My Grandkids: Why I Will Never Work for Anyone Ever Again

I will never ask another adult for permission to see my grandkids. I will never ask to take two weeks’ leave in order to go visit my kids and their children. I will never feel the burden of having to go back to work after visiting family. Those days are over before they began. Besides my wife, my kids are more important to me than anything on earth. My job is to train and mold them into outstanding MEN that have a strong sense of family. The better they understand true family values, the better chance they have of meeting someone with those same values. 

In America, family values have fallen to the wayside. Yes, we do send Christmas gifts and see each other on other holidays. That is all fine and dandy. However, true family values beg for more than this. True family values ensure that everyone is equal. We all have different skills and talents that are useful to the world. When we work as a team the chances of our talents shining through are a lot higher. A family should always work as a team. ALWAYS. 

Your Job Will Not Make You Rich

Right now, my wife and I are in the process of building our team. My boys are 14 and 10. They are becoming men. It is vital that we instill these family values into our children. Kris and I will be there for our kids, every step of the way. I was raised with the mentality of “At 18 you are out of the house. You are a man!”. Sure. And guess what, I made it as a man. My parents are nowhere to be found. I figured this life out on my own. Then I met my wife, and we figured it out together. No one was there to tell us how to buy our first house or help us when our marriage got tough. But that’s okay. I can do better. My life is now dedicated to ensuring that we are a vital part of our kid’s life. But what does that mean?

Does that mean we are going to do everything for them? No way. It means that we: 1) Set the example 2) are involved 3) our partners. When it comes to most things in life, they can be solved with a business mindset. For example, when we buy our first homes, it is better to buy a home that can be rented out later. As much as we think that it will be our “forever home” chances are that it will not be. Advice like this is important to building relationships with our children. The same can be said about relationships. Our boys will meet girls. Our job is to accept ANYONE that they bring home, as well as ensure that they understand that they will become part of our family team. 

So You Think That You are Middle Class, huh? …Haha

This all leads to our grandchildren, and I’ll be brutally honest. I do not feel that the world is doing a great job of training our children to become great individuals. They become great employees, but they are not taught how to think critically. That is where we (Kris and I) come in. We want to be an important part of our grandkids’ upbringing. I have missed so much of my kids’ lives because I had to. I have no regrets. My family left me with nothing, so I am starting from scratch. My first job is to ensure that I am leaving my kids with assets. The most important asset is knowledge. Knowledge will allow them to have successful marriages, build businesses, and create assets. 

In order for Kris and I to spend unlimited time with our kids and grandkids, we will need to buy our freedom. That is what we are in the process of doing now. It is a very challenging road for sure. A road not taked by most. I have had to push my learning to the extreme. I have read 20 books in the last 3 months. I have had to learn how to write as well as create videos. I have learned about mortgages and closed-end funds and preferred shares. It is all part of the process of becoming my own boss. I am taking control of my own destiny. Kris is doing the same. She is learning how to lead people. She has 3 tenets she deals with almost daily. It is part of the process.

Stock Market Investing 101

These tough learning days mean something. We are learning how to create wealth from thin air. This will allow us to buy our freedom from the rat race. We will no longer ask permission to take leave. I will not be a grandparent that only sees their grandkids 2 weeks out of the year. That is not an option. My only option is to learn, think, and produce. The more assets I buy, investments I make, and the businesses I build, the more freedom I build for my family. I am not giving myself the option of failing. I will be what my parents weren’t. I will be there.

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Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor or money manager, and any knowledge is given as guidance and not direct actionable investment advice. I am an Amazon Affiliate. Please research any investment vehicles that are being considered. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it.  I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.


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