Marriage Year in Review: 2007

The Story: I didn’t remember anything particularly memorable about 2007 before I looked at the pictures. Once I started reviewing the pictures I realized what a pivotal year it was. I started the year still on my 2-year unaccompanied tour to Okinawa, Japan. Kris was still in San Diego with my mom and our 2-month-old son, Dan. I attended my first Cherry Blossom Festival in Japan early in the year. It was amazing. Kris and Dan were doing well in San Diego. Mom was teaching her the ends and outs of being an American.

My babies

In April, I finished attending my Career Course in professional military education. When all was said and done, I was named the honor graduate. This helped me achieve future promotions. In June, after 7 months away, I was able to return home to my family. This was a joyous time. Grandma was still alive at the time. This would be the last time I would see her. Kris and I had a great time while I was home. I also got to hang with some of my cousins as well. 


And then, somehow, Kris learned how to drive. I don’t know exactly how she learned how to drive, but she did. That is what I love about her so much, her determination. We decided to get her a used 2001 Ford Taurus for $3,800. Til this day, she is still an amazing driver. Grandma passed away this year but we go some last pictures of her. It is very important that we document these precious moments for our future generations. 

Kris’s first car

Meanwhile in Okinawa, I went on a 4-week mission to the Philippines. It was great because I got to do my Air Traffic Control mission in a foreign country. It was an excellent adventure.  The year ended on a high note as Kris came to visit me in Okinawa, Japan. We had an amazing time together. And best of all, once she let, I only had 4 months until I would be home for good! 

Kris in Okinawa, Japan

Major Accomplishments: 1) Honor graduate at E6 Staff Sergeant course 2) Kris learned how to drive 3) Deployment to the Philippines 

Travels: 1) Okinawa, Japan 2) The Philippines

Important Events: 1) 1-year anniversary 2) Dan 1 year birthday 3) Kris visit to Okinawa, Japan 4) Grandma passed away

My first cherry blossom festival
Honor graduate!
My love
Enjoying his time
Looking red hot, get it!
On leave in San Diego
Our family
True Millennial
Nice bath
Dan’s first ride
Nice iPod
The Marines didn’t allow us to smile back in the days
Kris’s first car
Having a drink
My people
Looking red hot, again!
Hold the pickles
Play time
Earning my pay
Perfect place for a nap
Precision Approach RADAR in the Philippines
Chillin’ in the Philippines
Kris in Okinawa
Having fun
Walking around Okinawa
We made a new friend
Dan first birthday, with family
1 years old
Grandpa, my uncle, and Mom

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Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor or money manager, and any knowledge is given as guidance and not direct actionable investment advice. Please research any investment vehicles that are being considered. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it.  I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.


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