My Retirement 4-50 Update #3

My retirement 4-50 plan is our goal to be work-optional by age 50. It consists of 4 retirement income blocks. Retirement 4-50 is based on cash flow. My goal is to have a total of $6,000 a month cash flowing from each block (total $24,000). The blocks are retirement income, investment income, rental income, and residual business income. This is our 3rd month doing this (December 2020). Let’s see where we are.

Residual Work Income

Military Pension: This is my take-home retirement pay if I retire at 22 years, which is about 8 months away. Of course, I plan on going longer, in order to increase this amount.

Disability: This is my estimate based on my aging body when I retire.

TSP: This is my estimate, based on a 1% rate. I cannot start drawing this until 60 years old.

Social Security: This is Kris and mines combined social security payout.

Investment Income

High Yield Savings and Lending Club: The interest on savings accounts is in the toilet. 0.6%. Lending Club has about a 5% return right now.

Bonds: This is income from 30 years treasuries. 30 year yields are low as well, currently 1.675%

Stocks: This is where the bulk of our income will come from. I just started purchasing preferred shares, so hopefully, that gives me a higher yield. 

Real Estate: This is my Fundrise account. It is yielding about 4%. 

Rental Income

Rental Home : This is the Arizona home that we are renting out. We are renting it well under market value.

Rental Home : This is the Florida home that we are renting out. We are renting it well under market value.

Rental Room : This is a master suite we are renting.

Rental Room : This is a master suite we are renting.

Residual Business Income:

Blog: I currently average 5 viewers a day

Amazon Affiliate: I sold 0 items this month.

YouTube: I currently have 19 subscribers.

Facebook Group: I currently have 59 members.

Pinterest: I currently have 12 followers.

As you can see, we have a lot of work to do. Business Income is slowing coming along.  Stay tuned as we grind up to our retirement goals. Hopefully, you are planning your retirement as well. The earlier the better!

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Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor or money manager, and any knowledge is given as guidance and not direct actionable investment advice. I am an Amazon Affiliate. Please research any investment vehicles that are being considered. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it.  I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.


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