that are being considered. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it.  I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.


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