Your marriage should read like a picture book

I have recently started writing about each year of our marriage, individually. When I started to write about 2007, I thought that I wouldn’t have much material. Boy was I wrong. Even in (probably) the quietest year of our marriage, I had more material than I could have dreamed of. The pictures spoke for themselves. I started to get a little emotional when looking through the photos. So much love had flowed through these pictures. I realized that the events and moments we create together might be the most important keys to a having strong marriage.

Day to day life of a marriage can be tedious. We work hard, talk, raise kids, cook, and sleep. Looking back, those moments all blend together in a vast sea of days and weeks. It is up to us to make sure that we also create moments and events that go along with these standard days. These events, such as birthday parties, weekend trips, camping, travels, etc. are vital to a strong marriage. Not only do they allow us to grow together but also it shows our children that we never let the daily grind of life get us down.

As I looked through the 2007 pics, I could not remember one bad moment from this year. The funny part is that this is a year where I was in Okinawa unaccompanied for the whole year. I did not see any of the loneliness from those times portrayed in these pictures. I love documenting our life together because I want my kids to know, and truly grasp, who their parents were. I have no idea who my parents were when they got married. I don’t know how they lived or what they valued. The few pictures I do have of them, I cherish. It is important to know who your parents are. Kris and I have worked hard to not let work, parenting, stress, and overall life hinder us from being the people we envision ourselves to be.

It is up to us to create these events. No one will save us. No one is going to come in and make us create a party on a Friday night. If you look back at any month, say September, and you don’t remember doing anything memorable, create something amazing for October. Have a BBQ, cook a new recipe, go to an Italian restaurant, etc. This is how we show life that it will not break us. This is how we tell marriage that it will not separate us. This is how we show our kids what life is truly about. Life is truly about having special moments with your special people.

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