Marriage Year in Review: 2011

Story: 2011 was amazing. I finally was able to wrap up my time in Afghanistan. I was out of there in February. The Corps tried to get me home for the birth of our second child, but I missed it by 3 days. My wife had a natural birth, safely. When I returned I felt as if the world was brand new to me. Kris and I decided to spend the year traveling around the region. It was so much fun. We went to San Deigo, Las Vegas, Laughlin, Grand Canyon, and New Mexico. Later in the year, I had to go back to the field for a month, luckily it was still in Yuma. My Sister got married in New Mexico. That was amazing. All in all, a very exciting year. I loved spending time with my family!

Accomplishments: 1) Birth of our second child, Andrew  2) Completed deployment to Yuma

Travels: 1) San Diego, CA  2) Las Vegas and Laughlin, NV  3) Grand Canyon, AZ  4) Albuquerque, NM  5) Phoenix, AZ

Important Events: 1) Returning home from Afghanistan  2) Attended Sister’s wedding

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