All I want for Christmas: Family + Income

Family is about love. Passive Income is about family. All of these ideas are linked together. Passive income gives us the capability to spend our time as we like. It is our financial independence that allows us to spend as much time with family as we can. Bringing the family together for the holidays is amazing! 

Passive income is the safety net that we need to have a relaxed world view. We know that we diversified our income enough that nothing can break us. We have a nice savings account, some rental properties, and a small business. These things give us the confidence to fight the “man”. 

Without passive income, we will not be able to create the lifestyle that we need. Sure we can have amazing things when we have a paycheck, but there is always a fear of “what if I get fired”. To truly enjoy our children and grandchildren, let’s learn what it takes to diversify our income. 

This generation has sent children out into the “real world” to find what is missing in their life. What’s missing is family. What are they going to learn from a high-stress environment and an over-priced real estate market? What are they out there looking for? I know I was sent out with $10 in my pocket in 1999. I do not even know what stressors I had to deal with because I could not fail. I had nowhere else to go. It was a pass or fail test, but with my life in the balance. Is that the situation I will toss my children into?

So let’s bring our kids back into the family. Let’s let them know that together we will succeed. Why not have our children get educated and come home to open a business together? Let’s give out children the greatest gift that we can give them, a reduced stress life. Life is always going to be stressful, but do we want our kids worried about their next paycheck?

Another bonus is that our kids will be more likely to start a family sooner with our assistance. Kris and I were not in a position to have loads of kids. But now we own two properties will 3 acres apiece, and we have a cash flow lifestyle. Bring on the grandkids. Ask yourself this question: Would you rather have your kid become a high-paid doctor living on his own, or a mechanic (living near you) with 3 rental properties to supplement his income. The doctor is sure to be stressed to the max, while the mechanic does what he enjoys and knows how to leverage passive income to lead a stress-reduced life. 

The choice is ours. If we truly want to have a huge family, with lots of grandkids, we have to educate ourselves. We cannot toss our children out and pray they: 1) finish college 2) get a high paying job 3) live near us 4) find a normal spouse 5) have kids at a reasonable age. Think how unrealistic this is. Look at how many things have to go right, just to be considered successful in today’s world. How about this one: 1) job + passive income 2) start a family. They only have to be successful in the eyes of the family. This is the power of our self-education. No longer will we be scared of money, therefore, our kids aren’t scared of money.

So what’s it going to be? Are we going to send our kids out to the world alone? Or are we going to learn the ways of passive income and build an amazing family experience? I used to worry about my kids’ futures. The world is a scary place. But one day I woke up and said “Why do I have to turn my kids over to the world alone? I will always have their back”. Then I stopped worrying. Now I am waiting for my grandkids, happily knowing that money will never be an issue again. You can join me in setting our kids free. Family is about love. Passive Income is about family. Therefore passive income = love. 

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Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor or money manager, and any knowledge is given as guidance and not direct actionable investment advice. I am an Amazon Affiliate. Please research any investment vehicles that are being considered. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it.  I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.


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