Just say “I Love You”

I was watching a movie on Netflix yesterday and the title of this article struck me. The pair of individuals in the movie has some differences. She wanted a little space and he didn’t understand why. The part that struck me was that they just stared at their phones for over two weeks, neither of them calling the other. I was yelling at the tv screen “Just say you love Her/Him!” To me, it would be so easy to just put myself out there. Why be miserable when I could just cut to the chase.

But sometimes I forget that not everyone has been married for 15 years. There were many times that my wife and I would have a disagreement and we would go to work frustrated. I would just think about how right I was and how she needed to understand it my way. However, after about an hour or two, I would write to her, “I Love You”. And immediately, everything would de-escalate. She would write me back the same thing. It was like magic. It solves so many issues. This lets your partner know that your love for each other is stronger than this particular situation.

There is always going to be disagreement. That is life. Disagreements don’t mean that you have a poor relationship. It is how you solve the disagreements that make the relationship strong or weak. Most times, talking can solve the problem but other times the topic could be a little too personal. At the end of the day, pride is a killer. I remember sometimes it was so hard to type those little words, “I Love You”. I wanted her to type them first. But deep down, I knew I would never leave my wife. And if that is the case, why prolong a disagreement? Those words are so powerful, especially when you really don’t want to say them. They are an apology, an olive branch, and a bowl of comfort food all wrapped up into 3 words, “I Love You”.

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Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor or money manager, and any knowledge is given as guidance and not direct actionable investment advice. Please research any investment vehicles that are being considered. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it.  I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.


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